Hotel ADRIA ***


The newly renovated Hotel Adria has a history. Years later, he was breathed into his life by accommodation providers known in Trenčianske Teplice as PaloGabi. They guaranteeing their guests professional services and quality accommodation, and always saying goodbye to their guests like they are with their friends.

Hotel ADRIA*** sa charakteristikou radí medzi hotely s príjemnou rodinnou atmosférou. Apartmány štandard, dvojlôžkové izby klasik, alebo jednolôžkové izby pre obchodných cestujúcich sú vybavené klimatizáciou, chladničkou a rôznym inventárom pre príjemný pobyt. Celková kapacita je 47 pevných lôžok, možnosť prístelky pre 18 osôb, teda spolu pre 65 hostí.


Hotel poskytuje služby ubytovania, výborného stravovania a to vo forme raňajok, obedov a večerí, ktoré ponúka širokej verejnosti a ubytovaným hosťom. Reštaurácia disponuje nielen samotným stravovaním, ale je v nej aj možnosť posedenia pri slovenských vínach, chutnej káve a sladkých dezertoch. Je pripravených množstvo podujatí ako sú rôzne tematické pobyty, ochutnávky vín, zábavy pri hudbe a to aj vystúpenia známych hudobných skupín. Priamo v hoteli prebiehajú workshopy, jóga, pilates a SM systém.

V okolí sa nachádzajú turistické chodníky a cyklotrasy pre aktívny relax, či Kúpele Trenčianske Teplice, kde si môžete vychutnať kúpeľné procedúry s liečivým účinkom jedinečnej termálnej vody. Kúpele disponujú vonkajšími a vnútornými bazénmi, saunovým svetom a relax zónou s výhľadom na Trenčianske Teplice.

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2°C/ -5°CDay / Night
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4°C/ -4°CDay / Night
Light air, 1m/s

Places Around

Wine Shop INVIVE

We would like to welcome you to our newly opened wine shop INVIVE in Trenčianske Teplice in PIKK house on Nádražná Street no. 10. Excellent access, parking at the building . The interior will appeal to you with impressive minimalist design with an emphasis on the simple beauty of wood with master craftsmanship . Priam highlight the idea of ​​winemaking championship of our winegrowers.

Fishpond of Machnáč

Fishpond of Machnáč

Fishpond Machnáč is a pleasant place surrounded by forests, ideal for family relaxation. Treat yourselves with gently smoked trout caught and prepared from the local fishpond. You may even catch your own trout. Children will enjoy playground and sports field, swings and a minizoo.

The observation tower Dúbravka in village Soblahov

The observation tower Dúbravka in village Soblahov

Very nice wooden observation tower standing above the village of Soblahov was built on a meadow next to the local cemetery. From the southwest side it overlooks the massive forest wall, Strážov mountains and Považský Inovec with its landmark, peak Inovec. The lovely tower shaped like a shelter lures its visitors for a walk through the meadow which a century ago featured a forest railway. You will find yourself in a place straight out of a fairytale. Hills illuminated by sunlight and the wooden tower standing in the middle of the meadow as an enchanting cabin attracting pilgrims from afar. Enter the tower, climb up its stairs and enjoy a breathtaking view. You will smell the fresh scent of wood and feel the touch of the sun´s rays. "Feel like at home ... Take your time, enjoy, relax you, help yourself ...". Thank you for this warm welcome. It was a pleasant visit. We promise we will come back again and will take you with us.

Autocamping Trenčín na Ostrove

If you prefer outdoor activities , you like camping , you can enjoy water sports , canoeing , canoeing , you like camping, and there is a car on the island for you.

Uhliska Farmstead

Uhliska Farmstead

The Uhliska Farmstead is a family farm, which we have gradually been developing into a pleasant place for relaxation.

The observation tower Malý Jelenec

A view from the high wooden observation tower on Malý Jelenec is indeed fascinating. The tower is partially surrounded by trees and offers a fascinating view of the enchanting scenery - Strážov mountains and Vršatecké rocks with beautiful mountain dominants cannot be outdone. In the distance a sharp eye will see the towering peaks of Martinské Hole. The surrounding villages and towns like Nemšová, Trenčianske Teplice and Trenčín boast with the panoramic view of the surrounding mountains. The tower is located in the middle of the green meadow closed by the forest from both sides. The path leading from the meadow ends in Trenčianska Závada near the farm Uhliská. The observation tower on Malý Jesenec paints an attractive image of the beauty of the Slovak nature.

