Slovak opal mines

Beautiful opal mines in eastern Slovakia are admired in the whole world and now the mines became a valuable technical monument.
A world-unique location of the oldest opal mines extends amidst the realm of Slánske vrchy mountains. The Dubnik mines are an internationally, historically, and culturally important area whose roots date back to pre-Roman times. Precious Slovak opal enchanted many monarchs, alchemists, and poets. Even today, it may also fascinate you.
Look into the depths of the earth and explore the world of precious opal.
A fascinating story of the treasure of the Slovak mountains begins at a place where history, stories and legends come together. A mysterious atmosphere of ancient times awaits you on the way underground. Working in the mine required a lot of effort, as evidenced by the kilometres of manually excavated corridors into extremely harsh andesite. During the tour, you will find out how our forefathers were looking for precious opal and what tools they used. You will get to know dozens of accompanying opal minerals and you will surely see opal veins. We will introduce you to the mining technique and its gradual development, and when you listen carefully, you will hear the sounds of the demanding work of miners.
We will lend you helmets and lamps free of charge before entering the mine. The mine is partially illuminated, but its own flashlights that enhance your experience. In the mine you may also enjoy total darkness in the 36-metre long corridor, where you can only orient yourself by touch.
Put on your helmet, let’s get started!
Monday – Sunday | 09:00 – 16:00 |
K prírodným zaujímavostiam, či neživým hračkám prírody, patria rozličné skalné útvary, ktoré sa v ľudskej fantázii prepájajú s magickými príbehmi a čarovnými schopnosťami. K takýmto miestam patrí aj Raslavkameň.
The favourite destination in the environs of Košice is undoubtedly Herľany. The special attraction of this former spa is the famous geyser of Herľany.
Na samom okraji zemplínskej obce Skrabské sa nachádza dávno opustený, spodnou vodou zaplavený lom, v ktorom sa v minulosti ťažili vápenité sliene.
The green pearl of eastern Slovakia – the water reservoir Veľká Domaša, built on the river Ondava, is situated in the mountains Ondavská vrchovina. Warm climate of the lake favours water sports and fishing.
Let´s have a look at Košice from the hight! You can have an experience of a panoramic view of the town from the nearby Hradová Watchtower. It rises on the top of the hill, where a medieval castle used to be located in the past. Access is very simple indeed. You can get there by public transport and a little walking.
The Košice Zoological Garden in eastern Slovakia's largest city is, in terms of the area that it covers, one of the largest zoos in Europe.
Parný rušeň Katka vás odvezie z centra mesta do malebnej prírody Alpinky.
Botanical garden of University of P. J. Šafárik in Košice – the eastern metropolis – is the largest in Slovakia.
Rodinný zábavno-zážitkový areál ÚDOLIE MANITOU sa nachádza v srdci prírody, pozdĺž Čermeľského potoka, len necelých 6 km od centra Košíc, ako súčasť rekreačnej oblasti Alpinka.
Located next to the Kosice Forest Park, this family-run guest house is 1.5 km away from the centre. Furnished in rustic style and situated in the attic, the en-suite rooms are air-conditioned. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the Baranok Penzion.
Krčma Letná má so skutočnou krčmou spoločný asi iba názov. V skutočnosti ide o modernú zrekonštruovanú reštauráciu, ktorá je fascinujúcim dizajnérskym skvostom.
Staromestská piváreň je typická česká krčmička v prekrásnom dome z 19. storočia, ktorá si vás získa pravou starosvetskou atmosférou. Tú dotvára predovšetkým veselá a komunikatívna obsluha a celodrevený interiér.
Legendami opradený hrad Camelot sa stal vzorom pre otvorenie našej reštaurácie s ojedinelou “hradnou” atmosférou. Všetko tu navodzuje doby dávno minulé, keď bolo na všetkého času viac a aj pokrmy voňali a chutili ináč.
Med Malina, to je poctivá stredoeurópska a zároveň tradičná ľudová kuchyňa v nádhernom vidieckom prostredí s folklórnymi prvkami.
Bamboo sushi & grill bar je prvou košickou reštauráciou špecializovanou na sushi. Reštaurácia má veľmi príjemný interiér, ktorý spája prvky ázijskej kultúry s európskym štýlom stolovania.
Kaviareň Schalkház je pripomienkou rovnomenného košického hotela, ktorý bol v rokoch 1873 až 1963 považovaný za skvost medzi hotelmi. Stretávala sa tu európska aristokracia, diplomati, ale aj cisári a králi z celého sveta. Tamojšia káva bola povestná a obradné vystupovanie čašníkov malo európsku úroveň. Duch hotela – a s ním aj milióny príbehov z vyššej spoločnosti – žije v kaviarni Schalkház dodnes.
