
Nature Interest, Castle

HRADISKO The saddle beneath Vyšehrad was a strategic passage from Ponitria to Turca , already used in the beginnings of the settlement of Slovakia . The traces of settlement can be traced back to the hard-to-reach hill of Vyšehrad from the early Stone Age . Significant traces are associated with the Bronze Age and the people of the Lusatian culture (1200-700 BC) as well as with the later Iron Age (750 BC), from which many finds were found. The most important role was played by the fortification during the period of Great Moravia, when it was the center of the region . The settlement of the territory to the north required the construction of fortified sites, from which the power of Ponitria to Turca, Orava or Liptov was expanded. The defensive and commercial function of the Upper Castle gradually took over the surrounding settlements and after the demise of the Great Moravia its significance dropped. CASTLE VYŠEHRAD In the 13th century , the first written reports of Vyšehrad , which managed the Diviack family, appeared. Since 1277, it is reported that after the Mongol invasion, Vyšehrad was remembered only as a former castle . In the 15th century , part of the brothers, persecuted by the royal troops, resorted to Vyšehrad. From this period, finds of weapons , various iron objects , components of horse harnesses , corners , and especially coins are coming . NPR VYŠEHRAD The territory at the top is part of Vysehrad NPR. Vyšehrad is a national nature reserve since 1973 . A territory with the 4th degree of protection covers the top part of Vyšehrad and a large part of the western foothill with an area of ​​more than 48 hectares. The object of the protection is the Vyšehrad limestone massif with forest vegetation and rare species of insects .


Sedlo pod Vyšehradom bolo strategickým prechodom z Ponitria do Turca, využívaným už v počiatkoch osídľovania Slovenska. Na ťažko prístupnom vrchu Vyšehrad tak od mladšej doby kamennej možno badať stopy osídlenia. Výrazné stopy sa v lokalite spájajú s bronzovou dobou a ľudom lužickej kultúry (1200 – 700 pred Kr.), ako aj s neskoršou železnou dobou (750 pred Kr. – 0), z ktorých sa tu našlo množstvo nálezov. Najvýznamnejšiu úlohu zohralo hradisko v období Veľkej Moravy, kedy bolo centrom regiónu. Osídľovanie územia na sever si vyžadovalo budovať opevnené miesta, z ktorých sa rozširovala moc z Ponitria do Turca, na Oravu či Liptov. Obrannú a obchodnú funkciu výšinného hradiska postupne preberali okolité osady a po zániku Veľkej Moravy upadol i jeho význam.


V 13. storočí sa objavujú prvé písomné správy o Vyšehrade, ktorý spravoval rod Diviackovcov. Z roku 1277 pochádza správa, že po mongolskom vpáde sa Vyšehrad spomínal už len ako bývalý hrad. V 15. storočí sa časť bratríkov, prenasledovaných kráľovskými vojskami, uchýlila aj na Vyšehrade. Z tohto obdobia pochádzajú nálezy zbraní, rozličných železných predmetov, súčastí konských postrojov, hlásny roh, ale najmä mincí.


Územie na vrchole je súčasťou NPR Vyšehrad. Vyšehrad je národná prírodná rezervácia od roku 1973. Územie so 4. stupňom ochrany pokrýva vrcholovú časť Vyšehradu a veľkú časť západného úpätia s rozlohou vyše 48 ha. Predmetom ochrany je vápencový masív Vyšehradu s lesostepnou vegetáciou a zriedkavými druhmi hmyzu.

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Vyšehrad 972 13Vyšehradné - Nitrianske Pravno
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Light breeze, 2m/s
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Places Around

Lookout tower in Prievidza forest park

In the shadow of slender agates and pine trees, the privacy of lovers searches for privacy. The hand in hand passes through the tortuous sidewalks, separating them for a moment and rejoining them. Standing in a hug on a wooden bench, the charming children are watching on the playground. In the silence of the unobtrusive gazebo, the first moments of the night come. The poetry of romantic films is left in the forest amphitheater. From here it is only a piece of the silver lookout, where, under her balcony "Rómeo", she knows the love of her "Julia".

Reservoir Kanianka

Reservoir Kanianka

The dominant feature of the village Kanianka is a large water reservoir, also called Kanianska dam. It is located in a charming environment, right in the heart of the picturesque Upper Nitra nature. Kanianka Reservoir is a popular recreational place that is popular with tourists and visitors from near and far.

