Eurovea Apartments

The modern Sheraton Bratislava Hotel offers air-conditioned rooms and is situated opposite to the New Slovak National Theatre, a 10 minutes' walk from the historical centre. Standard WiFi is available for free, whilst the high-speed connection is for a surcharge.
Guests are offered free access to the Zion Spa Premium, which provides an indoor swimming pool, a Finnish sauna and steam bath. Guests have also a 24-hour free access to the Sheraton’s fitness centre.
The Link@Sheraton on the first floor offers free internet access and several computer stations. It also has a printer. Premium high speed internet is available for a surcharge.
All quiet rooms of the Sheraton come with a minibar and a tea and coffee-making facilities. Each room has a flat-screen TV with multilingual cable and satellite channels. You can choose from a range of spacious rooms, all featuring Signature Beds and seating areas. Bathrooms are equipped with rain showers, bathtubs and hairdryer. In addition, mineral water, ironing facilities and a make-up mirror are offered.
Rooms on the Club floor include free access to the spacious Club Lounge offering free snacks and drinks throughout the day, and to the fitness centre.
Guests can also relax in the popular Port Wilson Lobby Lounge or Amber’s Bar. Sheraton Bratislava Hotel is located on the banks of the Danube River, inviting you to take relaxing strolls along its banks. The hotel is situated within the modern Eurovea Centre with over 200 shops. Sheraton Bratislava Hotel can be reached in 15-minute’s drive from Bratislava International Airport and 35 minute’s drive from Vienna International Airport.
We will prepare a tailor-made offer within 24 hours on weekdays from 8AM to 16PM.
Monday – Sunday | 00:00 – 24:00 |
The Slovak National Collection of Wines is a unique concept in Central Europe. You can find a collection of the top 100 wines of Slovakia here, which you can purchase or taste in our historical wine cellar in the centre of Bratislava.
Wonderful ride through the old town of Bratislava.
Do you prefer active rest? Play squash right in the city center. We offer you a quality court, which is part of our Spa center. After the match, you can relax in the sauna or take a dip in the pool. You will find such an exclusive combination of services only in the Hotel Devín.
Comfortable seated under the transparent (or opened) roof, Bratislava city train Prešporáčik OldTimer® will take you through the old parts situated outside of the former medieval city up to Bratislava Castle.
To experience the most beautiful panoramic views in Bratislava look no further than our Panoramic Tour.
Would you leave Paris without a visit to the Eiffel Tower or from Dubai without a visit to the Burj Khalifa? Not? So in Bratislava you must not miss the UFO, 95 meters high lookout tower forming the top of the SNP bridge.
The most modern laser game system is finally coming to Slovakia. ICombat is a world unit and offers several types of weapons for all generations. Bratislava is the first Slovak city where you can try this system.
Enjoy the new and remarkable view of Bratislava through the sunny day or light up at night from the deck of our motorized speedboat.
Are you looking for something new? Are you looking for an activity where you will definitely not be bored, so come and play bowling in our bowling center, where you will find a modern environment, 8 professional lanes with seating for 48 players.
Try what it's like to drive at full throttle in the largest go-kart hall in Slovakia.
Experience the freedom in our JUMP ARENA. Jumping and acrobatics on huge trampolines, ultimate dodgebal, air bag, jumping, celebrations, teambuilding, ...
Team Up is an original amusement park in the style of Fort Boyard and a conference space in one. It is ideal for corporate events, teambuilding, but also as a place to have fun with friends over the weekend, family or school trip, a place for children's birthday parties, and actually for all those who want to have active and team fun. Our game can be played by up to 80 people at once. The aim of the game is to overcome 24 tasks / rooms that will test your physical strength, logical thinking and team spirit. Completing all tasks is not a prerequisite, the main goal is to have fun together. We have prepared several levels of difficulty for you, so that you have a great time, regardless of your age or condition.
Café café Cremeria Milano is an Italian cafe, cake house and ice cream house situated on the Danube riverbank in one of the largest shopping centers of our capital Bratislava.
Al Faro is one of the most successful restaurants on the waterfront of Bratislava’s Eurovea center, and it has been operating without major changes since its opening. Even without knowledge of Italian, it is easy to guess that the name means “lighthouse” – although according to the menu it refers to the tower of nearby Warehouse No. 7. A harbor, river, or lighthouse is very close to fish and therefore the concept of the Italian Al Faro restaurant puts an emphasis on fish.
