Prdimuch vampire´s room

The legend of the only Slovak vampire Prdimuch comes to life in his memorial room full of haunting traps and tasks.
The first Celtic room in our region "Celts in Horehronie", where visitors will find objects and tools that were discovered in this area during archaeological research, or a 3D model of the seat of the Celts - Hrádok.
Visitors will learn more about the historical events that took place in our region thanks to a chronological table that roughly dates the various historical periods that influenced the development of the settlement of this part of the middle and upper Pohronie. In the Celtic room, information boards with photographs and audiovisual recordings will tell the life of the Celts in Horehronie
Operation times unavailable.
The legend of the only Slovak vampire Prdimuch comes to life in his memorial room full of haunting traps and tasks.
On the southern end of the village Bystrá below the southern slope of the Low Tatras is the entrance to the Bystrianska jaskyňa cave, which consists of two: the Stará and Nová jaskyňa caves with a total length of more than 3,000 metres.
Gurdrón pits between the villages of Lopej and Predajná, not far from the better-known Podbrezová, arose as a remnant of heavy industry in the area of central Slovakia
On the Ajax farm, you will get to know the paradise of the Low Tatras, the natural air-saturated herb, the breeze in your hair and, at the same time, perfect active relaxation from your horse's back.
Are you a complete beginner or a freerider and downhiller? Whatever you expect, we will fulfill your dream of perfect downhill cycling. It doesn't matter how old you are! We have prepared tracks of varying difficulty for all ages.
Get to know the sounds of the forest and take the Tále nature trail, which is very different from the others. The Tále nature trail is proof of how to connect a walk through the forest with educational elements and entertain your children, thanks to modern technologies.
The important Bystrá dolina for tourists, across which the Bystrianka stream flows, hides many secrets. One of them is also a lesser-known, but even more idyllic natural swimming pool in the center of Tále.
Enjoy the ride on the historic train on one of the most beautiful railway lines from Brezno through Červená Skala and Telgárt to Dedinky. Get to know the unprecedented localities of Horehronie, unique railway technical monuments, the charm of the Royal Low Tatras or the charming scenery of the southern side of the Slovak Paradise. The atmosphere on the train will undoubtedly be guaranteed by an animation program that will entertain and teach.
Comfortably seated in the Zbojnícký express, you can enjoy a train ride along a unique historical track in the legendary bandit environment with the beautiful nature of the Devil's Valley.
Národný park Nízke Tatry (NAPANT) is the largest Slovak National Park. It lies in Central Slovakia and its greatest attractions include numerous karstic phenomena and caves.
Many tragic events are connected with the years of the World War II. One of the saddest ones happened near the village of Nemecká, central Slovakia and a reverence memorial was built for its victims there.
The Happy End music club offers top-quality entertainment in the centre of the Jasná Low Tatras resort – not only for skiers, snowboarders and visitors of Jasná, but for the whole Liptov region and Northern Slovakia.
TARZANIA is a rope park built of various rope obstacles, which are hung at a height on the trees. TARZANIA is intended for all those who want to enjoy an appropriate dose of adrenaline, a slight dose of physical exertion and, most importantly, a perfect experience. In the park you will find two routes of different difficulty for adults (height over 150 cm) and of course a route for small children. The average time to complete the most difficult route is 1.5 hours.
"Moderná slovenská reštaurácia, v ktorej zažijete nezabudnuteľné gurmánske dobrodružstvo."
The Happy End music club offers top-quality entertainment in the centre of the Jasná Low Tatras resort – not only for skiers, snowboarders and visitors of Jasná, but for the whole Liptov region and Northern Slovakia.
Donovalský pivovar sa zrodil v krásnych, no drsných horách stredného Slovenska. Jeho život sa začal našim odvážnym a pritom tak prostým odhodlaním: už od počiatku variť poctivé pivo. Náš unikátny pivovar okrem útulnej reštaurácie ponúka aj čerstvé pekárenské výrobky z vlastnej pekárne a útulnú kaviareň. Milovníkom hôr prinášame osobitú skupinu pív, z ktorej je každé jedno výnimočné.
V prekrásnom prostredí Národného parku Muránska planina v sedle Zbojská Vás víta malá reštaurácia Salaš Zbojská. Nájdete tu príjemné prostredie pri chutných tradičných jedlách a špecialitách z baraniny, ktoré Vám spestrí obsluha v krojoch, miestna ľudová hudba a milé zvieratká.
