Penzión St. Martin sa nachádza v centre Spišskej Kapituly, zapísanej na zozname UNESCO a ponúka výhľad na Spišský hrad, záhradu, bar a reštauráciu na mieste. Jeho súčasťou je tiež úschovňa batožiny a slnečná terasa.
Každá izba je zariadená starožitným nábytkom a vybavená satelitnou TV.
V izbách penziónu je k dispozícii šatníková skriňa. Sú vybavené súkromnou kúpeľňou s bezplatnými toaletnými potrebami a niektoré jednotky majú priestor na posedenie.
Každý deň sa v hoteli podávajú raňajky formou bufetu.
V Spišskom Podhradí a jeho okolí sa môžete venovať rôznym aktivitám, ako je napríklad lyžovanie. Najbližšie letisko Poprad – Tatry je situované vo vzdialenosti 38 km.
Request accommodation
We will prepare a tailor-made offer within 24 hours on weekdays from 8AM to 16PM.
You can pay by these methods after confirm reservation.
The most important building of Spišská Kapitula, which was along with other monuments in environs of the Spiš Castle inscribed in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage, is the Late-Romanesque St Martins Cathedral.
We offer accommodation and traditional meals – we also organise events such as – Shrove Carnival Pig Slaughter, Goulash Festival Branisko, Spiš Folklore Festival, Master Piroh (pasty). Come and enjoy a weekend’s stay at The Shepherd’s Hut!
In the eastern horizon of Spišské Podhradie towers the Spiš Castle. As a National Cultural Monument, Spiš Castle with its area of more than four ha, and partially in ruins, is one of the largest castle compounds in Central Europe. Spiš Castle was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1993.
Spiš – to je klenotnica mnohých kultúrnych, historických ale i prírodných pamätihodností Slovenska. Okrem známych pamiatok UNESCO akými sú Spišský hrad, Kostolík sv. Ducha v Žehre či Spišská Kapitula môže návštevník zavítať aj do Kaštieľa Hodkovce, Žehra.
The Spiš community of Žehra is known for its precious local Roman-Catholic Holy Spirit church (Kostol Ducha Svätého) that is, along with other monuments around the Spiš Castle, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Stone bridge in Spišský Hrhov, in eastern Slovakia, is one of interesting historical and technical monuments, which still serve their purposes. It is one of few conserved historic bridges in region of Spiš.
Areály Paintball Dúbravka je nové paintballové ihrisko na Spiši, kde sa môžete vyblázniť a zažiť plno adrenalínu. Ihrisko má zatiaľ cca 140 prekážok, 5 bunkrov a 1 most, ale počet stále narastá a rozlohu cca 7500 m2. Ideálny počet hráčov je 8 – 12.
At the foot of the forest in Spišský Hrhov, in an old orchard with a view of Spiš Castle, there is a sauna original in its architecture and concept. It is accessible free of charge to anyone who reserves it for an undisturbed experience. Reservations are possible via the form. The sauna has an unconventional shape on the outside, but inside it is built according to traditional techniques. It is without electricity, heats with wood in the oven and cools with water from the stream. The only stimuli from the surroundings are the starry sky and the sounds of the forest.
A place you should enroll in your winter travel program. You can find a sloping rock near Spišská Nová Ves, between the villages of Matejovce nad Hornádom and Chrasť nad Hornádom.
Located in Levoča, Penzión Villa Fam has barbecue facilities and garden. Located around 17.7 km from Spis Castle, the guesthouse with free WiFi is also a 12-minute walk away from St. Jacobs Cathedral in Levoca. Townhall Levoca is 1 km away.
With barbecue facilities and a garden, Penzión Rodina features free WiFi and is set in Levoča, 18 km from Spis Castle.
A flat-screen TV with satellite channels and DVD player are available in some units.
Housed in a 14th-century building in Levoca's centre, this boutique hotel offers a unique view of Marianska Hora and the Basilica Minor, a pilgrimage site.
The exhibition is located at the square in the burgess house no. 20 whose facade catches one’s eye with the motive of a seashell. Life and work of Master Pavol of Levoča, one of the greatest late-Gothic masters, is presented.
Hotel Arkada is situated in a historical building from 14th century set directly on the main square Námestie Majstra Pavla in the centre of UNESCO-protected town of Levoča. The hotel offers rooms with square views or inner courtyard views.
Set in the scenic Spis region, Hotel U Leva, a restored medieval family hotel, is centrally located right on Levoca’s Main Square and offering landmark views.
