Zlatý Orol Guest - House
Located in Helcmanovce, 31 km from Košice, Penzion Zlaty Orol features a children's playground and sun terrace. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar.
Penzion Zlaty Orol features free WiFi throughout the property.
You can play billiards at the guest house. Poprad is 49 km from Penzion Zlaty Orol, while Prešov is 33 km away. The nearest airport is Kosice Airport, 33 km from the property.
Request accommodation
We will prepare a tailor-made offer within 24 hours on weekdays from 8AM to 16PM.

Operation Times
Monday – Sunday | 00:00 – 24:00 |
Otváracie hodiny reštaurácie:
Pondelok - Piatok: 7:00 - 21:00 hod.
Sobota - Nedeľa: 9:00 - 21:00 hod.
Weather Forecast
Places Around
Ružín (dam)
The water reservoir lies not far away from Košice in a wonderful natural setting. The big V-shaped lake is a much sought after holiday resort and active relaxation next to water.
Šikľavá skala
A place you should enroll in your winter travel program. You can find a sloping rock near Spišská Nová Ves, between the villages of Matejovce nad Hornádom and Chrasť nad Hornádom.
Jasovská cave

The Jasovská cave is situated on the eastern edge of the Slovenský kras karst. Thanks to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Hájske vodopády

Magical waterfalls hidden in the forests of Hájská dolina (near the road between the villages Háj and Hačava) belong to the most beautiful natural creations in the Slovenský kras.
Zádielska tiesňava - narrow (Slovak karst)

The most popular and most visited place in the easternmost part of the Slovenský kras is the National Nature Reserve Zádielska tiesňava. Zádielska tiesňava always wins enquiries carried out among tourists when they are asked which of the Slovak valleys they consider the most romantic.
Údolie Manitou

Rodinný zábavno-zážitkový areál ÚDOLIE MANITOU sa nachádza v srdci prírody, pozdĺž Čermeľského potoka, len necelých 6 km od centra Košíc, ako súčasť rekreačnej oblasti Alpinka.
Zoological garden in Spišská Nová Ves

The ZOO of Spišská Nová Ves in the Eastern Slovakia is the youngest and smallest ZOO in Slovakia. It is located close to the National park Slovak Paradise (Slovenský raj) which is one of the top national parks of Slovakia.
Takmer posvätné miesto Rožňavčanov je zároveň obľúbeným cieľom všetkých turistov. Fascinujúci kruhovitý výhľad láka turistov už niekoľko desaťročí pri príležitosti organizovaných výstupov, ale aj individuálnych túr.
Sauna in forest

At the foot of the forest in Spišský Hrhov, in an old orchard with a view of Spiš Castle, there is a sauna original in its architecture and concept. It is accessible free of charge to anyone who reserves it for an undisturbed experience. Reservations are possible via the form. The sauna has an unconventional shape on the outside, but inside it is built according to traditional techniques. It is without electricity, heats with wood in the oven and cools with water from the stream. The only stimuli from the surroundings are the starry sky and the sounds of the forest.
Alex Park

One of the largest children's indoor parks in Slovakia.
Granárium - vínna sýpka s pivnicou

Panská sýpka s vínnou pivnicou ponúka ubytovanie v netradičných priestoroch bývalej sýpky. Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi. V našom objekte nájdete aj rozprávkovú kanceláriu Slimáčika Kraska.
The Spiš Shepherd’s Hut
We offer accommodation and traditional meals – we also organise events such as – Shrove Carnival Pig Slaughter, Goulash Festival Branisko, Spiš Folklore Festival, Master Piroh (pasty). Come and enjoy a weekend’s stay at The Shepherd’s Hut!
Ferdinand Pension & Restaurant

Ferdinand Penzion offers a restaurant serving Slovak and international dishes in the centre of Moldava nad Bodvou. During summer, guests can also dine outside. Free WiFi is provided in all rooms.
Hotel Bankov - Lujza Restaurant

Unikátna Lujza Restaurant je situovaná v najstaršom hoteli Slovenska z roku 1869 v tichom prostredí košického lesoparku.
Slamený dom - Restaurant & Hotel ****

The Slamený dom hotel*** located in a pleasant milieu of Malá Ida village near Košice, offers firstclass services to both domestic and foreign guests arriving to the near airport in Košice - Barca.
Restaurant & Pension Baránok ***

