Apartman Levandula

Apartment, Villa

Apartmány Levandula sa nachádzajú vo Veľkom Mederi, 1,3 km od termálneho kúpaliska Thermal Corvinus Veľký Meder. Ponúkajú bezplatné Wi-Fi pripojenie na internet.

Vo všetkých ubytovacích jednotkách máte k dispozícii TV s plochou obrazovkou, súkromnú kúpeľňu s vaňou alebo sprchovacím kútom a kompletne vybavenú kuchyňu s mikrovlnnou rúrou. K vybaveniu patrí tiež hriankovač, chladnička a rýchlovarná kanvica.

Počas pobytu v apartmánoch môžete využívať aj gril.

Na mieste nechýba ani detské ihrisko a terasa.

Najbližšie letisko je letisko Bratislava, vzdialené 66 km od apartmánov.

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Weather Forecast

Light rain icon
Light rain
2°C/ 0°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 5m/s
Rain and snow icon
Rain and snow
4°C/ -1°CDay / Night
Fresh breeze, 9m/s
Clear sky icon
Clear sky
3°C/ -3°CDay / Night
Moderate breeze, 7m/s
Overcast clouds icon
Overcast clouds
1°C/ -4°CDay / Night
Moderate breeze, 7m/s
Clear sky icon
Clear sky
1°C/ -5°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 3m/s
Scattered clouds icon
Scattered clouds
1°C/ -6°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
Clear sky icon
Clear sky
2°C/ -6°CDay / Night
Moderate breeze, 6m/s

Places Around

Lake in Okoč

Lake in Okoč

Are you looking for a suitable place to relax in the summer and cool off on hot days? In that case, be sure to visit Lake Okoč, which is known for its pebble beach and clear water. The lake is open to the public free of charge.


Kukkonia, ako projekt trvalo udržateľného rozvoja regiónu V marci 2014 sme spustili implementáciu projektu trvalo udržateľného rozvoja regiónu s názvom Kukkonia a aj webový portál Kukkonia. Cieľom portálu je poskytnúť návštevníkom územia Kukkónie, ale aj miestnemu obyvateľstvu, čo možno najkomplexnejšie a najaktuálnejšie informácie o možnostiach a dianí v regióne. (zdroj: http://kukkonia.sk/sk/kukkonia-ako-projekt-trvalo-udrzatelneho-rozvoja-regionu)


Ručne vyrábané čokolády

Malkia Park - Big cats Rescue

Malkia Park - Big cats Rescue

Chcete spoznať šelmy z najtesnejšej blízkosti? Túto možnosť máte v zoologickej záhrade Malkia Park - Big Cats Rescue. Nájdete ju priamo v areáli známeho pretekárskeho okruhu Slovakia Ring v Orechovej Potôni.

Šulianske jazero

Šulianske jazero

In the quiet environment of the village Bodíky is the Lake Šulianske. This gravel pit is a popular recreational place especially during the hot summer days, when the primary locals are looking for a pleasant refreshment and relaxation.

Chili House

Chili House

Reštaurácia s ponukou hamburgerov


Sme rodinná reštaurácia na taliansky spôsob. Chceme vás sprevádzať pri všetkých vašich rodinných momentoch. Moment...už ste tu?

Pension Nostalgia

Pension Nostalgia

Rozhodli ste sa stráviť svoj voľný čas v blízkosti termálneho kúpaliska Thermal Corvinus? Tak potom Vás radi privítame v novootvorenom Nostalgia Penzione, ktorý sa nachádza necelých 500 m od tohto kúpaliska v meste Veľký Meder.

Penzión u Paxiho

Penzión u Paxiho

Celoročné ubytovacie zariadenie sa nachádza 500 m od termálneho kúpaliska vo Veľkom Mederi.

Pension Judapa

Pension Judapa

Ak túžite po príjemnej dovolenke plnej krásnych zážitkov, relaxu ale aj zábavy, tak zavítajte k nám do Penziónu JUDAPA, vo Veľkom Mederi na Južnom Slovensku.

Penzión Mátyás

Mátyás Pension offers affordable accommodation in Veľký Meder. Our pension is located in pleasant and peaceful environment with all year-long operation, approximately 600 m from the Corvinus Thermal Spa. We offer our guests a restaurant with local cuisine, summer terrace with service, opportunity for barbecue on a fireplace, playground and garden.

