Villa Anna

Apartment, Villa, Pension

Stay in the cozy Château Villa ANNA, which is located near the pilgrimage site - the Basilica of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows in Šaštín.

The Art Nouveau-style Château Villa ANNA is located in the center of Šaštín-Stráže. It offers 3 double rooms and 2 apartments with private bathroom. You have free WiFi access and parking on site. You can use the common room, where breakfast is also served.

Each unit has a separate bathroom with toilet, and is equipped with an LED TV, DVD player and hairdryer. The kitchen is equipped with a fridge, a microwave and a stovetop, as well as a kettle. The apartments have a capacity of 2 to 6 people. An extra bed is possible in some rooms.

Services of the guest house also include laundry, ironing and bicycle rental.

Request accommodation

We will prepare a tailor-made offer within 24 hours on weekdays from 8AM to 16PM.

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Štúrova 1120908 41Šaštín-Stráže
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Clear sky
1°C/ -5°CDay / Night
Moderate breeze, 6m/s
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Overcast clouds
2°C/ -3°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 3m/s
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Broken clouds
2°C/ -4°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 4m/s
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Few clouds
2°C/ -4°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
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Clear sky
3°C/ -3°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 5m/s
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Clear sky
3°C/ -4°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 4m/s
Clear sky icon
Clear sky
5°C/ -2°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s

Places Around

Magic Ranch

Magic Ranch

Magic ranch Čáry (Lines) is a place where a lot of fun awaits you, where adults also experience how it is to be a child again. It's a place where dreams come true.

Lookout tower Lipky

Lookout tower Lipky

The Lipka lookout tower above the village of Unín is a perfect place for a pleasant family trip. If you long for peace, relaxation and a pleasant environment of the Záhorské forests, this trip is perfect for you.

Reservoir Buková

Reservoir Buková

Buková is a water reservoir in western Slovakia on the Hrudky stream. It is located in the Bukovská basin near the village of Buková in the central part of the Little Carpathians. The water reservoir is a majestic center of a nature reserve and it is no wonder that it is a popular and sought-after recreational place not only during the summer months.

Reservoir Rudava

Reservoir Rudava

Pleasant place for summer recreation is natural swimming pool Rudava. It is located near the village of Malé Leváre. The fact that it belongs among the well-known recreational areas is confirmed by its high number of both domestic and foreign visitors coming here every year.

Ovocinár Skalica

Sme malá rodinná firma založená v r. 2012, pestovaniu ovocia sa venujeme od r. 1994.

Driny cave

Driny cave

The Driny cave is the only cave open to public in the south-west of Slovakia. It is situated in the Malé Karpaty Mts. near the Smolenický zámok Castle.

The observation tower Žalostiná

The lovely reddish wooden observation tower with a carved roof decorates the hill Žalostiná. Its simple beauty fits into the picturesque scenery of mounds covered by woods, meadows and pastures. In the valley lie scattered houses. On the hill Žalostiná your soul will get filled with a sense of peace and harmony with the surrounding region. The howling wind reminds us of a mother’s lament for a lost daughter. It’s smoothening in its own way. The lament attracts predators lying in wait for their victims. Shall we be concerned over the fate of an endangered creature? The fate of the tiny observation tower on Žalostiná is in the hands of those who come to visit it. The tower does not have to worry about its future. It’s beautiful and people like beautiful things.

The observation tower Hrajky

At a sacred place near Turá Lúka stands the observation tower Hrajky. The silent atmosphere coming from the surrounding hills is seldom cut by the noise of cars driving on the near road. From the observation tower you can enjoy the silhouette of large hills. At the sunset, when the sky changes color into yellow and purple, the place becomes a quite place suitable for relaxation and meditation. Let yourself immerse into surrounding cornfields, rounded hills and small houses. Only noise from passing cars will disturb this harmonic moment of peace.

Holíčsky Pivovar Wywar

Dňa 30. júla 2014 sa v prihraničnom slovenskom meste Holíč otvoril nový pivovar, ktorý sa zaradil do novej vlny minipivovarov, rodiacich sa v posledných rokoch hojne v Českej, no konečne teraz aj v Slovenskej Republike.

Reštaurácia Jozef II

Vitajte na stránkach reštaurácie Jozef II. nová štýlová reštaurácia výborná kuchyňa domáce a zahraničné špeciality kvalitné domáce vínko vlastné pivo z minipivovaru príjemný personál

Restaurácia na Kopčanskej

Reštaurácia „Na Kopčanskej“ v Holíči má viac ako sto ročnú tradíciu. Vždy bola vedená ako rodinný podnik, ktorý mal v úcte svojich zákazníkov a snažil sa robiť všetko preto, aby sa zákazníci cítili v reštaurácii spokojní a radi sa tam vracali. My sme noví vlastníci, ktorí sa snažia nadviazať na túto tradíciu a dobré meno reštaurácie ešte viac presláviť.

Ovocinár Skalica

Sme malá rodinná firma založená v r. 2012, pestovaniu ovocia sa venujeme od r. 1994.

