Hotel Hrádok

Ochtinská aragonitová cave situated in the mountains Revúcka vrchovina in central Slovakia is a world rarity and unique natural phenomenon. It is interesting for variety and abundance of aragonite filling and a rare development of underground space. Thanks to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.
A 145 m long pit leads to the entrance of the cave at the altitude of 642 m above sea level; 230 metres of its total length of 300 m is now accessible to public (seeing it takes 30 minutes).
It is obvious that it is not a large cave, but it is all the more rare and valuable for its aragonite ornamentation (the form Srdce Hrádku is famous), the only of the kind in central Europe. There are not many similar caves in the world either.
The Ochtinská aragonitová cave was discovered in 1954. The rich and varied needle, spiral and kidney-shaped aragonite filling similar to sea corrals creates an unusually varied mixture of images. The Hall of Milky it the part of the cave, which is unanimously, considered the most beautiful. The white aragonite grapes in a fissure in the ceiling glow like stars on the sky and the equally snow-white “bushes” intrigue any visitor.
Monday – Sunday | 11:40 – 11:40 |
Otváracie hodiny sa každoročne líšia. Aktuálne otváracie hodiny sú dostupné na
Ice cellars were simple, small stone constructions built into slopes like regular cellars. Closed by iron doors, they were fitted with strong forged hooks on their inner walls to hold the meat of shot animals. Several ice cellars are known across Slovakia, preserved in various manorial parks. One such example is found in the village of Vlachovo.
The cave is famous for extra thin sinter “curls”. It is situated in the western foothills of the Silická planina plateau in the Slovenský kras karst. Thanks to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The abyss of Silická ľadnica is located to the south-west of the village of Silica on the plateau of Silická planina (National Park of Slovak Karst, 22 km far from the town of Rožňava). Due to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Keď sa povie „lúka plná sysľov“ alebo „syslia lúka“, mnohí ľudia, ktorí boli v Národnom parku Muránska planina už automaticky vedia, že reč je o sysľovisku Biele vody pri Muráni. Táto lokalita sa stala natoľko známou, že patrí medzi hlavné ťaháky turizmu na Muránskej planine a určite patrí k najviac navštevovaným miestam. Možnosť vidieť sysľa vo voľnej prírode naozaj z bezprostrednej blízkosti je pri prirodzenej plachosti týchto hlodavcov naozaj výnimočným zážitkom.
Takmer posvätné miesto Rožňavčanov je zároveň obľúbeným cieľom všetkých turistov. Fascinujúci kruhovitý výhľad láka turistov už niekoľko desaťročí pri príležitosti organizovaných výstupov, ale aj individuálnych túr.
Near the village Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka, in the northern edge of the Silická planina plateau in the Slovenský karst, is the entrance to the Krásnohorská cave. The cave boasts the tallest stalagmite in the moderate climate zone. Thanks to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Národný park Muránska planina sa jaskyňami len tak hemží. Napočítali by sme ich tu viac ako 250. Verejnosti prístupná je však len jediná z nich – Wesselényiho (alebo tiež Vešeléniho) jaskyňa.
In the south-western edge of the Slovenský raj Mts. is the Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa cave, one of the largest ice caves in Europe. Thanks to its significance and unique ornamentation, it was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.
If you do not know where to take a short walk through the Slovak Paradise, make a circuit. Palcmanská Maša Reservoir will bring you a pleasant walk, suitable for families with children.
Chmarošský viadukt pri Telgárte je jednou z najznámejších a zaiste i najkrajších technických pamiatok na Slovensku.
Panská sýpka s vínnou pivnicou ponúka ubytovanie v netradičných priestoroch bývalej sýpky. Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi. V našom objekte nájdete aj rozprávkovú kanceláriu Slimáčika Kraska.
The Horse Yard is an agroturistic establishment situated in the village of Brzotín. It lies in the valley of the River Slaná giving a breathtaking view of the exceptional natural features of Slovak Carst National Park - the Plateau of Silica and Plateau of Plešivec. Thanks to its location, Horse Yard is an ideal place for romantic souls just as for gourmets with very high standards.
Štýlová reštaurácia Tri ruže je situovaná na západnej strane Námestia baníkov v Rožňave priamo v budove historickej Radnice. Masívne starožitné skrine, klavír, kyvadlové hodiny a originálne olejomaľby vdychujú interiéru atmosféru minulých čias.
“Život je krátky na jednu chuť piva.”
Situated in Telgárt in the Banskobystrický kraj Region, 36 km from Tatranská Lomnica, Horehronská Kúria boasts a barbecue and views of the mountain. The guest house has a sun terrace and views of the garden, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant or a drink at the bar. Free private parking is available on site.