Observation tower on Vršatec rocks

They are jewels of central Považie region. They are one of the most picturesque and morphologically most striking parts of the Pieniny Klippen Belt in Slovakia ... Vršatec rocks. This great belt of white glowing rocks lying near the borderline of Slovakia and Moravia is a majestic landmark above the village of Vršatské Podhradie. The rocks stand tall above the surrounding hills and complement the diversity of the country. On the forest trails stands a wooden observation tower. It reminds us of magical cottages from fairytales. Its simple appearance is in a stark contrast with breathtaking views it offers. Her appearance hides a jewel – an impressive view of Vršatec rocks.

The observation tower Inovec

On the top of Inovec stands a meteorological observation tower called, "Helene." She’s truly elegant. She’s an "Iron Lady" evoking respect. To visit her you have to overcome your fear of heights. The breathtaking view is, however, totally worth it. Iron "Helena" is noble and generous, offering a view over rocky peaks of the surrounding mountains. Thank You "Iron Lady". Our visit was exciting and spectacular.

Haluzická strait

Visit the Haluzická strait, which, despite people's efforts, refuses to stop growing. It changes and enlarges every year and offers beautiful waterfalls and beautiful surrounding nature.

Wine Shop INVIVE

We would like to welcome you to our newly opened wine shop INVIVE in Trenčianske Teplice in PIKK house on Nádražná Street no. 10. Excellent access, parking at the building . The interior will appeal to you with impressive minimalist design with an emphasis on the simple beauty of wood with master craftsmanship . Priam highlight the idea of ​​winemaking championship of our winegrowers.

Pizzeria Vega

If you want to have some pizza, delicious food or just sit with friends or family in New Dubnice , visit the Vega pizzeria.

Fishpond of Machnáč

Fishpond of Machnáč

Fishpond Machnáč is a pleasant place surrounded by forests, ideal for family relaxation. Treat yourselves with gently smoked trout caught and prepared from the local fishpond. You may even catch your own trout. Children will enjoy playground and sports field, swings and a minizoo.

Motorest Lighthouse

Motorest Lighthouse is a well-known restaurant in Trenčín, which has been providing excellent delicacies for almost two decades .

Pension Evergreen **

Pension Evergreen is a pleasant accommodation in a quiet part of Trencin, close to the exhibition center , with a continual service. It offers values ​​that have been checked by time - for over 18 years we care about you!

Café Sládkovič

Café Sládkovič

Imagine a coffee that captures the love of Sládkovič to Marín. Change your idea to reality and stop at the Sládkovič Café in Mierovo Square in Trenčín, in a pleasant, thematically laid-back environment. Spaces that are traditional and original at the same time will perfectly suck you into the days of Slovak dealers and writers.

Hotel Pod Hradom ***

After visiting the Trenčín Castle, you can stop at Pod hradem Restaurant and enjoy fine seasonal specialties.

Coffee Sheep Café

Jump to the "coffee break" in the cozy Coffee Sheep café, located right in the city center. This café is exceptional because, as the first one in Trenčín, it also has its own pražiareň.

Uhliska Farmstead

Uhliska Farmstead

The Uhliska Farmstead is a family farm, which we have gradually been developing into a pleasant place for relaxation.


The AS Trenčín Sport Center in Trenčianske Stankovce is a multifunctional center combining the possibilities of sports, especially football, with the possibility of quality accommodation and boarding in Považský Inovca.

Spa Hotel SLOVAKIA ***

The Spa Hotel Slovakia *** is situated right in the center of the spa town and opens the gate to the pedestrian zone in Trenčianske Teplice. The pleasant environment of the hotel allows its wide use - from spa stays , corporate events , stays with children or short-term accommodation .

Hotel KRYM ***

Newly opened and renovated spa hotel. The architectural phenomenon of one of our oldest spa centers was, at the time of its opening in 1975, the state-of-the-art and most comprehensive medical home in the whole of Czechoslovakia . After complete reconstruction, it now provides its clients with comprehensive bathing services .

Hotel PAX ***

The popular renovated spa hotel PAX is located right in the center of the town on the pedestrian zone . Thanks to its ideal location close to the spa park and cultural monument - the historic hammam - it creates a pleasant atmosphere that offers guests the ideal conditions for treatment and relaxation.