Looking for a nice place to go out for a glass of fine wine with your friends or just want to buy a bottle of good quality wine to take with you? Then you’re at the right address.
A place for ‘outcasts’ feeling strange in any kind of subculture.
If you‘re serious about your tea, you cannot miss out on this teeny tea room hidden in a quiet street.
Strong coffee, wide variety of tasty homemade lemonades, and pretty good food: U Kubistu manages to impress even the pickiest caffeine nerds and foodies amongst us.
LOĎ owned by the popular Slovak actors Ady HAJDU a Roman LUKNÁR is an attractive space RIGHT on the newly reconstructed boat anchored in a relaxation area on the right bank of the Danube with lots of greenery, trees and parks nearby. It offers visitors the THEATER BELOW DECK, along with an ART GALLERY and COFFEE HOUSE with stunning views of the Danube.
Why was the name "HOUDINI” chosen for the Marrol’s Hotel restaurant? Let's go back a few years in the past. It’s April 2003. Marrol’s Hotel is first opening its doors to guests. Its style literally takes the breath of its visitors away through its subtle dignity, chic atmosphere and stylish elegance drawn from elements from the first half of the last century. The hotel’s slogan, Living in Style, seals the reputation of the hotel’s atmosphere.
Kde sa varí dobré pivo, tam musí byť dobrá kuchyňa. Pivovar nadväzujúci na tradície známeho meštianskeho pivovaru „Die Bürgerliche Brauerei“ vyrába pivo modernou technológiu, pričom jedlá ponúka pripravené podľa tradičnej prešporskej receptúry. Sviečková na smotane, kôprová omáčka s knedľou, pečené koleno, husacina a množstvo iných pochúťok spolu s príjemnou chmeľovou arómou navôkol patria ku gastronomickým zážitkom v tomto trojposchodovom podniku.
A small café chain carrying the name of an important historical figure Ludovít Štúr. Stur single-handedly jumpstarted the city‘s original coffee shop revolution, and still holds its popularity to this day.
The Slovak National Collection of Wines is a unique concept in Central Europe. You can find a collection of the top 100 wines of Slovakia here, which you can purchase or taste in our historical wine cellar in the centre of Bratislava.
The stylish Danubia Gate hotel is a 5-minute walk from Bratislava's Old Town and the Danube. It offers free WiFi and rooms with PC/TV including free internet and a webcam. Free fitness centre is available for 24 hours.
The luxurious 5-star Tulip House Hotel is situated in a historic building in the heart of Bratislava, and offers spacious suites, free internet access and a modern spa area with sauna and hot tub facilities.
Marrol's Boutique Hotel is 5-star hotel located in Bratislava city centre, within a walking distance to the historical Old Town. Parking is available in the underground garage with monitored camera system, WiFi is free of charge throughout the hotel.
Situated in the heart of Bratislava and set in the historical building of the former Municipal Savings Bank build in 1930s, City Centre Best Location Apartments offers accommodation in modern apartments, with free high-speed WiFi available in all areas.
Brainteaselava Escape Room offers adventure activities for turists where you can learn something about Bratislava and its history in really unconvential and funny way.
The most modern laser game system is finally coming to Slovakia. ICombat is a world unit and offers several types of weapons for all generations. Bratislava is the first Slovak city where you can try this system.
Get us a memorable experience . You do not own a boat , you can rent it with us, or try Safari on personal watercraft.
Try what it's like to drive at full throttle in the largest go-kart hall in Slovakia.
Experience the freedom in our JUMP ARENA. Jumping and acrobatics on huge trampolines, ultimate dodgebal, air bag, jumping, celebrations, teambuilding, ...
Team Up is an original amusement park in the style of Fort Boyard and a conference space in one. It is ideal for corporate events, teambuilding, but also as a place to have fun with friends over the weekend, family or school trip, a place for children's birthday parties, and actually for all those who want to have active and team fun. Our game can be played by up to 80 people at once. The aim of the game is to overcome 24 tasks / rooms that will test your physical strength, logical thinking and team spirit. Completing all tasks is not a prerequisite, the main goal is to have fun together. We have prepared several levels of difficulty for you, so that you have a great time, regardless of your age or condition.
