Kamenná cesta “Porta Rusica”

Nature Interest

V katastrálnom území bývalej obce Ruské, v oblasti vodárenskej nádrže Starina sa nachádza kamenná cesta Porta Rusica, ktorá bola vyhlásená za kultúrnu pamiatku.

Táto cesta bola vybudovaná v rokoch 1861 – 1865 a pôvodne viedla z Michaloviec cez hraničný prechod Ruské sedlo do poľského mesta Baligród, odkiaľ pravdepodobne pokračovala až do Ľvova. Spájala tak Uhorsko s Malopoľskom.

V súčasnosti sa zachoval úsek tejto cesty o dĺžke štyri kilometre so šestnástimi zákrutami a s prevýšením 247 metrov. Na poľskej strane sa z kamennej cesty zachoval len krátky, asi 200 metrov dlhý úsek. Je jedinou cestou, ktorá sa zo spomínaného obdobia na území Slovenska zachovala. Je súčasťou turistického hraničného prechodu s Poľskom Osadné – Balnica.

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Broken clouds
2°C/ -7°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
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Overcast clouds
3°C/ -2°CDay / Night
Light air, 1m/s
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Light snow
0°C/ -2°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
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Light snow
-1°C/ -2°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 4m/s
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0°C/ -2°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
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Overcast clouds
1°C/ -2°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 3m/s
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Light rain
2°C/ 1°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s

Places Around

Medová baba (Poloniny)

V Bukovských vrchoch, na území národného parku Poloniny, na trase z Novej Sedlice na vrchol Riabej skaly, sa nachádza miesto označované ako Lúka medovej baby alebo Medová baba.

National Park of Poloniny

National Park of Poloniny

The easternmost Slovak National Park is that of Poloniny. It contains original extensive beech and fir-beech forest and the primeval forests of Stužica, Rožok and Havešová, which were put on the UNESCO list of world natural heritage in 2007.

Vihorlatská hvezdáreň Observatory in Humenné

Vihorlatská hvezdáreň Observatory in Humenné

Vihorlatská hvezdáreň Observatory in Humenné is a regional specialized scientific-research and cultural and educational institution focusing on astronomy and related natural sciences.

Sninský kameň

Sninský kameň

Prírodná pamiatka Sninský kameň sa nachádza v pohorí Vihorlat v katastri obce Zemplínske Hámre. Pre veľký vedecký a kultúrno-spoločenský význam bol Sninský kameň vyhlásený v roku 1982 za Chránený prírodný výtvor. V súčasnosti možno Sninský kameň nájsť ako prírodnú pamiatku, ktorú tvorí tzv. neplodná plocha (skala) obklopená ochranným lesom.

Topoľa - church of St Michael the Archangel

Topoľa - church of St Michael the Archangel

The Greek Catholic wooden church of St Michael the Archangel from 1700. This log building of the Boyko type is divided into three spaces. It stands on a steep hill beyond the village. It is surrounded by the cemetery. There is a belfry from the second half of the 17th century in the area of the church. The iconostas is from the mid-18th century, some icons are from the 17th century.

Ruský Potok - church of St. Michael the Archangel

Ruský Potok - church of St. Michael the Archangel

The Greek Catholic wooden church of St. Michael the Archangel from 1740. It is a three-space church of the Boyko type. The wooden belfry situated next to the church is from 1956. Iconostas is from the time when the church was built. Liturgical books printed in cyliric in Lvov and other Ukrainian towns in the mid-17th century are especially valuable.

Uličské Krivé - Greek Catholic wooden church of St Michael the Archangel

Uličské Krivé - Greek Catholic wooden church of St Michael the Archangel

The Greek Catholic wooden church of St Michael the Archangel from 1718 log building of the Boyko type is divided into three spaces and it stands on low stone foundations. Iconostas is from the 18th century. It is in the Baroque style. Some icons, like that of St Nicolas, Christ Pantocrator and some others are from the 16th century.

Kalná Roztoka - Greek Catholic wooden church of St Basil the Great

Kalná Roztoka - Greek Catholic wooden church of St Basil the Great

The Greek Catholic wooden church of St Basil the Great was built at the end of the 18th century and later reconstructed. It is a log building divided into three parts. Its exterior is painted in white. Iconostas is from the 18th century and the icon of Christ dates to 1773. The belfry standing in front of the church is from the 20th century.

Manor house Snina

Manor house Snina

The manor house has underwent reconstruction in 2012 and was opened for the public in summer 2013. Currently it is a seat of the city library, museum with a permanent exhibition, gallery and social and cultural events, ceremonies as well as concerts of classic music are organised there.

Šmigovec - church of Lords Ascension

Šmigovec - church of Lords Ascension

The Greek Catholic wooden church of Lords Ascension from 1755. The interior walls of this log building are plastered with clay. Iconostas in this church is in the east Carpathian style, there is also a hand painted altar cross and several crosses carried in processions.

Hrabová Roztoka - Greek Catholic wooden church of St Basil the Great

Hrabová Roztoka - Greek Catholic wooden church of St Basil the Great

The Greek Catholic wooden church of St Basil the Great from 1750. This three-space log building is covered by shingle roof with two little towers. Interior is mostly in the Baroque style from the 18th century. Iconostas is somewhat younger and it dates to the end of the 18th century. Interior also contains an interesting cupboard made in the Gothic style.