Domica cave

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This cave also referred to as the “Pride of the Region Gemer“, lies in the south-western part of the Slovenský kras karst on the Silická planina plateau. As a special experience the Domica cave offers to its visitors an attractive boat trip on its underground river. Thanks to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Its entrance is 339 m above sea level. Two sightseeing routes are available for visitors; the longer one of them, 1,180 m long, takes 60 minutes and the shorter, 780 metres long route takes 45 minutes. Part of the visit is the trip on a boat on the underground river Styx.

Although it was discovered in 1926, it is accessible only from 1932. Domica is famous for its spacious domes, for instance Majkov dóm with cascaded lakes called the Roman Baths. It boasts abundant dripstone ornamentation with little lakes, onion-shaped stalactites and pagoda-shaped stalagmites. The interesting thing about this cave is that there live about 1,500 individuals of 16 different species of bats.

Film-makers made use of the natural beauty of the cave to shot the film version of fairy tale by Pavol Dobšinský, Salt above Gold. The cave is part of the largest cave system along with the Baradla cave in Hungarian territory with total length of 25 kilometres.

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Dlhá Ves 049 55Jaskyňa Domica
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Places Around



The abyss of Silická ľadnica is located to the south-west of the village of Silica on the plateau of Silická planina (National Park of Slovak Karst, 22 km far from the town of Rožňava). Due to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Gombasecká cave

Gombasecká cave

The cave is famous for extra thin sinter “curls”. It is situated in the western foothills of the Silická planina plateau in the Slovenský kras karst. Thanks to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Krásnohorská cave

Near the village Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka, in the northern edge of the Silická planina plateau in the Slovenský karst, is the entrance to the Krásnohorská cave. The cave boasts the tallest stalagmite in the moderate climate zone. Thanks to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Granárium - vínna sýpka s pivnicou

Granárium - vínna sýpka s pivnicou

Panská sýpka s vínnou pivnicou ponúka ubytovanie v netradičných priestoroch bývalej sýpky. Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi. V našom objekte nájdete aj rozprávkovú kanceláriu Slimáčika Kraska.

Ochtinská aragonitová cave

Ochtinská aragonitová cave situated in the mountains Revúcka vrchovina in central Slovakia is a world rarity and unique natural phenomenon. It is interesting for variety and abundance of aragonite filling and a rare development of underground space. Thanks to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Teplý vrch (dam)

Teplý vrch (dam)

The water reservoir with the warmest water in Slovakia is that of Teplý vrch constructed on the river Blh between villages Teplý vrch, Budikovany and Drienčany. It is not far away from the town Rimavská Sobota.

The Horse Yard Pension **

The Horse Yard is an agroturistic establishment situated in the village of Brzotín. It lies in the valley of the River Slaná giving a breathtaking view of the exceptional natural features of Slovak Carst National Park - the Plateau of Silica and Plateau of Plešivec. Thanks to its location, Horse Yard is an ideal place for romantic souls just as for gourmets with very high standards.

Granárium - vínna sýpka s pivnicou

Granárium - vínna sýpka s pivnicou

Panská sýpka s vínnou pivnicou ponúka ubytovanie v netradičných priestoroch bývalej sýpky. Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi. V našom objekte nájdete aj rozprávkovú kanceláriu Slimáčika Kraska.

Tri ruže

Tri ruže

Štýlová reštaurácia Tri ruže je situovaná na západnej strane Námestia baníkov v Rožňave priamo v budove historickej Radnice. Masívne starožitné skrine, klavír, kyvadlové hodiny a originálne olejomaľby vdychujú interiéru atmosféru minulých čias.

Penzión Skalná ruža

Located at the gate to the Slovenský kras National park, the Penzión Skalná ruža - Kövirózsa panzió offers free WiFi, a terrace and barbecue facilities. (Source:

The Horse Yard Pension **

The Horse Yard is an agroturistic establishment situated in the village of Brzotín. It lies in the valley of the River Slaná giving a breathtaking view of the exceptional natural features of Slovak Carst National Park - the Plateau of Silica and Plateau of Plešivec. Thanks to its location, Horse Yard is an ideal place for romantic souls just as for gourmets with very high standards.

Hotel Selfness Rožňava

In the town of Rožňava, Selfness Rožňava features spacious studio accommodations with modern amenities and free Wi-Fi, as well as a wellness center available for a charge. A buffet breakfast is offered on site.

Granárium - vínna sýpka s pivnicou

Granárium - vínna sýpka s pivnicou

Panská sýpka s vínnou pivnicou ponúka ubytovanie v netradičných priestoroch bývalej sýpky. Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi. V našom objekte nájdete aj rozprávkovú kanceláriu Slimáčika Kraska.

Vodný svet – Kúpele Číž

Vodný svet – Kúpele Číž

Vonkajší bazénový komplex Vodný svet je vybudovaný v bezprostrednej blízkosti kúpeľného hotela Rimava pri Prírodných jódových kúpeľoch Číž, ktoré sa nachádzajú v okrese Rimavská Sobota neďaleko hraníc s Maďarskom.

Mining Museum in Rožňava

Mining Museum in Rožňava

The Mining Museum in Rožňava, which is more than a hundred years old, is one of three specialized mining museums in Slovakia and serves as the district museum of national history and geography. Its function is to preserve not only artifacts from the field of mining and metallurgy, but also collections from various disciplines.

Evangelical church - Štítnik

Evangelical church - Štítnik

Among the oldest monuments of Gemer the National Cultural Monument - Evangelical church with the oldest organ in Slovakia dominates.

The Manor House Betliar

North-west of Rožňava in the east of Slovakia, in the valley of the Slaná river is the fairy tale-like two-storied manor house Betliar with four corner towers. It is a stately hunting manor surrounded by a wonderful English park with romantic structures including an artificial cave and waterfall. Its interior is equally interesting, as it contains a picture gallery, music and hunting halls, a library, antique furniture and exotic collections. Its reconstruction won a EUROPA NOSTRA award.