Corvin Pension and Restaurant

Corvin Pension and Restaurant

Opened in May 2012, Corvin Pension and Restaurant features modern-style interiors, free Wi-Fi and a summer terrace with live entertainment evenings. Veľký Meder Shopping Centre can be reached in a 5-minute walk, while the Corvinus Thermal Spa is 500 m away.

Thermal Corvinus Veľký Meder

Kúpalisko THERMAL CORVINUS vo Veľkom Mederi na Slovensku, vzdialené 65 km od Bratislavy, sa nachádza na okraji mesta pri krásnom 100 hektárovom lesoparku.

Thermalpark Dunajská Streda

Thermalpark Dunajská Streda

Thermalpark Dunajská Streda je jedno z najobľúbenejších a najnavštevovanejších rekreačných stredísk južného Slovenska. V krásnom prostredí v srdci Žitného Ostrova ponúka kvalitné služby a dokonalý relax pre všetky vekové kategórie

Motorsport Racing

Motorsport Racing

Jazdenie na Formuly, Porsche, Mustangu na pretekárskej dráhe.

Slovakia Ring

SLOVAKIA RING is a professional and versatile motor sports complex and home of the first national racing circuit with homologation from Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA). (source: http://www.slovakiaring.sk/en/race-track/about-the-facility/)

Thermal Swimming Pool Komárno

The town of Komárno, which lies on the banks of the Danube on the border with Hungary, and its surroundings are full of historic monuments and attractions. The Komárno Thermal Swimming-pool lies in the centre of the town and is packed full of water attractions and opportunities for having fun and relaxing.

Žitnoostrovné Museum Dunajská Streda

Žitnoostrovné Museum Dunajská Streda

The Museum of Žitný ostrov in Dunajská Streda was founded in 1964. The Yellow Mansion House has been its residence since 1970. The Museum building is a cultural monument.

The boat mill in Kolárovo

The boat mill in Kolárovo

The boat mill in Kolárovo in the south-west of Slovakia is the last existing specimen of the floating mill and the only boat mill in Slovakia. The mill houses the Boat Miller's Museum.

Woden bridge in Kolárovo

Woden bridge in Kolárovo

The wooden bridge in Kolárovo is the longest bridge built all from wood in Europe.

Water mill near Dunajský Klátov

Water mill near Dunajský Klátov

Water mill near Dunajský Klátov in the lowland Podunajská nížina in the south-western Slovakia is one of few preserved water mills in Slovakia with the bottom mill race.

Pan Mill in Jahodná

Pan Mill in Jahodná

Pan mill in Jahodná, in the south-west of Slovakia, is one of the interesting wooden water mills on the river Malý Dunaj.

Water Edge-Runner Mill Tomasikovo

Water Edge-Runner Mill Tomasikovo

In the picturesque environment on the bank of the Little Danube near the village Tomášikovo, the charming Water Mill of Tomášikovo stands there since 1893. The mill was actively used until 1960. It is interesting that in 1940, a dynamo was installed in it and thanks to that it also worked on electric drive.

Pan Mill in Tomášikovo

Pan Mill in Tomášikovo

The pan mill in Tomášikovo in the south-west of Slovakia is one of few surviving water mills in Slovakia with bottom mill race. Today is the technical monument, which demonstrates the past milling activities in southern Slovakia.

Danube Museum in Komárno

Danube Museum in Komárno

Permanent expositions:  The main museum building, Komárno - History of Komárno and its surroundings from the prehistory to 1849  Museum and library building - museum`s picture gallery (18th - early 20th cent.) Zichy Palace, Komárno - Komárno 1849-1945, Prominent persons born in the town: Mór Jókai and Franz Lehár Bastion VI., Komárno - Roman Lapidarium  A peasant house in Martovce - Exposition of folk architecture and housing

The Courtyard of Europe in Komárno

The Courtyard of Europe is the name for the unique architectural work of the architects from the Atelier Europe in Komárno. The buildings in the new square with a surface of 6,500 m2 are stylistically designed and they represent historical architecture typical for particular parts of Europe.

The Fortress Komárno

The Fortress Komárno

The Fortress of Komárno, in the south of Slovakia, is the largest and the most important memorial of this kind in Slovakia. With its size and the degree of preservation it is unique in Europe. As a matter of fact there have been efforts to enlist it into the heritage of the UNESCO.