LEGENDY Open Air Tour 2021 - Hlohovec

Slovenské hudobné legendy vyrážajú na spoločné turné! Po uvoľnení opatrení v súvislosti s pandémiou sa v  júli chystá veľké spoločné turné ,,Legendy open air tour“, ktoré bude jedinečným spojením slovenských hudobných legiend. Na jednom pódiu spolu vystúpia Beáta Dubasová, Janko Lehotský, Pavol Hammel a Vašo Patejdl. Spolu sa predstavia v 11 slovenských mestách a bude to prierez ich najväčších hitov.

Ľudia sa tak môžu tešiť na nezabudnuteľné skladby ako Dievča z reklamy, Učiteľka tanca, Sklíčka, Nepriznaná, Sme také aké sme, ZRPŠ, Veľký sen mora, Ak nie si moja, Vráť mi tie hviezdy, Mopedová, Dievčatá či Úsmev alebo Medulienku.

Väčšina koncertov sa uskutoční na letných amfiteátroch a teší sa aj jediná dáma medzi účinkujúcimi Beáta Dubasová. ,, Pre mňa to budú koncerty po dlhej dobe a o to viac sa teším. Som rada, že si môžem zaspievať na spoločných pódiách s milými priateľmi a kolegami, ktorí v československej hudbe veľa dokázali. Sú stále aktívni, za čo im patrí môj obdiv. Majú na konte obrovské množstvo hitov  a nie nadarmo patria medzi najväčších slovenských hitmakerov.“ povedala o kolegoch sympatická Beáta, ktorú doplnila organizátorka tour Benita Faltysová ,,Bude to pre ľudí určite zaujímavé spojenie. Interpréti zaspievajú svoje najväčšie hity, ktoré k nim neodmysliteľne patria a vyše dvojhodinový program obohatia aj rôznymi spoločnými skladbami. Lístky sú už predaji v miestach koncertov“ .


Bez nároku na zľavu

Cena na mieste: 23 €


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August 5, 2021
7:00 PM
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Zámok 2279/2A920 01Hlohovec
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    Weather Forecast

    Few clouds icon
    Few clouds
    23°C/ 11°CDay / Night
    Moderate breeze, 6m/s
    Light rain icon
    Light rain
    23°C/ 12°CDay / Night
    Moderate breeze, 6m/s
    Light rain icon
    Light rain
    16°C/ 12°CDay / Night
    Moderate breeze, 7m/s
    Light rain icon
    Light rain
    14°C/ 11°CDay / Night
    Light breeze, 3m/s
    Few clouds icon
    Few clouds
    20°C/ 7°CDay / Night
    Gentle breeze, 4m/s
    Overcast clouds icon
    Overcast clouds
    20°C/ 9°CDay / Night
    Light breeze, 3m/s
    Light rain icon
    Light rain
    21°C/ 10°CDay / Night
    Gentle breeze, 3m/s

    Places Around

    Kukuričné bludisko - the biggest labyrint of Europe

    Čakajú Vás 2 bludiská s trasou cca 2 800 m, ale pri hľadaní stanovíšť sa nachodíte oveľa viac. Ďalej sme pripravili stánok s občerstvením, párty stan, pyramídu z balíkov slamy, rozhľadňu, hry na overenie detských zručností či jazda traktorom. Vstupné: deti od 3r. aj dospelí 2,50 €.

    Municipal Cultural Center of Piestany

    The premises of the Cultural Center are performed various concerts and theater performances, tours of amateur theater groups as well as the performances of schools, educational concerts and exhibitions.

    Remix Music Club Coffe & Bar

    Come sit for a cup of coffee or a good mixed drink at night is a good time and dance to the newly opened club in Piestany! Input from 20r.


    A popular summer holiday resort, the water reservoir Sĺňava, is next to the world famous spa Piešťany situated in west of Slovakia.

    Cultural and Social Center Fontána

    The premises of cultural and social center fountain is designed for film and theater productions, lectures, symposia, congresses and exhibition for business.

    House of Arts Piestany

    The first purpose-built building outside Bratislava theater after World War II, conducted in the years 1974 - 1979 by architect F. Milucky. The bearers of architectural expression as architectural concrete, glass and red - mobile and fixed surfaces and shapes.

    Medovinárstvo Apimed

    Spoločnosť Apimed bola založená v roku 1998, kedy sa majitelia Peter Kudláč s manželkou Máriou vydali na cestu znovuobjavovania starodávneho vykvaseného nápoja z medu s cieľom nadviazať na tradície našich predkov.

    Elephant Diner - Trnava

    Elephant Diner - Trnava

    Reštaurácia v štýle amerického retra v Tebe zanechá príjemný a hlavne chutný zážitok.. Nevyskúšaš - nevieš :) Rodičia s deťmi si užijú aj detský kútik!

    Penzión Patriot ***

    Penzión Patriot ***

    Located in the historical centre of Trnava, 300 m from Trnava University, Pension & Restaurant Patriot offers you air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi and free secure parking.

    Synagóga cafe

    Synagóga cafe

    Synagóga Café, kaviareň s jedinečnou atmosférou, patrí medzi najkrajšie objekty a kulinárske zastávky v meste Trnava.


    Café and restaurant. We organize family reunions, graduations, weddings, balls, receptions, banquets, seminars, training, team building, accommodation.

    Víno Mrva & Stanko

    V dobe, keď trh i celá spoločnosť ešte len hľadali cestu k dobrému vínu, predstavila firma Víno Mrva&Stanko slovenské víno ako moderný nápoj.