Located next to the Kosice Forest Park, this family-run guest house is 1.5 km away from the centre. Furnished in rustic style and situated in the attic, the en-suite rooms are air-conditioned. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the Baranok Penzion.
Restaurant & Pension Vyšná
Penzión leží uprostred obce Smižany, v blízkosti Slovenského raja, možnosti pešej turistiky.
Granárium - vínna sýpka s pivnicou

Panská sýpka s vínnou pivnicou ponúka ubytovanie v netradičných priestoroch bývalej sýpky. Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi. V našom objekte nájdete aj rozprávkovú kanceláriu Slimáčika Kraska.
Krčma Letná

Krčma Letná má so skutočnou krčmou spoločný asi iba názov. V skutočnosti ide o modernú zrekonštruovanú reštauráciu, ktorá je fascinujúcim dizajnérskym skvostom.
Hotel Plejsy

Just 50 m from the slopes of the Plejsy Ski Centre, Hotel Plejsy in Krompachy is located in the heart of the Spiš region and offers you a spa and sports centre and a restaurant serving Slovak specialities.
Hanka Guest - House

Penzión Hanka Krompachy is a private accommodation is located on the outskirts of the town, 450 m from the lifts of the Plejsy Ski Resort and offers you ski-to-door access and modern rooms and apartments with flat-screen TV and free WiFi.
Údolie Manitou

Rodinný zábavno-zážitkový areál ÚDOLIE MANITOU sa nachádza v srdci prírody, pozdĺž Čermeľského potoka, len necelých 6 km od centra Košíc, ako súčasť rekreačnej oblasti Alpinka.
Ferdinand Pension & Restaurant

Ferdinand Penzion offers a restaurant serving Slovak and international dishes in the centre of Moldava nad Bodvou. During summer, guests can also dine outside. Free WiFi is provided in all rooms.
Slamený dom - Restaurant & Hotel ****

The Slamený dom hotel*** located in a pleasant milieu of Malá Ida village near Košice, offers firstclass services to both domestic and foreign guests arriving to the near airport in Košice - Barca.
Restaurant & Pension Baránok ***

Located next to the Kosice Forest Park, this family-run guest house is 1.5 km away from the centre. Furnished in rustic style and situated in the attic, the en-suite rooms are air-conditioned. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the Baranok Penzion.
Restaurant & Pension Vyšná
Penzión leží uprostred obce Smižany, v blízkosti Slovenského raja, možnosti pešej turistiky.
Granárium - vínna sýpka s pivnicou

Panská sýpka s vínnou pivnicou ponúka ubytovanie v netradičných priestoroch bývalej sýpky. Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi. V našom objekte nájdete aj rozprávkovú kanceláriu Slimáčika Kraska.
Spa Štós
The climatic Štós Spa, which was established in 1883, is located in the picturesque part of southeastern Slovakia and surrounded by breathtaking natural scenery full of fir and pine trees on the boundary of Spišské rudohorie mountain range and the Slovak Karst.
Paintball Dúbrava
Areály Paintball Dúbravka je nové paintballové ihrisko na Spiši, kde sa môžete vyblázniť a zažiť plno adrenalínu. Ihrisko má zatiaľ cca 140 prekážok, 5 bunkrov a 1 most, ale počet stále narastá a rozlohu cca 7500 m2. Ideálny počet hráčov je 8 – 12.
Sauna in forest

At the foot of the forest in Spišský Hrhov, in an old orchard with a view of Spiš Castle, there is a sauna original in its architecture and concept. It is accessible free of charge to anyone who reserves it for an undisturbed experience. Reservations are possible via the form. The sauna has an unconventional shape on the outside, but inside it is built according to traditional techniques. It is without electricity, heats with wood in the oven and cools with water from the stream. The only stimuli from the surroundings are the starry sky and the sounds of the forest.
COMPACT Skydive & Flying

POŽIČOVŇA OBLOHY | COMPACT Skydive zabezpečuje komplexné služby v oblasti športového a rekreačného parašutizmu. (Zdroj: www.compact.sk)
Golf Club Red Fox Malá Ida