Hotel Margit

Hotel Margit

Hotel Margit is a small family-run hotel with a central location in Trenčianske Teplice. It offers quality accommodation with excellent cuisine, personalized service and a long tradition in the area. It was opened in 1999 after a complete reconstruction of the historic building. The historic character of the building did not prevent the reconstruction from creating a comfortable and modernly furnished hotel.

Pension Evergreen **

Pension Evergreen is a pleasant accommodation in a quiet part of Trencin, close to the exhibition center , with a continual service. It offers values ​​that have been checked by time - for over 18 years we care about you!

Marián Gáborík Arena, Hotel Marián Gáborík ***

Marián Gáborík - investor / founder of the arena: "It is a fulfillment of one of my dreams. In Trenčín I made my first hockey steps, taught the first handles and shot goals. I am grateful to have this opportunity and thanked for what I have given hockey, I also wanted to help other boys and girls to have the conditions to fulfill their sports dreams. "

Hotel Pod Hradom ***

After visiting the Trenčín Castle, you can stop at Pod hradem Restaurant and enjoy fine seasonal specialties.


The AS Trenčín Sport Center in Trenčianske Stankovce is a multifunctional center combining the possibilities of sports, especially football, with the possibility of quality accommodation and boarding in Považský Inovca.

Spa of Trenčianske Teplice

Spa of Trenčianske Teplice

Lovers of walks in parks and landscape of spas should visit the spa of Trenčianske Teplice with wonderful setting in the Strážovské vrchy Mts. in the west of Slovakia. It is its situation amidst nature and its hot mineral springs, which won it the attribute of the “pearl of the Carpathians”.

Spa Hotel SLOVAKIA ***

The Spa Hotel Slovakia *** is situated right in the center of the spa town and opens the gate to the pedestrian zone in Trenčianske Teplice. The pleasant environment of the hotel allows its wide use - from spa stays , corporate events , stays with children or short-term accommodation .

Kúpele Zelená Žaba

Kúpele Zelená Žaba

Kúpalisko Zelená žaba je unikátnym funkcionalistickým dielom architekta Bohuslava Fuchsa. Postavili ho v 30-tych rokoch minulého storočia a napĺňali ho liečivou vodou z tamojších kúpeľov. Pred 15 rokmi bazén praskol a kúpalisko začalo chátrať.

Marián Gáborík Arena, Hotel Marián Gáborík ***

Marián Gáborík - investor / founder of the arena: "It is a fulfillment of one of my dreams. In Trenčín I made my first hockey steps, taught the first handles and shot goals. I am grateful to have this opportunity and thanked for what I have given hockey, I also wanted to help other boys and girls to have the conditions to fulfill their sports dreams. "

Tarzánia Trenčín

TARZANIA Trenčín sa nachádza na Brezine, v tesnej blízkosti asfaltovej cesty smerom od hotela Brezina k Čerešňovému sadu. Autom sa k nám dostanete od Štefánikovej ulice po Kukučínovej ulici. Postavená je na stromoch v nádhernom lesoparku a pozostáva z dvoch trás vybudovaných pomocou 22 plošín vo výške približne 5 až 10 m nad zemou.

Aeroclub Dubnica nad Váhom

If you want to sport, you are a fan of adrenaline experiences or just go to know, for example, With children, visit AEROKLUB DUBNICA at Slávnica airport .

Golfový a športový klub Trenčín

Golfový a športový klub Trenčín

Golfový a športový klub sa nachádza v širšom centre krajského mesta Trenčín, na ľavom brehu rieky Váh. Zelená oáza prekvapí výhľadom na Trenčiansky hrad, ľahkou dostupnosťou a priateľským prostredím.


The AS Trenčín Sport Center in Trenčianske Stankovce is a multifunctional center combining the possibilities of sports, especially football, with the possibility of quality accommodation and boarding in Považský Inovca.

Bridge of Glory

Few visitors to Trencianske Teplice have the giant's Bridge, where tables of famous actors are mounted. Now there are two bridges of glory. One in front of the hotel, which received the name Most Glory, the second is since 2009 in the spa park.

