Ubytovanie Bonita

Tento dovolenkový dom sa nachádza v Štúrove, 600 metrov od termálneho kúpaliska Vadaš Thermal Štúrovo. Hostia môžu využiť terasu s grilom. Priamo na mieste je k dispozícii bezplatné súkromné parkovisko.
Ubytovanie Némethová ponúka klimatizáciu v 2 izbách, satelitnú TV s plochou obrazovkou, dobre vybavenú kuchyňu s mikrovlnnou rúrou, chladničkou, varnou doskou, rýchlovarnou kanvicou a súkromnú kúpeľňu so sprchovacím kútom.
Súčasťou jednotky je aj súkromná kúpeľňa s vaňou alebo sprchovacím kútom.
We will prepare a tailor-made offer within 24 hours on weekdays from 8AM to 16PM.
The most famous tourist-marked viewpoint, simply called "Rocks", offers a beautiful view of the confluence of the Hron and the Danube, the town of Štúrovo, the Márie Valérie Bridge, and especially Esztergom with its majestic Classicist basilica representing the third largest church in Europe.
Takzvané Parížske močiare, najväčšie súvislé trstinové močiare na celom Slovensku, sa rozkladajú medzi obcami Gbelce a Nová Vieska v okrese Nové Zámky. Močiare predstavujú jednu z posledných pôvodných, a zároveň jednu najhodnotnejších lokalít vodného vtáctva u nás. Hniezdi tu viac ako 170 druhov vtákov, z ktorých niektoré sa nevyskytujú nikde inde na Slovensku.
The Vadaš Thermal Relaxation Resort is located in the town of Štúrovo near the Slovak-Hungarian border. It is especially in summer that the centre becomes an ideal place for entertainment and relaxation where a number of sports facilities and other amenities are available. resort boasts a large pool called the "Lagoon" that includes artificial waves and whose shape resembles a sea bay.
The most recently reconstructed bridge connects Slovakia and Hungary. It was reconstructed after 57 years´ time which was not very positive in terms of friendship of these two states.
The Július Barta City Gallery is housed in the building of the former Great Municipal Inn. According to locals, it is the most beautiful and most exposed place in the city, because it is located from the centuries-old plane trees right in the pedestrian zone.
The village of Bíňa in the south-east of Slovakia is one of the most important archaeological sites in Slovakia.
Ak ste milovníkmi architektúry, vzácnych historických stavieb či sakrálnych pamiatok, rozhodne by ste nemali vynechať obec Bíňa. Práve tu stojí románska rotunda s maľbami zo začiatku 12. storočia.
A valuable technical monument – the steam repumping station exists between the communes Patince and Virt, not far away from the mouth of the river Stará Žitava in the south of Slovakia close to the Slovak-Hungarian frontier.