Zoological garden Bojnice

Zoological garden Bojnice

The zoological garden in the spa town of Bojnice, which straddles western and central Slovakia, is the country's oldest and most visited zoo. It lies in a beautiful natural setting that surrounds the Bojnice Castle.

Bojnická hradná cave

The visit to the Bojnice Castle includes that of a natural cave located in the tufaceous accumulation on which the castle is built. The diameter of the cave is 22 m and its height is 6 m. It is located 26-m below the level of the fourth courtyard with a water well.



Gumi land in Bojnice is a small amusement park full of inflatable attractions, where you can go crazy and be guaranteed to tire your children.

Lookout tower Bojnice

The Bojnice lookout tower is an unmissable building located in the mountains above the town of Bojnice, providing an unforgettable view.

Autocamping Bojnice

If you prefer adventures in a tent , cottages or caravan , take advantage of caravan services in the locality below Bojnice Castle . The campsite is situated in a beautiful natural environment above the chalet on the way from Bojnice to Nitrianske Rudno.

National Park of Veľká Fatra

The National Park of Veľká Fatra, lying in central Slovakia is typical for its continuous forest, long valleys and the largest locality of original yew tree occurrence in Europe.

Sport Motel Raketa

Restaurant and accommodation. Active relaxation in a pleasant environment near the spa town of Bojnice.


PENSION AND RUDOLF RESTAURANT are situated 3 km from Prievidza and 5 km from the spa town of Bojnice , on the main road to Martin, Žilina, Turcianske Teplice. We strive to provide you with a cozy, comfortable accommodation environment where you can well have a meal, spend some pleasant moments and relax, be it managers, business travelers or families with children.

Koliba Pacho

Do not hesitate to visit Koliba Pacho . We have a lot of specialties prepared for you , children 's playground with attractions . Get an invitation to spend a nice weekend as well as accommodation and adrenaline experiences , offered only by Koliba Pacho. You can find us at the village of Veľká Čausa on the Prievidza - Handlová route , near the Bojníc and the Remata recreation area.

Salaš Kľak

Reštaurácia Salaš Kľak sa nachádza vo Fačkovskom sedle s pekným výhľadom na dominantu regiónu - najvyšší vrch Kľak (1351 m n.m.) v príjemnom prostredí okolitej prírody. Kuchyňa je zameraná na ponuku tradičných slovenských jedál.

Horský Hotel Kľak

Featuring free WiFi and a sun terrace, Horský Hotel Kľak offers pet-friendly accommodation in Kľačno. The hotel has ski-to-door access and a ski school, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant. Free private parking is available on site.

Pension Relax

We invite you to our stylish business Relax in Prievidza, where we spoil you and charm with our kitchen. A home - cooked meal is served, which is served in the lunch menu , but also at any time during the day with the choice of pizza . We can also prepare catering or grilled piglets on request.


MERIDIANA in Bojnice is a unique restaurant that combines great space, minimalist design, natural materials, relaxing atmosphere, modern technology and professionalism in one of the most impressive experiences.


In addition to a wide range of draft beers , alcohol and non- alcoholic beverages, we also offer a range of "woodstock" cuisine specialties. Come try our lunch menu , always fresh, always great.

Galéria Art Point a Art Kafé

Mestská galéria predstavuje multikultúrny priestor v širokom zábere, kde sa spájajú rôzne druhy umenia.

Belassi Café & Restaurant

Restaurant is a part of the BEST WESTERN Hotel Belassi PLUS ****, located in the vicinity of the romantic jewel of Europe – the fabulous Bojnice castle. High-quality mediterranean and international cuisine dishes are prepared from fresh ingredients.

Hotel Vysehrad

Hotel Vysehrad is located in the beautiful lone nature of Upper Nitra in the village Nitrianske Pravno on the main road Prievidza - Martin, Prievidza - Žilina.

Pension Johanka

PENSION JOHANKA is a restored 18th-century mansion right in the center of Nitrianske Pravno

Zelená ruža

The Green Rose project is the realization of young people with the help of old and proven ideas. Together we have created accommodation for 15 people and a farm with animals.

Pension Pod Lipami

Pension POD LIPAMI is located in the Horná Nitra region, in the village of Nitrianske Pravno - Malinová in the Prievidza district. Just to jump from us you have it in the famous Bojnice, where you can visit Bojnice Castle, ZOO, spa and swimming pool Čajka.