Príbeh slávnej kaviarne pokračuje
Doprajte si poriadny kus kvalitného a precízne pripraveného mäsa na svetovej úrovni v štýlovom steak house priamo v centre Košíc.
Vega Heaven je prvá vegetariánska československá reštaurácia. Už od roku 1990 ponúka kvalitnú vegetariánsku a stravu, ktorá si získala záujem širokej verejnosti.
Located only 3 km from the centre of Presov, the modern Baroque-inspired style Hotel Polo offers a basketball court, free Wi-Fi and free private parking.
Hotel Enchanté is situated in Prešov on the main road from Bratislava to Košice. It offers free internet, a restaurant with international and Slovak dishes and a spa area. The hotel is approximately a 10-minute walk from the Main Street.
Located next to the Kosice Forest Park, this family-run guest house is 1.5 km away from the centre. Furnished in rustic style and situated in the attic, the en-suite rooms are air-conditioned. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the Baranok Penzion.
Rodinný zábavno-zážitkový areál ÚDOLIE MANITOU sa nachádza v srdci prírody, pozdĺž Čermeľského potoka, len necelých 6 km od centra Košíc, ako súčasť rekreačnej oblasti Alpinka.
Lanové centrum je športový areál, ktorý ponúka atraktívne programy pre skupiny aj jednotlivcov. Ide o komplex lanových prekážok, ktoré sú umiestnené vo výške 8 až 10 metrov nad zemou, ktoré účastníci prekonávajú po zaškolení inštruktorom. Súčasťou areálu je detská dráha Lanáčik, vonkajšia lezecká stena a tiež kaviareň s veľkou terasou a letný multifunkčný altánok. V areáli parku sú v súčasnosti umiestnené aj sochárske diela vytvorené umelcami počas sympózia “Práci česť”. ponúka splavy a kurzy vhodné pre začiatočníkov, celé rodiny s deťmi, ale aj pre pokročilých vodákov. V Košiciach na Aničke prebiehajú kurzy kanoistiky a v tesnej blízkosti Košíc rafting a splavovanie Hornádu.
Let balónom nad Košicami - zaručuje úplne iný pohľad na svet. Balón Vám sprostredkuje dobrodružstvo, romantiku, zážitok, vytvára priestor Vašej fantázii, a to v každom ročnom období.
Beautiful opal mines in eastern Slovakia are admired in the whole world and now the mines became a valuable technical monument.
The viaduct next to Hanušovce is a valuable technical monument and the longest railway bridge built in an arched form not only in Slovakia but also in central Europe. It is situated next to Hanušovce, the commune in eastern Slovakia.
The museum was established in 1975 as a museum of the Vranov nad Topľou district. Since 1976, it has been located at the Renaissance and Baroque manor house in Hanušovce nad Topľou, where it also administers another historical building, that of a Renaissance farm building at the neighbouring Renaissance manor house.
It is historically most important salt deposit in locality Solivar near Prešov in eastern Slovakia with number of preserved technical monuments connected with extraction of salt.
In the year 1831 a great revolt of peasants broke out in the east of Slovakia. To the honour of its victims a memorial was built on the hill Furča above the village of Haniska near Prešov.
Nová budova Divadla Jonáša Záborského bola otvorená 14. septembra 1990. Je to prvá špecializovaná budova divadla na Slovensku v histórii Československa s očakávaním, že Historická budova DJZ poslúži po rekonštrukcii divadlu aj prvému slovenskému divadelnému múzeu.
This former ruin has become a new landmark! The Water Tower, a unique technical monument, has been reconstructed and gives visitors a view over the main town in the Šariš region and the surrounding area.
The Šariš Gallery in Prešov is one of the oldest regional galleries in Slovakia. It has the status of the Prešov Self-governing Region regional gallery now.
The Regional Museum in Prešov was originally established as the Municipal Museum in 1945. Currently located at the historical Rákoczi’s Palace in the town centre. Currently, the museum houses exhibitions of regional character.
Museum’s exhibition is located in 500-year-old two-storey cellars below the town hall and presents especially bottled wines from all corners of the world, complemented by three-dimensional exhibits presenting wine-making technology as well as vine growing.
Požičajte si Mercedes a prejdite s ním celé Slovensko štýlovo. Vyberte sa na dobrodružstvá sám, s partnerom, priateľmi, alebo rodinou a podľa toho si vyberte typ vozidla, ktoré Vám najviac vyhovuje.