Archaelogical Museum SNM Bratislava

Museum & Gallery

Archeologické múzeum je špecializovaným múzejným pracoviskom s celoštátnou pôsobnosťou. Zameriava sa na získavanie, evidenciu, reštaurovanie, uchovávanie, prezentovanie a publikovanie archeologických nálezov na území Slovenska od praveku až po vrcholný stredovek.

V bohato zastúpenom zbierkovom fonde Archeologického múzea je množstvo vzácnych nálezov z rôznych oblastí Slovenska od praveku až po novovek pochádzajúcich najmä z vlastných archeologických výskumov. Najvzácnejšie z nich sú prezentované v expozícii Najstaršie dejiny Slovenska. Archeologické múzeum sídli v renesančnej Kamperovej kúrii na Žižkovej ul. 12.

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Tuesday – Sunday10:0017:00

posledný vstup o 16:30

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3°C/ -1°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
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4°C/ -2°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 3m/s
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Clear sky
4°C/ -2°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
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Clear sky
5°C/ -1°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 4m/s
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Overcast clouds
4°C/ -2°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
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Overcast clouds
5°C/ 0°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
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Scattered clouds
6°C/ -1°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s

Places Around

Castle tour

Comfortable seated under the transparent (or opened) roof, Bratislava city train Prešporáčik OldTimer® will take you through the old parts situated outside of the former medieval city up to Bratislava Castle.

Panoramic tour

To experience the most beautiful panoramic views in Bratislava look no further than our Panoramic Tour.

UFO watch.taste.groove

UFO watch.taste.groove

Would you leave Paris without a visit to the Eiffel Tower or from Dubai without a visit to the Burj Khalifa? Not? So in Bratislava you must not miss the UFO, 95 meters high lookout tower forming the top of the SNP bridge.

Squash and thai massage in hotel Devín

Squash and thai massage in hotel Devín

Do you prefer active rest? Play squash right in the city center. We offer you a quality court, which is part of our Spa center. After the match, you can relax in the sauna or take a dip in the pool. You will find such an exclusive combination of services only in the Hotel Devín.

National Wine Salon of the Slovak Republic

National Wine Salon of the Slovak Republic

The Slovak National Collection of Wines is a unique concept in Central Europe. You can find a collection of the top 100 wines of Slovakia here, which you can purchase or taste in our historical wine cellar in the centre of Bratislava.

Botanical Garden in Bratislava

The Botanical Garden of Comenius University in Bratislava was the first of its kind opened in Slovakia. It is one of the favourite places of relaxation for inhabitants and visitors of our Capital.

ZOO Bratislava

ZOO Bratislava

Bratislava ZOO opened its gates in 1960 and is a home for 167 spieces, numbering more than 958 animals. Apart from breeding endangered species, it also fulfils educational role. It takes part in various rescue programmes and is a member of several international organizations. The rarest among the species are: Southern White Rhinoceros, Addax, Pygmy Hippopotamus, Buff-cheeked Gibbon, Red Panda, Sumatran Orangutan.

Petržalka Bowling Center

Petržalka Bowling Center

Are you looking for something new? Are you looking for an activity where you will definitely not be bored, so come and play bowling in our bowling center, where you will find a modern environment, 8 professional lanes with seating for 48 players.

Kart One Arena

Kart One Arena

Try what it's like to drive at full throttle in the largest go-kart hall in Slovakia.

iCOMBAT Laser Game

iCOMBAT Laser Game

The most modern laser game system is finally coming to Slovakia. ICombat is a world unit and offers several types of weapons for all generations. Bratislava is the first Slovak city where you can try this system.

Team Up

Team Up

Team Up is an original amusement park in the style of Fort Boyard and a conference space in one. It is ideal for corporate events, teambuilding, but also as a place to have fun with friends over the weekend, family or school trip, a place for children's birthday parties, and actually for all those who want to have active and team fun. Our game can be played by up to 80 people at once. The aim of the game is to overcome 24 tasks / rooms that will test your physical strength, logical thinking and team spirit. Completing all tasks is not a prerequisite, the main goal is to have fun together. We have prepared several levels of difficulty for you, so that you have a great time, regardless of your age or condition.