Sport Motel Raketa

Restaurant and accommodation. Active relaxation in a pleasant environment near the spa town of Bojnice.


PENSION AND RUDOLF RESTAURANT are situated 3 km from Prievidza and 5 km from the spa town of Bojnice , on the main road to Martin, Žilina, Turcianske Teplice. We strive to provide you with a cozy, comfortable accommodation environment where you can well have a meal, spend some pleasant moments and relax, be it managers, business travelers or families with children.

Apartment OLY

Oly Apartment is situated in a pleasant peaceful environment of the picturesque village of Poruba , surrounded by the beautiful nature of Strazovská Highlands and Malej Fatra.

Chalet MIMA

Cottage MIMA is a newly built holiday cottage with a convenient location , on the outskirts of the village of Poruba , near Prievidza. The building is separate with cozy and nice furnishings , tidy in natural style . Accommodation is suitable and preferred for families with children. The capacity is 10 beds (2x 2-bed and 2x 3-bed room).

Koliba Pacho

Do not hesitate to visit Koliba Pacho . We have a lot of specialties prepared for you , children 's playground with attractions . Get an invitation to spend a nice weekend as well as accommodation and adrenaline experiences , offered only by Koliba Pacho. You can find us at the village of Veľká Čausa on the Prievidza - Handlová route , near the Bojníc and the Remata recreation area.

Horský Hotel Kľak

Featuring free WiFi and a sun terrace, Horský Hotel Kľak offers pet-friendly accommodation in Kľačno. The hotel has ski-to-door access and a ski school, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant. Free private parking is available on site.

Pension Relax

We invite you to our stylish business Relax in Prievidza, where we spoil you and charm with our kitchen. A home - cooked meal is served, which is served in the lunch menu , but also at any time during the day with the choice of pizza . We can also prepare catering or grilled piglets on request.

LD Lysec *

The new treatment house LYSEC is built in close proximity to the spa house Mier in the beautiful surroundings of Bojnice spa.


Medical center - Hotel MIER - Bojnice is located directly in the center of Bojnice spa in beautiful surroundings. The hotel benefits from treatment with procedures directly at the hotel. The hotel has one outdoor swimming pool with thermal water and three indoor pools with thermal water. All pools are in operation throughout the year.

LD Slávia *

Spa house Slávia - spa Bojnice is a pension of category I 1 and 2 - bedded rooms in the beautiful surroundings of Bojnice spa. The guest house is located about 50 m from the central building of LD Mier , where healing treatments and meals are provided.

LD Zobor *

Spa house ZOBOR - located directly in the beautiful spa area of ​​Bojnice spa , the guesthouse is 100 m away from the LD Mier central building where procedures and meals are provided.

Spa house - Penzión Kľak *

Spa house - Pension Klak is located directly in the beautiful spa area of ​​Bojnicke spa, just 50 m from the central LD ​​Mier building, where procedures and meals are provided.

Thermal Swimming Pool Vieska Turčianske Teplice

Thermal Swimming Pool Vieska Turčianske Teplice

Termálne kúpalisko Vieska ponúka 50x25 metrový plavecký bazén, detský bazén a tobogány. Súčasťou areálu kúpaliska je mutlifunkčné ihrisko, lezecká stena, minigolf, futbal, tenis, petanque, volejbal, basketbal a nohejbal. Teplota vody dosahuje 26 - 27 °C.

Spa & Aquapark Turčianske Teplice

The Spa & Aquapark resort is in a beautiful aqua park, in the centre of Turčianske Teplice. It has two parts: ‘SPA‘ area (healing thermal water, 38 °C) and AQUAPARK area (thermal water up to 33 °C). Both are open throughout the year.

Spa of Turčianske Teplice

The centre of the southern part of Turiec is the spa Turčianske Teplice. The local hot springs were first mentioned in the 13th century. The legend has that King Sigismund of Luxembourg bathed in local springs in 1423. The town of Kremnica acquired the land with springs in 1532 and invested in construction of the first spa buildings. The spa was especially popular and visited in time of wars with the Habsburgs when the noble rebels used it as a refuge.

Mysterium Bojnice

Bojnické námestie skrýva neodhalené tajomstvo dávneho alchymistu. Skúste ho odhaliť!

