AquaCity Mountain View ****
Part of the AquaCity Poprad Resort, the Hotel Mountain View offers rooms with balcony offering stunning views of High Tatra Mountains. Parking and internet access are available for free.
Hotel Aquacity Riverside is situated 1 km from the Poprad city centre and 150 m from the Aquacity Poprad Complex and offers a free single entrance to the Aquapark with the Aqua Packet, an on-site restaurant and free WiFi available in the entire property.
All units in the Aquacity Riverside Hotel come with a flat-screen TV with satellite channels, an electric kettle, a minibar and a safety deposit box. A bathroom features a shower and free toiletries. Free parking is possible on site.
Guest can enjoy a breakfast and dinner buffet served in the restaurant. The Aqua Packet includes a free single entrance (once a day) to 3 outdoor thermal pools, relaxing pools Blue Sapphire, thermal pools Blue Diamond, a 50 m long swimming pool and a 3D laser show. Guests also receive a discount for a sauna and the Vital World spa centre, the fitness centre and cryotherapy procedures at the Aquacity.
The Tatranska Lomnica and the Stary Smokovec Ski Areas are reachable within 16 km. The historical centre of Spisska Sobota can be found 500 m away and the town of Kezmarok is situated within 13 km from the property.
Free public parking is possible on site (reservation is not needed).
We will prepare a tailor-made offer within 24 hours on weekdays from 8AM to 16PM.
The oldest known inhabitant of Slovakia lived below the Tatras. more than 100 thousand years before. The evidence of his existence was found in the travertine monticule near Gánovce, the village situated below the Tatras. This also is the reason why it is called the Man of Gánovce.
Raz vidieť, je viac, ako stokrát počuť. Raz sa dotknúť, je viac, ako tisíckrát vidieť. Bližšie k divočine už nebudete...
It is one of the greatest arena in Slovakia (576 m2). There are UV bulbs installed to make better effect of gaming. Surely you can choose music to play during the game.
The oldest of our protected areas, the National Park of Tatras (TANAP) in the north of Slovakia, was founded in 1949. It covers the high-mountain area of the Tatras and it is the unique protected area of flora and fauna among the tallest European high mountains situated north of the Alps.
TrickLandia - galéria trick-artu a optických ilúzií.
Poliankovo - digitálna galéria a kaviareň je na ploche cca 500 m2, kde sa snažíme vytvoriť pekný vizuálny zážitok a pomocou moderných technológií priblížiť umenie všetkým ľuďom, ktorí nás navštívia.
ZVOZ od Sliezskeho domu na parkovisko nad Tatranskou Poliankou sa vykonáva v „pravidelných“ (zväčša polhodinových) intervaloch.
Interaktívna rodinná galéria vo Vysokých Tatrách, Dobrá Hračka, je miesto, kde na ploche 500 m2 nájdeš množstvo hier a atrakcií, naučíš sa dopravné predpisy, vyskúšaš si rôzne hračky. Aj náš obchodík je zameraný na netradičné hračky, vďaka ktorým sa deti aj dospelí dokážu hrať nielen zábavne, ale aj s rozumom. V Dobrej Hračke zastávame názor, že hračky, ktoré predávame vám vieme najlepšie priblížiť na základe osobnej skúsenosti a preto ich tu aj sami testujeme a hráme sa s nimi.
Are you thinking about what kind of walk to take with your children? The Pramenisko nature trail is a very good choice. It is an easy walk through the swamps with interesting scenery and educational boards that will enrich you with interesting information.
The place to enjoy and enjoy with your friends
At the foot of the forest in Spišský Hrhov, in an old orchard with a view of Spiš Castle, there is a sauna original in its architecture and concept. It is accessible free of charge to anyone who reserves it for an undisturbed experience. Reservations are possible via the form. The sauna has an unconventional shape on the outside, but inside it is built according to traditional techniques. It is without electricity, heats with wood in the oven and cools with water from the stream. The only stimuli from the surroundings are the starry sky and the sounds of the forest.
The "GOOD TIMES" pub is the place where everyone can find their taste of beer. Each day, up to 16 kinds of the best of the beer world are on display.
The place to enjoy and enjoy with your friends
AGROTURISTIKA - možnosť zapojiť sa do chodu gazdovsta a chaty, starostlivosť o zvieratá, ich kŕmenie, čistenie koní, osedlanie koní, pomoc pri ustajnení koní, napájaní, vyhnojovaní, kosiť čerstvú trávu, jazda na traktore. Túto možnosť oceňujú rodičia s deťmi, ktoré tak majú možnosť naučiť sa veľa o zvieratách a prírode, ale aj dospelí milovníci prírody, alebo pod neustálym tlakom pracujúci manažéri. JAZDA NA KONI je pre niektorých jedinečným zážitkom, atrakciou ale aj koníčkom, ktorému venujú celý svoj život. Pre tých čo sa chcú povoziť, naučiť sa jazdiť, starať sa o kone, objednať si celé stádo pre svoje podujatie, jazdiť na saniach, nočné jazdy, výlety po okolí a iné.
Slovenská tradícia v kuchyni. Meníme obyčajný obed na skvelé zážitky.