    Restaurant on "Fuelke"

    Offer: - in addition to the wide range of menu dishes to order - corporate catering directly with us - and the possibility of importing food

    Hotel Spectrum ***

    Hotel Spectrum ***

    Located in the town of Trnava, Hotel Spectrum offers spacious accommodation with free Wi-Fi and contemporary design. It features a golf simulator and professional snooker table for guests’ entertainment.

    Penzión Patriot ***

    Penzión Patriot ***

    Located in the historical centre of Trnava, 300 m from Trnava University, Pension & Restaurant Patriot offers you air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi and free secure parking.

    Lanové centrum Trnava

    Lanové centrum Trnava

    Lanové centrum Trnava je adrenalínový športový areál pod šírym nebom, ktorý ponúka atraktívne programy pre skupiny aj jednotlivcov. Ide o komplex lanových prekážok, ktoré sú umiestnené vo výške 8 metrov nad zemou.

    Napoelon spa

    On the territory of Piestany there are several spa houses, the oldest of which there are three objects Napoleonic Spa, located in the immediate vicinity of the Vah river. Bathhouses, whose functions can be throughout their existence has not changed, although the built gradually, but with the effort expressive mutually adapt. Urban are arranged in a U-shape to form a small square.

    Slovak Health Spa Piestany

    Slovak Health Spa Piestany

    Natural healing sources - thermal mineral water and unique sulfuric mud - are the cornerstones of the spa.

    Golf Trnava

    Na okraji Trnavy, v dotyku rekreačnej oddychovej zóny uviedla spoločnosť Golf Trnava, s.r.o., do prevádzky odpalisko Driving Range Trnava.

    Thermal swimming pool Eva

    The complex, consisting of a 25-meter indoor swimming pool, open from the 50-meter swimming pool with springboard, the children's outdoor pool, the areas of accessories, the apartment manager and designated areas for sunbathing and for various sports, built between 1933-1934 by the architect A. Wimmer, A. and M. Szonyi Kolátor. Watering reconstructed several times, in the last quarter of the 20th century briefly examine the new entrance building.

    Golf & Country Club Piešťany

    Golf & Country Club Piešťany

    The Spa Golf Club in Piešťany is situated not far from the well-known spa area. It was established as one of the first golf courses in Slovakia as early as in 1914.

    Observatory and Planetarium in Hlohovec

    Hlohovec is one of the few towns in Slovakia which have observatories (19) and one of the five towns with a planetarium. We organize field trips to the planetarium, lectures and astronomic observations of the Sun and the night sky.

    Homeland Studies Museum in Hlohovec

    Homeland Studies Museum in Hlohovec

    The Homeland Studies Museum in Hlohovec is situated in the Franciscan Monastery from 1492 and it also includes the monastery canteen and the refectory with stucco decoration. Besides this, visitors can also see expositions of pottery, porcelain and glasswork as well as the collection of historical bells and stone sculptures.

    St Nicholas Basilica – Trnava

    St Nicholas Basilica – Trnava

    The great Gothic monument, St Nicholas Basilica, parish church stands on the square Námestie Sv. Mikuláša on the site of an older Romanesque church from the 14th century (on the site of the oldest settlement). It was a cathedral church of the Esztergom Archbishop in the years 1543-1820.

    Western Slovakia Museum in Trnava

    Western Slovakia Museum in Trnava

    The museum is situated in the former Clarist monastery from the 13th century with the rich stucco and relief decoration of the Sacrarium. During World War II, this place served as a hiding place for American pilots. Besides the permanent expositions, visitors can see 20 new expositions a year in the showplace, which is larger than 2,500 m2. Moreover, the museum administers the Oláh Seminary and the House of Music.

    Cathedral of St John the Baptist – Trnava

    Cathedral of St John the Baptist – Trnava

    The first Early Baroque building of national significance in Slovakia, the university Cathedral of St John the Baptist is one of the most valuable historical monuments of Trnava.

    Town tower

    The town tower has been, for several centuries, the main landmark of Trnava. The main purpose of the tower was to function as a lookout tower, contributing to the security of the town. This, almost 60m tall renaissance structure contains unique clockwork inside.

    Ján Palárik Theatre

    Ján Palárik Theatre

    Budova Divadla Jána Palárika je považovaná za najstaršiu stavbu svojho druhu na Slovensku.

    Múzeum holokaustu v Seredi

    Múzeum holokaustu v Seredi je súčasťou SNM-Múzea židovskej kultúry v Bratislave. Vzniklo v priestoroch bývalého pracovného a koncentračného tábora v Seredi, ktoré predstavuje autentické miesto viažuce sa k tragickému obdobiu riešenia židovskej otázky na Slovensku počas druhej svetovej vojny.

    Ján Koniarek Gallery in Trnava

    Ján Koniarek Gallery in Trnava

    The Ján Koniarek Gallery bears the name of the founder of Slovak sculpture Ján Koniarek, who was born on January 30, 1878 in the village of Voderady and died on May 4, 1952 in Trnava. The gallery was established on June 1, 1976, while since April 1, 2002 it has been managed by the Trnava Self-governing Region.

    Town fortifications of Trnava

    Town fortifications of Trnava

    The fortifications of the town of Trnava rank among the oldest medieval fortifications of Slovak towns. With the delineated area of 56 ha, the town of Trnava in the 13th century ranked among the largest towns in Europe.