Jump Arena

Jump Arena

Experience the freedom in our JUMP ARENA. Jumping and acrobatics on huge trampolines, ultimate dodgebal, air bag, jumping, celebrations, teambuilding, ...

Rybársky Cech

Reštaurácia Rybársky cech je zameraná primárne na ryby, či už sladkovodné alebo morské.

Modrá Hviezda Restaurant

Modrá Hviezda Restaurant

Enjoy excellent Slovak dishes with good beer or home-made wine in our restaurant located in the building from the 18th century.

The Wine Bar under the Castle

The Wine Bar under the Castle is a place where every day you can enjoy the greatest fruits of labor from leading Slovak and foreign wine producers. Currently we offer almost seven hundred kinds of Slovak and foreign wines, out of which you will certainly choose one. Whether you want to sit comfortably and carry discussions with colleagues and friends after work with your favorite bottle of wine or desire to experience new and exotic flavors from hitherto unexplored parts of the world, the Wine Bar under the Castle is the right place for you.



If you wish to taste the selected specialiti es from the cuisine of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, look no further. Zylinder is just as traditi onal as it only goes.

San Marten Bar & Restaurant

San Marten Bar & Restaurant

SAN MARTEN BAR & RESTAURANT is located in one of Bratislava´s historical buildings in the city center, next to Saint Martin´s Cathedral.

Iasai food bar

Iasai food bar

Iasai je radosť z každej strany. Ochutnajte veľké polievky a malé jedlá inšpirované Áziou.

Rio Restaurant & Bar

Rio Restaurant & Bar

Enter a world full of passion, flavors and exciting entertainment. The RIO GRANDE RESTAURANT, NIGHT BAR and CAFÉ all offer a special experience. Just go off Hviezdoslavova Námestie to Panská ulica.

Luculus Ice Saloon

Luculus Ice Saloon

The LUCULUS patisserie with wheelchair access is located in the historical center of Bratislava on Hviezdoslavovo Square. The patisserie provides a friendly atmosphere and is known far and wide for its excellent ice cream, good coffee and a wide selection of delicious desserts.

National Wine Salon of the Slovak Republic

National Wine Salon of the Slovak Republic

The Slovak National Collection of Wines is a unique concept in Central Europe. You can find a collection of the top 100 wines of Slovakia here, which you can purchase or taste in our historical wine cellar in the centre of Bratislava.

Hostel One

Hostel One is situated in the Stare Mesto district in Bratislava, 300 m from Bratislava Castle.

Hotel Ibis ***

Set below Bratislava Castle the Ibis Bratislava Centrum is only a 5-minute walk from the old town. Rooms have air conditioning and breakfast is served from 04:00 to 12:00.

Grand Hotel River Park *****

The Grand Hotel River Park is situated in downtown Bratislava, directly on the banks of the river Danube and only a 35-minute drive from Vienna International Airport. It offers accommodation in luxurious rooms and suites.

Brainteaselava Escape Room

Brainteaselava Escape Room offers adventure activities for turists where you can learn something about Bratislava and its history in really unconvential and funny way.

Kart One Arena

Kart One Arena

Try what it's like to drive at full throttle in the largest go-kart hall in Slovakia.

iCOMBAT Laser Game

iCOMBAT Laser Game

The most modern laser game system is finally coming to Slovakia. ICombat is a world unit and offers several types of weapons for all generations. Bratislava is the first Slovak city where you can try this system.

Výletné plavby po Dunaji

Get us a memorable experience . You do not own a boat , you can rent it with us, or try Safari on personal watercraft.

Team Up

Team Up

Team Up is an original amusement park in the style of Fort Boyard and a conference space in one. It is ideal for corporate events, teambuilding, but also as a place to have fun with friends over the weekend, family or school trip, a place for children's birthday parties, and actually for all those who want to have active and team fun. Our game can be played by up to 80 people at once. The aim of the game is to overcome 24 tasks / rooms that will test your physical strength, logical thinking and team spirit. Completing all tasks is not a prerequisite, the main goal is to have fun together. We have prepared several levels of difficulty for you, so that you have a great time, regardless of your age or condition.