The tower forms a part of the Basilica minor. The building borders basilica minor from the west, it has a prismatic shape and a neo-gothic octagonal superstructure from 1852-1858. Offers to the visitors a unique view of Levoča from 70 m height. Beautiful scenery of the historical square and the city of levoča ,the High and the Low Tatras ,Slovak Paradise and Marianska hora,the most famous pilgrim site in Slovakia,can be admired from the tower. Free entry after booking.
The Roman-Catholic St Jacob church is one of the most important sacral buildings in Slovakia. Its wooden main altar of St James is the tallest of its kind in the world.
Vodná nádrž Levoča má rozlohu 3 000 metrov štvorcových a kapacitu až 3 500 návštevníkov. Do zariadenia je umožnený celoročný prístup autom a zabezpečené je parkovanie na rozsiahlom stráženom parkovisku.
Spišské divadlo je divadlom s vyše 40-ročnou históriou, ktoré pod týmto názvom pôsobí od roku 1992 v budove Reduty, ktorú v roku 1902 pre spoločnosť Imre Halmaiho Straussa postavil staviteľ Kálman Gezster. Jediné na Slovensku pôsobí ako zájazdové divadlo s prioritnou orientáciou na deti a mládež.
The ZOO of Spišská Nová Ves in the Eastern Slovakia is the youngest and smallest ZOO in Slovakia. It is located close to the National park Slovak Paradise (Slovenský raj) which is one of the top national parks of Slovakia.
LaborARTorium - experiment galeria - zmenšíme Vás! Ku chameleónovi 15x » ku škrečkovi 17x » ku mravcovi 330x. V Spišskej Novej Vsi je novootvorená zážitková galéria pre deti a dospelých, ktorí sa radi zabavia. Chcete zažiť niečo nové? Príďte do LaborARTória a zmenšíme vás do akvária ku škrečkom, k mravcovi a chameleónovi, ktorý mení farby.
In the Branisko mountains, between the village of Lipovce and the settlement of Lačnov, there is a unique 2 km long canyon created by the Lačnov brook. This extremely attractive locality can be found on maps and in the literature under various names; it is most often referred to as the Lačnov Canyon, the Lačnovská Strait or the Lačnovský Stream Strait, but some also call it the Little Slovak Paradise.
The only accessible cave in the north-east of Slovakia is the cave Zlá Diera (Bad Hole) near the village Lipovce. Speleological (cave) guides are available for demanding visitors.
The basic route takes about 40 minutes. It is not demanding and suitable for children. Solid shoes and warm clothes are recommended (the temperature in the cave moves around 7 degrees of Celsius).
One of the most remarkable discoveries in Slovakia took place in the locality Myšia Hôrka in administrative territory of Spišský Štvrtok (district Poprad). Archaeologists dug out here the remains of a stone town from about 3,500 years ago.
In the Thermal Pool Vrbov you will find the right geothermal water, which is considered one of the best mineral waters in Central Europe containing important mineral substances for the human body.
Geothermal water, which the pools are filled by, springs from a depth of over 2000 m and contains minerals with beneficial effects on the musculoskeletal and respiratory system, nervous system, skin and cardiovascular system.
AGROTURISTIKA - možnosť zapojiť sa do chodu gazdovsta a chaty, starostlivosť o zvieratá, ich kŕmenie, čistenie koní, osedlanie koní, pomoc pri ustajnení koní, napájaní, vyhnojovaní, kosiť čerstvú trávu, jazda na traktore. Túto možnosť oceňujú rodičia s deťmi, ktoré tak majú možnosť naučiť sa veľa o zvieratách a prírode, ale aj dospelí milovníci prírody, alebo pod neustálym tlakom pracujúci manažéri.
JAZDA NA KONI je pre niektorých jedinečným zážitkom, atrakciou ale aj koníčkom, ktorému venujú celý svoj život. Pre tých čo sa chcú povoziť, naučiť sa jazdiť, starať sa o kone, objednať si celé stádo pre svoje podujatie, jazdiť na saniach, nočné jazdy, výlety po okolí a iné.
At the foot of the forest in Spišský Hrhov, in an old orchard with a view of Spiš Castle, there is a sauna original in its architecture and concept. It is accessible free of charge to anyone who reserves it for an undisturbed experience. Reservations are possible via the form. The sauna has an unconventional shape on the outside, but inside it is built according to traditional techniques. It is without electricity, heats with wood in the oven and cools with water from the stream. The only stimuli from the surroundings are the starry sky and the sounds of the forest.