Reštaurácia Penziónu u Hanky v podhorskej obci Telgárt je jedným z mála miest, kde si dnes môžete pochutnať na domácom chlebe s domácim maslom a džemom, ktorý zapijete domácim mliekom alebo čajom pripraveným zo surovín z okolitých lúk a lesov.
Rodinný Hostinec Stará krčma je situovaný na juhu Slovenského raja v horskej obci Stratená. Láka najmä prekrásnou 160-ročnou budovou, ktorá má históriu aj dušu a prekrásnym okolím, ktoré si počas slnečných dní môžete vychutnávať aj zo štýlovej letnej terasy.
Ranč pod Ostrou skalou neďaleko Dobšinskej ľadovej jaskyne, to je pravý western.
Panská sýpka s vínnou pivnicou ponúka ubytovanie v netradičných priestoroch bývalej sýpky. Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi. V našom objekte nájdete aj rozprávkovú kanceláriu Slimáčika Kraska.
Penzión Flipper offers accommodation in Lubeník. The guest house has a barbecue and sun terrace, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant.
The Horse Yard is an agroturistic establishment situated in the village of Brzotín. It lies in the valley of the River Slaná giving a breathtaking view of the exceptional natural features of Slovak Carst National Park - the Plateau of Silica and Plateau of Plešivec. Thanks to its location, Horse Yard is an ideal place for romantic souls just as for gourmets with very high standards.
Penzion pri Kastieli Betliar is set in the vicinity of Kastiel Betliar, one of the most known castles in Slovakia and it is provided with a restaurant. Free WiFi is available throughout the property.
Located at the gate to the Slovenský kras National park, the Penzión Skalná ruža - Kövirózsa panzió offers free WiFi, a terrace and barbecue facilities. (Source:
Offering a sauna, a hot tub, billiards and massages, Garni Hotel Šport is located in Rožňava. Free WiFi access is available. The reception is opened for 24 hours.
Located 500 m away from the historical centre of Rožňava, Penzion Areal Zamma offers rooms with their own terrace, wellness, free parking and free WiFi in the entire property.
Situated in Telgárt in the Banskobystrický kraj Region, 36 km from Tatranská Lomnica, Horehronská Kúria boasts a barbecue and views of the mountain. The guest house has a sun terrace and views of the garden, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant or a drink at the bar. Free private parking is available on site.
Reštaurácia Penziónu u Hanky v podhorskej obci Telgárt je jedným z mála miest, kde si dnes môžete pochutnať na domácom chlebe s domácim maslom a džemom, ktorý zapijete domácim mliekom alebo čajom pripraveným zo surovín z okolitých lúk a lesov.
Rodinný Hostinec Stará krčma je situovaný na juhu Slovenského raja v horskej obci Stratená. Láka najmä prekrásnou 160-ročnou budovou, ktorá má históriu aj dušu a prekrásnym okolím, ktoré si počas slnečných dní môžete vychutnávať aj zo štýlovej letnej terasy.
Panská sýpka s vínnou pivnicou ponúka ubytovanie v netradičných priestoroch bývalej sýpky. Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi. V našom objekte nájdete aj rozprávkovú kanceláriu Slimáčika Kraska.
Among the oldest monuments of Gemer the National Cultural Monument - Evangelical church with the oldest organ in Slovakia dominates.
North-west of Rožňava in the east of Slovakia, in the valley of the Slaná river is the fairy tale-like two-storied manor house Betliar with four corner towers. It is a stately hunting manor surrounded by a wonderful English park with romantic structures including an artificial cave and waterfall. Its interior is equally interesting, as it contains a picture gallery, music and hunting halls, a library, antique furniture and exotic collections. Its reconstruction won a EUROPA NOSTRA award.
In Červeňany, in the south of central Slovakia, stands the historic blast furnace, one of the best conserved technical monuments of its kind in Slovakia.
The Mining Museum in Rožňava, which is more than a hundred years old, is one of three specialized mining museums in Slovakia and serves as the district museum of national history and geography. Its function is to preserve not only artifacts from the field of mining and metallurgy, but also collections from various disciplines.
The most valuable sacral building of Rožňava is the Catholic church of Ascension of the Virgin Mary, which was originally a parish church. It is the bishop cathedral since 1776.
The Muráň Castle, one of the highest situated castles of Slovakia, was built as the royal sentry castle on top of the Cigánka cliff at the height of 935 m in the 13th century.
Chmarošský viadukt pri Telgárte je jednou z najznámejších a zaiste i najkrajších technických pamiatok na Slovensku.
The charm of the original Horehronie architecture, the modesty of the furnishings of the Šumica people's dwellings and the variety of folk traditions of the village of Šumiac will be revealed to you when visiting the Šumia room.