Jump Arena

Jump Arena

Experience the freedom in our JUMP ARENA. Jumping and acrobatics on huge trampolines, ultimate dodgebal, air bag, jumping, celebrations, teambuilding, ...

Golf and Country Club Bratislava - Bernolákovo

Golf and Country Club Bratislava - Bernolákovo

The technical parameters are adapted to the historical area with a baroque manor house and majestic old trees. The golf course is suitable for demanding players as well as for beginners. One of its advantages is that it is situated less than 6 km from the capital city of Bratislava. The club has been active in this domain since 1995.

Areál Divoká voda

Whitewater is a sport complex that offers a wide range of activities for professional athletes as well as for amateurs.

Black River Golf Resort

Black & White Golf Resort Bratislava je unikátnym golfovým rezortom. Nielenže bolo v tomto rezorte vybudované prvé 9-jamkové ihrisko na Slovensku (ihrisko Park), ale taktiež je to najväčším golfovým rezortom s 55-timi grínmi a mnohými oceneniami. Rezort je známy tým, že ponúka 4 ihriská rôznych obťiažností, počnúc najľahším ihrisko Park a končiac športovo najnáročnejším ihrisko v Európe, ihriskom Black River.

Music Museum SNM Bratislava

Music Museum SNM Bratislava

The Music Museum is a documentary, scientific-research and methodological institution with nationwide activities, which purposefully acquires, preserves, scientifically and professionally processes, uses and makes available museum collections related to music, documenting the field of music culture in Slovakia from the oldest times until the present day.

Bratislava Castle

Bratislava Castle

The monumental building of the Bratislava Castle is visible from a great distance. Certainly, every visitor of Bratislava notices the pronounced silhouette. The majestic impression is enhanced by the hill it stands on, some eighty-five metres above the water level of the Danube river.

Museum of History SNM Bratislava

Museum of History SNM Bratislava

Set out on a journey into the past and get familiar with the evolution of society in Slovakia since the Middle Ages up to the present day. In addition to a unique numismatic collection, you can enjoy a view of the city from the Crown Tower of Bratislava Castle.

The memorial of Chatam Sofer

The memorial of Chatam Sofer

The famous rabbi Chatam Sófer was the pride of the Bratislava´s Jewish community. His vault has been preserved and nowadays it is part of the monumental memorial. The place of the last rest of the famous rabbi from Bratislava Chatam Sófer (Noshe Schreiber) (1762-1869) is situated in front of the tunnel opening on the embankment of Bratislava.

St Martins Minister - Bratislava

St Martins Minister - Bratislava

The pride of every Christian city is its parish church. This is undoubtedly the case with St Martins Minster, Bratislavas biggest, oldest, and most spectacular church.

Bibiana - International House of Art for Children

Bibiana - International House of Art for Children

Bibiana focuses on and supports the development of art activities designed for all age categories of children and young generation. Through unusual, experimental methods of work, children become familiar with art.

Museum of Jewish Culture SNM Bratislava

Museum of Jewish Culture SNM Bratislava

The exposition of Jewish culture in Slovakia is located in the Zsigray mansion in Bratislava. The Museum of Jewish Culture is also in charge of exhibitions held in synagogues in Žilina, Prešov and Trnava.

Michael's Courtyard Gallery

Michael's Courtyard Gallery

The Michael's Courtyard Gallery was founded on December 12, 1995. It is located in the basement area of the former Jesenák's Palace on Michalská no. 3 in Bratislava. The antique vaults and brick walls give a special feeling to the area that is frequented by both artists and numerous visitors.

Motor-car Hodonínska

Motor-car Hodonínska

Požičajte si Mercedes a prejdite s ním celé Slovensko štýlovo. Vyberte sa na dobrodružstvá sám, s partnerom, priateľmi, alebo rodinou a podľa toho si vyberte typ vozidla, ktoré Vám najviac vyhovuje.

Motor-car Tuhovská

Motor-car Tuhovská

Požičajte si Mercedes a prejdite s ním celé Slovensko štýlovo. Vyberte sa na dobrodružstvá sám, s partnerom, priateľmi, alebo rodinou a podľa toho si vyberte typ vozidla, ktoré Vám najviac vyhovuje.

Events Around