A place you should enroll in your winter travel program. You can find a sloping rock near Spišská Nová Ves, between the villages of Matejovce nad Hornádom and Chrasť nad Hornádom.
The tower forms a part of the Basilica minor. The building borders basilica minor from the west, it has a prismatic shape and a neo-gothic octagonal superstructure from 1852-1858. Offers to the visitors a unique view of Levoča from 70 m height. Beautiful scenery of the historical square and the city of levoča ,the High and the Low Tatras ,Slovak Paradise and Marianska hora,the most famous pilgrim site in Slovakia,can be admired from the tower. Free entry after booking.
Vodná nádrž Levoča má rozlohu 3 000 metrov štvorcových a kapacitu až 3 500 návštevníkov. Do zariadenia je umožnený celoročný prístup autom a zabezpečené je parkovanie na rozsiahlom stráženom parkovisku.
The ZOO of Spišská Nová Ves in the Eastern Slovakia is the youngest and smallest ZOO in Slovakia. It is located close to the National park Slovak Paradise (Slovenský raj) which is one of the top national parks of Slovakia.
LaborARTorium - experiment galeria - zmenšíme Vás! Ku chameleónovi 15x » ku škrečkovi 17x » ku mravcovi 330x. V Spišskej Novej Vsi je novootvorená zážitková galéria pre deti a dospelých, ktorí sa radi zabavia. Chcete zažiť niečo nové? Príďte do LaborARTória a zmenšíme vás do akvária ku škrečkom, k mravcovi a chameleónovi, ktorý mení farby.
In the Branisko mountains, between the village of Lipovce and the settlement of Lačnov, there is a unique 2 km long canyon created by the Lačnov brook. This extremely attractive locality can be found on maps and in the literature under various names; it is most often referred to as the Lačnov Canyon, the Lačnovská Strait or the Lačnovský Stream Strait, but some also call it the Little Slovak Paradise.
The only accessible cave in the north-east of Slovakia is the cave Zlá Diera (Bad Hole) near the village Lipovce. Speleological (cave) guides are available for demanding visitors.
The basic route takes about 40 minutes. It is not demanding and suitable for children. Solid shoes and warm clothes are recommended (the temperature in the cave moves around 7 degrees of Celsius).
One of the most remarkable discoveries in Slovakia took place in the locality Myšia Hôrka in administrative territory of Spišský Štvrtok (district Poprad). Archaeologists dug out here the remains of a stone town from about 3,500 years ago.
We offer accommodation and traditional meals – we also organise events such as – Shrove Carnival Pig Slaughter, Goulash Festival Branisko, Spiš Folklore Festival, Master Piroh (pasty). Come and enjoy a weekend’s stay at The Shepherd’s Hut!
AGROTURISTIKA - možnosť zapojiť sa do chodu gazdovsta a chaty, starostlivosť o zvieratá, ich kŕmenie, čistenie koní, osedlanie koní, pomoc pri ustajnení koní, napájaní, vyhnojovaní, kosiť čerstvú trávu, jazda na traktore. Túto možnosť oceňujú rodičia s deťmi, ktoré tak majú možnosť naučiť sa veľa o zvieratách a prírode, ale aj dospelí milovníci prírody, alebo pod neustálym tlakom pracujúci manažéri.
JAZDA NA KONI je pre niektorých jedinečným zážitkom, atrakciou ale aj koníčkom, ktorému venujú celý svoj život. Pre tých čo sa chcú povoziť, naučiť sa jazdiť, starať sa o kone, objednať si celé stádo pre svoje podujatie, jazdiť na saniach, nočné jazdy, výlety po okolí a iné.
Located in Levoča, Penzión Villa Fam has barbecue facilities and garden. Located around 17.7 km from Spis Castle, the guesthouse with free WiFi is also a 12-minute walk away from St. Jacobs Cathedral in Levoca. Townhall Levoca is 1 km away.
With barbecue facilities and a garden, Penzión Rodina features free WiFi and is set in Levoča, 18 km from Spis Castle.
A flat-screen TV with satellite channels and DVD player are available in some units.
Housed in a 14th-century building in Levoca's centre, this boutique hotel offers a unique view of Marianska Hora and the Basilica Minor, a pilgrimage site.
Hotel Arkada is situated in a historical building from 14th century set directly on the main square Námestie Majstra Pavla in the centre of UNESCO-protected town of Levoča. The hotel offers rooms with square views or inner courtyard views.