Skalická koliba

V príjemnom prostredí hôr ponúkame široký sortiment domácich a zahraničných odrodových vín. Chutné špeciality z diviny a rýb, no nechýbajú ani špeciality zo slovenskej kuchyne, vrátane pravých bryndzových halušiek. Na objednávku pripravíme menu podľa Vašich požiadaviek ako aj pečené prasiatko, jahňa, kurča.

FINE Restaurant & Apartments

Situated in the town of Malacky and the White Eurovalley Golf Park reachable within 3 km, Fine Restaurant & Apartments offers an air-conditioned accommodation and an a la carte restaurant. Free WiFi is available in all areas and free private parking is possible on site.

FINE Restaurant & Apartments

Situated in the town of Malacky and the White Eurovalley Golf Park reachable within 3 km, Fine Restaurant & Apartments offers an air-conditioned accommodation and an a la carte restaurant. Free WiFi is available in all areas and free private parking is possible on site.

Penati Golf Resort

Construction of our world-class resort project comprising two complexes – Golf Residence Senica and Penati Golf Resort – began in 2006. This unique resort composed of recreational cottages and family houses near two top-quality 18-hole golf courses – Legend Course and Heritage Course – is located near the town of Šajdíkove Humence, only a stone’s throw from the district seat, Senica.

Spa Smrdáky

The spa Smrdáky lying next Senica in the west of Slovakia became famous for its sulphuric medicinal springs known here since the 16th century.

Tarzania Skalica

TARZANIA Skalica v Zlatníckej Doline pri chate Amor, 6 kilometrov od SKALICE. Celkovo na Vás čaká 250 m prekážok rozdelených do dvoch samostatných trás. Vďaka možnosti ubytovania na Chate AMOR je to ideálna príležitosť na školské výlety a firemné akcie. Modrá - ľahšia trasa - 130 m Červená - ťažšia trasa - 120 m Čierna - náročná trasa - 45m Detská trasa - deti do 150 cm - 65m (zdroj:

The birthhouse of Ján Hollý

The birthhouse of Ján Hollý

Borský Mikuláš is the birthplace of the poet Ján Hollý. In the middle of the village, you can find his native house from the second half of the 18th century. In 1957, it was reconstructed and its memorial room was made available for the public.

Veterný mlyn v Holíči

Veterný mlyn v Holíči

Veterný mlyn v západoslovenskom meste Holíč je jediným zachovaným veterným mlynom na Slovensku.

The Plavecký Castle

The Plavecký hrad Castle, subject of many legends, is the most important attraction of the western slopes of the Malé Karpaty Mts.

Haban house - Veľké Leváre

VEĽKÉ LEVÁRE was settled by the Habans, also referred to as the Hutter brothers, Anabaptists or neophytes. In 1592, the Haban yard was built around the local square. It is the largest surviving locality of the original dwelling of Habans in Europe.

The Korlátka Castle

The Korlátka Castle

The village Cerová lies below the Malé Karpaty Mts. in the south-west of Slovakia. It is one of the starting points for the trip to the ruins of the Korlátka Castle built in the mid-13th century. As a Royal Castle, it protected the western frontier of the Kingdom of Hungary.

Castle of Holič

Castle of Holič

The castle of Holíč is without a doubt a landmark of the town Holíč. It is located near the town centre.

Manufacture of Holíč

Manufacture of Holíč

One of the first manufactures in Slovakia founded by the husband of Empress Maria Theresa, Francis of Lotharingia, was put in operation in Holíč in western Slovakia.

Jozef Miloslav Hurban Memorial Room in Hlboké

Jozef Miloslav Hurban Memorial Room in Hlboké

Jozef Miloslav Hurban Memorial room is another external exposition of the Museum of Záhorie in Skalica. It was created in 1982 and is situated in the building of a former church school.

The Ostrý Kameň Castle

The Ostrý Kameň Castle

North of Smolenice is the village Buková with water reservoir and a marked route, which leads southward to the romantic ruins of the Castle Ostrý Kameň from the 13th century. The Castle was a royal border fort guarding the Czech road in the past.

The observation tower Žalostiná

The lovely reddish wooden observation tower with a carved roof decorates the hill Žalostiná. Its simple beauty fits into the picturesque scenery of mounds covered by woods, meadows and pastures. In the valley lie scattered houses. On the hill Žalostiná your soul will get filled with a sense of peace and harmony with the surrounding region. The howling wind reminds us of a mother’s lament for a lost daughter. It’s smoothening in its own way. The lament attracts predators lying in wait for their victims. Shall we be concerned over the fate of an endangered creature? The fate of the tiny observation tower on Žalostiná is in the hands of those who come to visit it. The tower does not have to worry about its future. It’s beautiful and people like beautiful things.

The observation tower Hrajky

At a sacred place near Turá Lúka stands the observation tower Hrajky. The silent atmosphere coming from the surrounding hills is seldom cut by the noise of cars driving on the near road. From the observation tower you can enjoy the silhouette of large hills. At the sunset, when the sky changes color into yellow and purple, the place becomes a quite place suitable for relaxation and meditation. Let yourself immerse into surrounding cornfields, rounded hills and small houses. Only noise from passing cars will disturb this harmonic moment of peace.