The 18-hole golf course Grey Bear is known because it is elegantly composed into the relief of the mountain valley of the Low Tatras. It is a popular resort in the surrounding of the Bystrianska dolina valley.
Are you a complete beginner or a freerider and downhiller? Whatever you expect, we will fulfill your dream of perfect downhill cycling. It doesn't matter how old you are! We have prepared tracks of varying difficulty for all ages.
In the quite atmosphere of the forested valley of the Brusnianka brook and below the majestic tops of mountains Nízke Tatry will one find the spa of Brusno.
Come and enjoy the breathtaking view of unspoiled nature in the embrace of the Veporské vrchy.
TARZANIA is a rope park built of various rope obstacles, which are hung at a height on the trees. TARZANIA is intended for all those who want to enjoy an appropriate dose of adrenaline, a slight dose of physical exertion and, most importantly, a perfect experience. In the park you will find two routes of different difficulty for adults (height over 150 cm) and of course a route for small children. The average time to complete the most difficult route is 1.5 hours.
Bungee trampolines are without doubt one of the most demanded attractions of amusement parks of recent years. They are a combination of an aluminium constructions, latex rubber and a very springy trampoline, all thought up by VIV Slovakia, s.r.o. Everything is driven by precisely tuned motors. There are 4 independent trampolines on each of which the jumper, secured in a special harness fastened to the X-jump part of the trampoline, can achieve heights of up to 7m and also forward and backwards moves thanks to the rubber which also maintain the balance of the jumper.
Discover Donovaly quickly, ecologically and comfortably from the seat of a modern e-scooter and enjoy a lot of fun on two wheels.
The rope centre is located in the forest bordering the main E77 road from Banská Bystrica and Ružomberok and with a length of more than 500m is one of the longest and largest rope centres in the whole of Slovakia.
The Donovaly Fun Arena adrenaline centre is expanding during the summer of 2017 with a unique novelty for Slovakia - a children's aqua experience-educational park with 9 attractions, which follow one another and form one whole experience.
The Horehronské Museum in Brezno was established in 1960 as a National history and geography museum of the Brezno District. The museum is situated in two historical buildings in the square in Brezno: in the old Town Hall (it houses theethnographic exposition) and in a burgess house (it houses the historical exposition).
Many tragic events are connected with the years of the World War II. One of the saddest ones happened near the village of Nemecká, central Slovakia and a reverence memorial was built for its victims there.
In the locality Tri vody near Osrblie stands the oldest blast furnace in the Kingdom of Hungary built in 1795.
One of greatest attractions in regions Horehronie and central Slovakia is the historic Čiernohronská forest railway (Čiernohronská lesná železnica). It once hauled timber down the picturesque valley of the river Čierny Hron, now it transports visitors and above all their children.
The Forest Open-Air Museum is a living museum in nature. There are currently 84 stops on the more than four-kilometer "Forest Time Trail", which will offer you many views of the forest's life-giving capabilities with many interesting exhibits and, above all, natural forest habitats. However, you will certainly be interested in live images from the history, present and future of forestry.
Mining house Vyšná Boca. Exposition of the traditional way of life and living of a mining family in a house with original original equipment.
The unique historical water main constructed in the 16th century brought water to the commune Špania dolina from as far as the mountain range Nízke Tatry.
One of the best preserved castles in Slovakia stands above the village Slovenská Ľupča at the foothills of the mountains Nízke Tatry.
The Slovak Ski Museum in Podkonice is a unique museum showcasing skis, some of them being more than 100 years old. Similar museums can only be found in the United States of America and in Finland, thus it is the third of its kind in the world.
We invite you to an unforgettable party in the heart of Jasná, at the popular club Happy End! You can look forward to great music with the best DJs, hits and party beats.
“Nothing makes a person more human than love for animals” - Henry Fielding. Zatúlané Psíky Šaľa ( take care of stray animals in Sala region, tirelessly looking for homes and making the time in the shelter more pleasant. Support their efforts..
“Nothing makes a person more human than love for animals” - Henry Fielding. Help fill the bowls and take care of the animals in animal shelter Sloboda zvierat ( ..
Support the shelter of the Animal Rescue Organisation Východoslovenské labky ( , which has been saving abandoned and unwanted animals in the east of Slovakia for years. “Nothing makes a person more human than love for animals” - Henry Fielding..