The technical parameters are adapted to the historical area with a baroque manor house and majestic old trees. The golf course is suitable for demanding players as well as for beginners. One of its advantages is that it is situated less than 6 km from the capital city of Bratislava. The club has been active in this domain since 1995.
Black & White Golf Resort Bratislava je unikátnym golfovým rezortom. Nielenže bolo v tomto rezorte vybudované prvé 9-jamkové ihrisko na Slovensku (ihrisko Park), ale taktiež je to najväčším golfovým rezortom s 55-timi grínmi a mnohými oceneniami. Rezort je známy tým, že ponúka 4 ihriská rôznych obťiažností, počnúc najľahším ihrisko Park a končiac športovo najnáročnejším ihrisko v Európe, ihriskom Black River.
Whitewater is a sport complex that offers a wide range of activities for professional athletes as well as for amateurs.
Slovenské národné divadlo, jedna z najvýznamnejších kultúrnych inštitúcií Slovenska, začalo písať svoje dejiny roku 1920. Dnešné Slovenské národné divadlo tvoria tri zložky so stálym profesionálnym umeleckým súborom: Činohra, Opera a Balet.
Divadlo a.ha vzniklo v roku 1991 ako komorné profesionálne divadlo. Založili ho režisér Štefan Korenči, dramaturgička Viki Janoušková a manažérka Monika Korenčiová. „a.ha“ v jeho názve vyjadrovalo spojenie „ako hosť“. Prvou premiérou bola inscenácia Štefana Korenčiho hry Edwarda Albeeho ZOO story.
Slovenské divadlo tanca (SDT) vzniklo v roku 2005 na podnet choreografa a režiséra Jána Ďurovčíka.
Galéria UMELKA je jednou z najstarších kultúrnych inštitúcií na Slovensku: postavená bola spolkom Umelecká beseda slovenská v rokoch 1925 – 1926. Umelcom i kultúrnej verejnosti slúži bez prerušenia už skoro 90 rokov.
LOĎ owned by the popular Slovak actors Ady HAJDU a Roman LUKNÁR is an attractive space RIGHT on the newly reconstructed boat anchored in a relaxation area on the right bank of the Danube with lots of greenery, trees and parks nearby. It offers visitors the THEATER BELOW DECK, along with an ART GALLERY and COFFEE HOUSE with stunning views of the Danube.
Divadlo vzniklo v r. 1957 pod názvom Štátne bábkové divadlo. V súčasnosti patrí do zriaďovateľskej pôsobnosti Bratislavského samosprávneho kraja, preto bolo premenované na Bratislavské bábkové divadlo. Na konte má 183 premiér a viac ako 13 000 predstavení doma a vo svete, ako aj množstvo významných ocenení z medzinárodných festivalov.
The Natural Science Museum focuses on research, documentation and presentation of the variety and evolution of both organic and inorganic nature, especially in the territory of Slovakia. It houses a collection of 2.4 million objects.
The memorial in front of the Slovak National Museum in Bratislava is the meeting place of the supporters of the common state of the Czechs and Slovaks. On 28th October, they celebrate the establishment of the first Czechoslovak Republic in 1918.
Divadlo Aréna patrí svojou tradíciou medzi najstaršie divadlá v Bratislave. Založené bolo v roku 1828 na petržalskom brehu Dunaja, v blízkosti historického verejného parku. Spočiatku slúžilo ako letné divadlo – nekrytý amfiteáter, odtiaľ názov Aréna.
Mestské divadlo Pavla Országha Hviezdoslava, je umeleckou scénou Bratislavského kultúrneho a informačného strediska, ktoré ho má vo svojej správe od 17. októbra 2009.
Požičajte si Mercedes a prejdite s ním celé Slovensko štýlovo. Vyberte sa na dobrodružstvá sám, s partnerom, priateľmi, alebo rodinou a podľa toho si vyberte typ vozidla, ktoré Vám najviac vyhovuje.
Požičajte si Mercedes a prejdite s ním celé Slovensko štýlovo. Vyberte sa na dobrodružstvá sám, s partnerom, priateľmi, alebo rodinou a podľa toho si vyberte typ vozidla, ktoré Vám najviac vyhovuje.