Penzión leží uprostred obce Smižany, v blízkosti Slovenského raja, možnosti pešej turistiky.
Ranč pod Ostrou skalou neďaleko Dobšinskej ľadovej jaskyne, to je pravý western.
Rodinný Hostinec Stará krčma je situovaný na juhu Slovenského raja v horskej obci Stratená. Láka najmä prekrásnou 160-ročnou budovou, ktorá má históriu aj dušu a prekrásnym okolím, ktoré si počas slnečných dní môžete vychutnávať aj zo štýlovej letnej terasy.
ŽDIAR is a typical Goral community situated between the mountains of the Belianske Tatry and Spišská Magura. It is a tourist centre and the starting point for trips to the mountains Belianske Tatry.
Reštaurácia Penziónu u Hanky v podhorskej obci Telgárt je jedným z mála miest, kde si dnes môžete pochutnať na domácom chlebe s domácim maslom a džemom, ktorý zapijete domácim mliekom alebo čajom pripraveným zo surovín z okolitých lúk a lesov.
Situated in Telgárt in the Banskobystrický kraj Region, 36 km from Tatranská Lomnica, Horehronská Kúria boasts a barbecue and views of the mountain. The guest house has a sun terrace and views of the garden, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant or a drink at the bar. Free private parking is available on site.
Part of the AquaCity Poprad Resort, the Hotel Mountain View offers rooms with balcony offering stunning views of High Tatra Mountains. Parking and internet access are available for free.
Arranged over two floors our hotel is part of AquaCity Poprad and has already won plaudits for its style, comfort and value for money as well as its ecological practices.
Penzión Darinka is situated in a quiet part of Poprad called Spišská Sobota. The Aquacity Poprad is reachable within 300 m and the city centre is located only 600 m away. Free WiFi is available.
Pension Aqualand is located in the centre of Poprad, 50 m from Aquacity Poprad, where you will get a 20% discount on the entrance fee. The staff speak English and private parking is available for free.
Penzión leží uprostred obce Smižany, v blízkosti Slovenského raja, možnosti pešej turistiky.
Rodinný Hostinec Stará krčma je situovaný na juhu Slovenského raja v horskej obci Stratená. Láka najmä prekrásnou 160-ročnou budovou, ktorá má históriu aj dušu a prekrásnym okolím, ktoré si počas slnečných dní môžete vychutnávať aj zo štýlovej letnej terasy.
Reštaurácia Penziónu u Hanky v podhorskej obci Telgárt je jedným z mála miest, kde si dnes môžete pochutnať na domácom chlebe s domácim maslom a džemom, ktorý zapijete domácim mliekom alebo čajom pripraveným zo surovín z okolitých lúk a lesov.
Situated in Telgárt in the Banskobystrický kraj Region, 36 km from Tatranská Lomnica, Horehronská Kúria boasts a barbecue and views of the mountain. The guest house has a sun terrace and views of the garden, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant or a drink at the bar. Free private parking is available on site.
AquaCity Poprad is a modern and eco-friendly tourist resort which is literally self-sufficient in terms of energy. Using geothermal water and solar energy on a daily basis prevents tonnes of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere. AquaCity manages to cut energy costs and return the savings back to customers in the form of affordable eco-friendly luxury.
Healing springs have been mentioned in the area of Gánovce as far back as 1549. A spa village was gradually built around them.
In the Thermal Pool Vrbov you will find the right geothermal water, which is considered one of the best mineral waters in Central Europe containing important mineral substances for the human body. Geothermal water, which the pools are filled by, springs from a depth of over 2000 m and contains minerals with beneficial effects on the musculoskeletal and respiratory system, nervous system, skin and cardiovascular system.
The unique alpine climate of the Vysoké Tatry and its beneficial effect on human organism was one of the main reasons to establish climatic spa in this mountain range, particularly in the settlement Nový Smokovec. MUDr. Nikolaus Szontágh, a physician who possessed some experience from the Alps, founded the spa and opened the first sanatorium in 1876.
The tradition of the sanatorium in Tatranská Polianka specializing in the treatment of respiratory system diseases dates back as early as the 19th century. Tatranská Polianka is located 1005 metres above sea level, in the forest zone in a slightly cold area. Due to dry air, a favourable sunlight ratio, lower air pressure, lower oxygen pressure and moderate day temperatures without major variations, the climate in the Tatras is perfect for patients with lung diseases.
Lučivná Climatic Spa is located amid a forest park in a scenic area below the Tatras.It is situated 816 metres above sea level. The facility specializes in providing spa treatment to children suffering from non-tuberculous diseases of the respiratory tract.
POŽIČOVŇA OBLOHY | COMPACT Skydive zabezpečuje komplexné služby v oblasti športového a rekreačného parašutizmu. (Zdroj:
At the foot of the forest in Spišský Hrhov, in an old orchard with a view of Spiš Castle, there is a sauna original in its architecture and concept. It is accessible free of charge to anyone who reserves it for an undisturbed experience. Reservations are possible via the form. The sauna has an unconventional shape on the outside, but inside it is built according to traditional techniques. It is without electricity, heats with wood in the oven and cools with water from the stream. The only stimuli from the surroundings are the starry sky and the sounds of the forest.