Nové deväťjamkové ihrisko v Malej Ide pri Košiciach má rozlohu 30 hektárov. Ihrisko v nádhernej prírodnej scenérii charakterizujú široké ferveje, veľké gríny s variabilným rozmiestnením jamiek, pričom je spestrené vodnými plochami a ramenami potoka.
Vodné športy na Hornáde
Splavujeme.sk ponúka splavy a kurzy vhodné pre začiatočníkov, celé rodiny s deťmi, ale aj pre pokročilých vodákov. V Košiciach na Aničke prebiehajú kurzy kanoistiky a v tesnej blízkosti Košíc rafting a splavovanie Hornádu.
Rímskokatolícky kostol v Gelnici

Rímskokatolícky kostol v Gelnici patrí k najstarším staviteľským pamiatkam mesta. Je dominantou mesta jednak svojou polohou na úpätí svahu v historickom jadre mesta a jednak svojou veľkosťou, tvarom a výrazom. Je to gotická stavba a pochádza zo 14. storočia.
Holy Spirit Church - Žehra

The Spiš community of Žehra is known for its precious local Roman-Catholic Holy Spirit church (Kostol Ducha Svätého) that is, along with other monuments around the Spiš Castle, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Abbey jasov

The current appearance of the monastery is the work of Austrian artists Franz Anton Pilgram, sculptor Johann Anton Krauss and painter Johann Lucas Kracker. The monastery complex is the largest late Baroque complex in Slovakia and is one of the national cultural monuments. Its construction dates back to the years 1746 - 1766. The Premonstratensian order has lived here with breaks for more than 800 years. As part of the tour, the visitor can see the beautiful Abbey Church of St. John the Baptist, the representative premises of the monastery and the French park.
Žehra Hodkovce Manor House
Spiš – to je klenotnica mnohých kultúrnych, historických ale i prírodných pamätihodností Slovenska. Okrem známych pamiatok UNESCO akými sú Spišský hrad, Kostolík sv. Ducha v Žehre či Spišská Kapitula môže návštevník zavítať aj do Kaštieľa Hodkovce, Žehra.
Markušovce Manor House

One of the stateliest buildings of eastern Slovakia is situated in the southern part of region Spiš. It is the manor house Markušovce.
The Spišský Castle
In the eastern horizon of Spišské Podhradie towers the Spiš Castle. As a National Cultural Monument, Spiš Castle with its area of more than four ha, and partially in ruins, is one of the largest castle compounds in Central Europe. Spiš Castle was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1993.
St Martin’s Cathedral – Spišská Kapitula

The most important building of Spišská Kapitula, which was along with other monuments in environs of the Spiš Castle inscribed in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage, is the Late-Romanesque St Martins Cathedral.
The Turniansky Castle

The head of the Turňa county resided originally at the Turniansky hrad Castle, ruins of which stand on top of the conspicuous cone-shaped hill west of Košice in the east of Slovakia. Rare flora grows on its limestone slope including the local endemit Onosma tornensis, which can not be found anywhere else in the world.
Brežany - Greek Catholic wooden church of St Lucas the Evangelist

The Greek Catholic wooden church of St Lucas the Evangelist from 1727. It consists of three parts and its architecture is atypical. This log structure bears traits of the Gothic Roman Catholic architecture. The independent tower standing apart from the nave is typical. The church is located in the historic cemetery. It is one of the oldest wooden churches in Slovakia. The main altar from 1782 is in the Baroque style. Iconostas of this church is even older (1733).
Spiš Theatre

Spišské divadlo je divadlom s vyše 40-ročnou históriou, ktoré pod týmto názvom pôsobí od roku 1992 v budove Reduty, ktorú v roku 1902 pre spoločnosť Imre Halmaiho Straussa postavil staviteľ Kálman Gezster. Jediné na Slovensku pôsobí ako zájazdové divadlo s prioritnou orientáciou na deti a mládež.
Events Around
Zažite dychberúci koncert filmovej hudby priamo v centre Levoče: v hlavných úlohách pianista Peter Zbranek a huslistka Victoria Linnen (Kongresová sála). Zároveň Vás pozývame na divadelné predstavenie George Orwell – Zvieracia farma: Keď vládnu svine (Divadelná sála)
Majáles - Smižany 2025

Ďalší ročník Majálesu Smižany bude 23. - 24. mája 2024. Viac info už čoskoro 🙂