Thermal Swimming Pool Čajka Bojnice

Bojnice located open air summer thermal pool Čajka in a beautiful scenery under fabulous Bojnice Castle and near the zoo and spa offers thermal water of 26 to 33 °C in 5 swimming pools (50 metres x 2.5 metres, 2 for children and 2 new stainless steel swimming pools) during its season.

LD Lysec *

The new treatment house LYSEC is built in close proximity to the spa house Mier in the beautiful surroundings of Bojnice spa.


Medical center - Hotel MIER - Bojnice is located directly in the center of Bojnice spa in beautiful surroundings. The hotel benefits from treatment with procedures directly at the hotel. The hotel has one outdoor swimming pool with thermal water and three indoor pools with thermal water. All pools are in operation throughout the year.

LD Slávia *

Spa house Slávia - spa Bojnice is a pension of category I 1 and 2 - bedded rooms in the beautiful surroundings of Bojnice spa. The guest house is located about 50 m from the central building of LD Mier , where healing treatments and meals are provided.

LD Zobor *

Spa house ZOBOR - located directly in the beautiful spa area of ​​Bojnice spa , the guesthouse is 100 m away from the LD Mier central building where procedures and meals are provided.

Spa house - Penzión Kľak *

Spa house - Pension Klak is located directly in the beautiful spa area of ​​Bojnicke spa, just 50 m from the central LD ​​Mier building, where procedures and meals are provided.

Wooden bell tower Vyšehradné

If you go from Prievidza to Martin or vice versa, stop at Vyšehrad to see the unique preserved monument - a wooden bell.

The House of R. Haroník

Vyšehradnian rarity with EUROPA NOSTRA On the way through Vyšehradná , on the Prievidza - Martin route, stop at the unique reconstructed national cultural monument of our folk architecture - a folk house with a ceramic workshop. In house no. 898 is a small museum of living, traditional clothing and ceramics workshop / Haronika Ceramics /. The house belongs to the ceramic maker Rastislav Haronik . The reconstruction of the house lasted for nearly 20 years . In 1993, for the rescue of this building, he won the Europa Nostra Award awarded by the Danish prince . There was a private museum in the house. There is a collection of ceramic vessels , but also various folk art objects from metal, wood, leather or textiles. The owner also has a collection of old costumes he can repair himself.

Kalvária Solka

The Christian Calvary on the Galgensberg Hill is a unique collection of 27 neo-gothic neoclassical buildings. You can find it between Nitriansky Pravny (formerly German Pravno, Deutsch-Proben ) and the local part of Solka .

Church of Martyr´s Death of John the Baptist

The southeastern part of the square in Nitrianske Pravne closes the largest building - the Roman Catholic Church of the Church of the Martyrs' Ján Kstiteľa. His patron, St. John the Baptist , was a coat of arms of the city and part of the decoration of the city seal for many centuries .

Museum of Culture of the Carpathian Germans

Nitrianske Pravno je mesto s nemeckou tradíciou, trvajúcou po generácie až do obdobia vysídlenia po II. sv. vojne. Pôvodný názov je Nemecké Pravno, Deutsch-Proben.

Lookout tower in Prievidza forest park

In the shadow of slender agates and pine trees, the privacy of lovers searches for privacy. The hand in hand passes through the tortuous sidewalks, separating them for a moment and rejoining them. Standing in a hug on a wooden bench, the charming children are watching on the playground. In the silence of the unobtrusive gazebo, the first moments of the night come. The poetry of romantic films is left in the forest amphitheater. From here it is only a piece of the silver lookout, where, under her balcony "Rómeo", she knows the love of her "Julia".

Zniev Castle

Zniev Castle

High above the village Kláštor pod Znievom in the Malá Fatra Mts. raise the ruins of the Zniev Castle. It is the second highest situated castle in Slovakia (985 m).

Upper Nitra Museum in Prievidza

Upper Nitra Museum in Prievidza

Prievidza and its environs is an immensely rich region from the historical point of view, which is attested by the Castle of Bojnice, the Upper Nitra mining area and many other places. All those who want to get familiar with the compelling history of the district of Prievidza should not miss out on a visit the Upper Nitra Museum in Prievidza.

Galéria Art Point a Art Kafé

Mestská galéria predstavuje multikultúrny priestor v širokom zábere, kde sa spájajú rôzne druhy umenia.