Grotta with a viewing tower

Grotta with a viewing tower belongs to the jewels of Považia and at the same time it is one of two preserved monuments of this kind in Slovakia and the only one reconstructed. He built it for the Ilehazzi family. Her popular name is "babylon". In miniature, the castle stands on a high rock, overlooking the surrounding area. Grotta is built as a summer gazebo of a regular octagonal shape made of a wooden structure mounted on an artificial rock, made of quarry and tuff stone, which in its appearance resembles a ruin consisting of an artificial grotto. There are ventilation openings on both sides of the tower. In the wall of the grotto are placed the coats of arms of Gašpar Ilešházi and his wife Helena Thurzová.

Dubnický kaštieľ

The most important historical buildings in Slovakia include Dubnický manor house. You will find it close to St. Jacob on the weighted terrace. The renaissance mansion is a 17th century irregular building of the 17th century.

Veľká Skalka and Malá Skalka

Veľká Skalka and Malá Skalka

The oldest pilgrim site in Slovakia -  Skalka is located on the way from Trenčín to Nemšová. It consists of two objects: Malá Skalka and Veľká Skalka.

The observation tower Dúbravka in village Soblahov

The observation tower Dúbravka in village Soblahov

Very nice wooden observation tower standing above the village of Soblahov was built on a meadow next to the local cemetery. From the southwest side it overlooks the massive forest wall, Strážov mountains and Považský Inovec with its landmark, peak Inovec. The lovely tower shaped like a shelter lures its visitors for a walk through the meadow which a century ago featured a forest railway. You will find yourself in a place straight out of a fairytale. Hills illuminated by sunlight and the wooden tower standing in the middle of the meadow as an enchanting cabin attracting pilgrims from afar. Enter the tower, climb up its stairs and enjoy a breathtaking view. You will smell the fresh scent of wood and feel the touch of the sun´s rays. "Feel like at home ... Take your time, enjoy, relax you, help yourself ...". Thank you for this warm welcome. It was a pleasant visit. We promise we will come back again and will take you with us.

Museum of Wheels ETOP

Koleso patrí bezpochyby medzi najväčšie vynálezy ľudských dejín. Jeho prvotný objav siaha približne do roku 3500 p.n.l. na území dnešného Iraku vo vtedajšej Mezopotámii. Vyberte sa za poznaním jeho vývoja od prvotných čias až po súčasnosť do trenčianskeho Múzea kolies ETOP.

Castle of Trenčín

The Castle of Trenčín built on top of a steep rock is undoubtedly the dominant of the town Trenčín and the region of Považie. The Castle, which is along with those of Spiš and Devín one of the biggest in Europe, is the National Cultural Monument.

Trenčín Museum

Trenčín Museum

In the headquarters of the Trenčín Museum, in the building of Zupa House, there is a permanent exhibition "From the history and culture of the free royal town of Trenčín and the former Trenčín zupa (county)".

Katov dom

The lenticidal word "kat" and "katov dom" are also the cause of spooky ideas in some jewels. Such a reputed house stands in a historic, idyllic alley cranked under the Trenčianskymhrad. In the 16th to 17th centuries, he was the cat. In the cold and black foyers of this house, there was a damp prison in which the convicts had suffered the last of their miserable life before death on a near execution.

Roman inscription

Footprint of Roman Legions. Roman postmark from 179 after Kr. Carved into the castle palace under Brezina in Trenčín, is one of the few Roman written references north of the Danube. It is the most significant Roman epigraphic monument in Central Europe north of the Danube preserved in situ.

The observation tower Malý Jelenec

A view from the high wooden observation tower on Malý Jelenec is indeed fascinating. The tower is partially surrounded by trees and offers a fascinating view of the enchanting scenery - Strážov mountains and Vršatecké rocks with beautiful mountain dominants cannot be outdone. In the distance a sharp eye will see the towering peaks of Martinské Hole. The surrounding villages and towns like Nemšová, Trenčianske Teplice and Trenčín boast with the panoramic view of the surrounding mountains. The tower is located in the middle of the green meadow closed by the forest from both sides. The path leading from the meadow ends in Trenčianska Závada near the farm Uhliská. The observation tower on Malý Jesenec paints an attractive image of the beauty of the Slovak nature.

The observation tower Inovec

On the top of Inovec stands a meteorological observation tower called, "Helene." She’s truly elegant. She’s an "Iron Lady" evoking respect. To visit her you have to overcome your fear of heights. The breathtaking view is, however, totally worth it. Iron "Helena" is noble and generous, offering a view over rocky peaks of the surrounding mountains. Thank You "Iron Lady". Our visit was exciting and spectacular.