The Podtatranské múzeum Museum in Poprad is one of the oldest museums in Slovakia. It is located in a pseudo-Renaissance building built in 1886 and it will answer many of your questions concerning the history of the sub-Tatra region. The Museum was established by the Hungarian Carpathian Society in 1876.
In the very centre of the High Tatras, in the Tatra village of Starý Smokovec, you can find a renovated log cabin called Vila Alica—the new home of the private Museum of Tatra Cinematography and Photography as of June 2015. It takes visitors back in time to the Tatras’ past, a time when the pace of life wasn’t so fast and each tourist wasn’t always equipped with their own individual camera and video recorder. A past with an undisturbed pace, preserved by artists and amateurs alike who managed to record the surroundings in photos and videos.
Kompaktne a moderne upravená expozícia súkromného Ski múzea poskytuje návštevníkovi prehľad o vývoji jednotlivých zimných športov vo Vysokých Tatrách od ich počiatku až do roku 1945 na ploche cca 300 m2.
The museum makes visitors familiar with the Tatra nature, its protection, and the history of opening the Tatras to the public.
One of the best preserved Slovak wooden sacral buildings is the articled Evangelical Church of the Holy Trinity (Kostol sv. Tojice) in Kežmarok. In 2008, along with seven wooden churches of the Slovak part of Carpathian Mountain Area, it was included on the UNESCO Word Heritage List.
The dominant of the town Kežmarok is the Castle Kežmarský hrad that has entered the history of tourism in the High Tatras as the salient point of the first known tourist trip to this mountain range.
Pedal Planet is an exclusive collection of pedal cars, which is one of the largest in Europe.
Azda najkrajšia gotická stavba na Slovensku – Kaplnka Zápoľských sa nachádza v Spišskom Štvrtku, ležiacom na juhozápadnom okraji Levočských vrchov. Zanechal ju po sebe rod Zápoľských, jeden z významných šľachtických rodov Spiša.
The Encián Gallery located at an altitude of 1751 metres is the second highest in Europe and the highest location in Central Europe as well as in Slovakia.
The local part of Spišská Belá - Strážky in the east of Slovakia today represents a complete compound of cultural and historical monuments. The manor house in Strážky is a gem of the Renaissance architecture in Slovakia.
ŽDIAR is a typical Goral community situated between the mountains of the Belianske Tatry and Spišská Magura. It is a tourist centre and the starting point for trips to the mountains Belianske Tatry.
Pre „obyčajných návštevníkov“. Výstava ukazuje, ako sa dá v amatérskych podmienkach, s bežne dostupným vybavením a minimom špecializovanej výbavy docieliť slušný výsledok aj v takom náročnom žánri, ako je astrofotografia. Pre „fajnšmekrov“. „Obyčajní“ by toto nemali čítať. Cieľom výstavy je ukázať potenciálnym záujemcom o tento žáner, že sa netreba obávať výdavkov na techniku. Aj za málo peňazí, s výbavou, ktorú má každý fotograf doma, sa dajú dosiahnuť dobré výsledky. Chce to veľa štúdia, veľa pokusov a kopu prebdených nocí.
miesto konania:Valkyra - music club Poprad Rezervácie na t.č. 0917 829905
Medzinárodná predajná výstava akvaristiky a teraristiky. Široký výber vodných a suchozemských živočíchov. Príslušenstvo k chovu a veľa cenných rád... 🦎🐢🐟🪼🐚🐌🪰🦂🕷️🦗🐍🌿
18.2.2025 (utorok) HK Poprad - HC Slovan Bratislava o 17:00 hod. Cena vstupného: Tribúna A/B: 10,00 € Tribúna C: 8,00 €
Po 6 rokoch opäť zavítame s armyvýpredajom do Popradu!
Supa a Vec presťahujú na jeden večer Námestie slobody do vášho klubu. Nasajte atmosféru ich štvrte a možno aj celej spoločnosti roku 2024, tak ako ju zachytáva ich spoločný album. Okrem všetkých skladieb z neho, odohrajú aj svoje najväčšie solo bangre a kolabá z minulosti, predajú a podpíšu vám vinyly, ak bude treba.
23.2.2025 (nedeľa) HK Poprad - HC MONACObet Banská Bystrica o 16:00 hod. Cena vstupného: Tribúna A/B: 10,00 € Tribúna C: 8,00 €
V rámci spoločných koncertov DISSONANT WINTER sa Ceremony of Silence, Holotropic a Hecatoncheir stretnú aj v popradskej Koľaji 22, pod záštitou Koncertov na Garážach Poprad a doplní ich kapela Jób.
Pripravte sa na výnimočný večer plný vášne, tanca a erotiky! THE SCANDAL SHOW je unikátna divadelno-tanečná produkcia v štýle ladies night, ktorá mení pravidlá pánskeho revue. Táto vysokonákladová šou prináša dokonalé spojenie divadelných prvkov, dramatického scenára a živelnej zábavy, ktorá vás vtiahne do sveta chtíča, elegancie a neopísateľnej energie.