Set in the scenic Spis region, Hotel U Leva, a restored medieval family hotel, is centrally located right on Levoca’s Main Square and offering landmark views.
Areály Paintball Dúbravka je nové paintballové ihrisko na Spiši, kde sa môžete vyblázniť a zažiť plno adrenalínu. Ihrisko má zatiaľ cca 140 prekážok, 5 bunkrov a 1 most, ale počet stále narastá a rozlohu cca 7500 m2. Ideálny počet hráčov je 8 – 12.
At the foot of the forest in Spišský Hrhov, in an old orchard with a view of Spiš Castle, there is a sauna original in its architecture and concept. It is accessible free of charge to anyone who reserves it for an undisturbed experience. Reservations are possible via the form. The sauna has an unconventional shape on the outside, but inside it is built according to traditional techniques. It is without electricity, heats with wood in the oven and cools with water from the stream. The only stimuli from the surroundings are the starry sky and the sounds of the forest.
In the Thermal Pool Vrbov you will find the right geothermal water, which is considered one of the best mineral waters in Central Europe containing important mineral substances for the human body.
Geothermal water, which the pools are filled by, springs from a depth of over 2000 m and contains minerals with beneficial effects on the musculoskeletal and respiratory system, nervous system, skin and cardiovascular system.
The most important building of Spišská Kapitula, which was along with other monuments in environs of the Spiš Castle inscribed in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage, is the Late-Romanesque St Martins Cathedral.
In the eastern horizon of Spišské Podhradie towers the Spiš Castle. As a National Cultural Monument, Spiš Castle with its area of more than four ha, and partially in ruins, is one of the largest castle compounds in Central Europe. Spiš Castle was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1993.
Spiš – to je klenotnica mnohých kultúrnych, historických ale i prírodných pamätihodností Slovenska. Okrem známych pamiatok UNESCO akými sú Spišský hrad, Kostolík sv. Ducha v Žehre či Spišská Kapitula môže návštevník zavítať aj do Kaštieľa Hodkovce, Žehra.
The Spiš community of Žehra is known for its precious local Roman-Catholic Holy Spirit church (Kostol Ducha Svätého) that is, along with other monuments around the Spiš Castle, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Stone bridge in Spišský Hrhov, in eastern Slovakia, is one of interesting historical and technical monuments, which still serve their purposes. It is one of few conserved historic bridges in region of Spiš.
The exhibition is located at the square in the burgess house no. 20 whose facade catches one’s eye with the motive of a seashell. Life and work of Master Pavol of Levoča, one of the greatest late-Gothic masters, is presented.
The Roman-Catholic St Jacob church is one of the most important sacral buildings in Slovakia. Its wooden main altar of St James is the tallest of its kind in the world.
Spišské divadlo je divadlom s vyše 40-ročnou históriou, ktoré pod týmto názvom pôsobí od roku 1992 v budove Reduty, ktorú v roku 1902 pre spoločnosť Imre Halmaiho Straussa postavil staviteľ Kálman Gezster. Jediné na Slovensku pôsobí ako zájazdové divadlo s prioritnou orientáciou na deti a mládež.
Príďte si vychutnať jedinečný hudobný zážitok v nádhernom prostredí farského kostola. Očarujúci spev Maroša Banga Vás vtiahne do atmosféry lásky a harmónie. ❤️✨
Zažite dychberúci koncert filmovej hudby priamo v centre Levoče: v hlavných úlohách pianista Peter Zbranek a huslistka Victoria Linnen (Kongresová sála). Zároveň Vás pozývame na divadelné predstavenie George Orwell – Zvieracia farma: Keď vládnu svine (Divadelná sála)
Kedy: sobota 8. marca 2025 o 17:00
Kde: Mestské divadlo Levoča, Divadelná sála
Vstupné: 12 €, ZŤP 8 €
Lístky si budete môcť zakúpiť osobne v pokladni Informačnej kancelárie mesta Levoča, Nám. Majstra Pavla 58, Levoča, t.č. 053 451 3763.
Účinkujú: herci Divadla Zrakáč a členovia Činohry SND, Emília Vášáryová a Ján Gallovič
Pozývame vás stať sa súčasťou 5️⃣1️⃣. ročníka Spišských folklórnych slávností, ktoré sa budú konať 📆📍 21. – 22. júna 2025 na Podlesku pri obci Hrabušice!