Riddikulus! | 26. 9. o 19:00 | Ružomberok

Neautorizovaný Potterovský zážitok – paródia na všetkých 7 Harry Potter kníh za 90 skvelých minút – naživo! Od prvej sovy až po nervydrásajúci súboj s pánom zla! Čarodejníci, mukli aj šmukli, ktorí vyrastali a dospievali za múrmi Rokfortu sem sa! Čaká nás bláznivý let svetom Harryho Pottera. Sedem kníh plných dobrodružstva zhustených do jedného predstavenia je nielen poctou fenoménu jednej generácie, ale aj zábavnou a láskavou karikatúrou v podaní mladých divadelníkov.

Naši traja hrdinovia – Harry, Ron a Hermiona budú kľučkovať v labyrinte obľúbených scén a preskakovať pohyblivé príbehové schodiská. Čakajte neočakávané a prútiky majte vždy pripravené!

Ochutnali by ste elixír od barmana Snape-a? Vedeli by ste si predstaviť Harryho a Draca ako kamarátov? Pozreli by ste si, ako tancuje Voldemort? A čo tak rap battle medzi Bellatrix a Ronom? Pre všetkých, ktorí milujú neobyčajný čarodejnícky príbeh a neboja sa z neho uťahovať je tu jedinečné divadelné predstavenie!

Transfigurácie známeho príbehu sa chopili mladí divadelní stíhači a kultúrna platforma OZ Artefakt, ktorá ponúka príležitosti študentom, absolventom múzických umení a čerstvým talentom. Ich hlavnými zaklínadlami sú humor a melódia, výsledkom je chytľavá paródia. 


Predstavenie nie je vhodné pre divákov do 15 rokov!


Réžia: Pavol Viecha 

Text: Pavol Viecha, Martin Krč 

Dramaturgia: Martin Krč 

Účinkujú: Katarína Gurová, Peter Pavlík a Kristóf Melecsky 

Scéna, kostýmy: Dorota Volfová 

Hudba: Andrej Majerčík 

Produkcia: Zuzka Lobotková 

Dĺžka predstavenia: 90 minút

Pavol Viecha je absolvent divadelnej réžie a v súčasnosti doktorand na VŠMU. Aktívne sa venuje divadelnej réžii v profesionálnom (spolupráca s Mestským divadlom Žilina, či s divadlom Ticho a spol.), v ochotníckom kontexte (cena za Umelecký počin sezóny 2016 na festivale Scénická žatva za inscenáciu Pojednávanie vo veci Genezis), či so súborom nevidiacich a slabozrakých Zrakáč (inscenácia Ste medzi nami v Modrom salóne SND, Novinárska cena 2020 za projekt Zracast). Je režisérom a spoluscenáristom internetového spravodajstva KKTV. Hrá na viacero hudobných nástrojov a je gitaristom kapely O gadže bašaven, ktorá sa zameriava na rómsku hudbu a folklór. Sám seba vníma ako fanúšika Harryho Pottera, ale priznáva, že knihy HP naposledy čítal v predpubertálnom veku.

Katarína Gurová študovala herectvo na košickom konzervatóriu a následne na Akadémii umení v Banskej Bystrici. Už počas štúdia sa venovala nielen divadlu, ale aj folklóru a poézii. Účinkovala v Slovenskom rozhlase, v Štátnom divadle Košice, vo viacerých detských kočovných divadlách a taktiež vyučovala literárno-dramatický odbor. Momentálne je herečkou v Divadelnom centre, podieľa sa na nezávislej banskobystrickej scéne, v Bratislave spolupracuje s kolektívom mladých tvorcov Uhol_92.

Peter Pavlík je absolvent Vysokej školy múzických umení v Bratislave. Pôsobí v Bratislavskom bábkovom divadle, činohre Slovenského národného divadla a vo viacerých zahraničných platformách a nezávislých produkciách.

Kristóf Melecsky je absolvent Divadelnej fakulty Vysokej školy múzických umení v Bratislave. Hrá po maďarsky aj slovensky a pôsobí v Slovenskom národnom divadle a Jókaiho Divadle v Komárne.






Upozornenie: Podujatie je v rámci služby Predpredaj.sk dostupné len online (nie je dostupné v kamenných predajných miestach).

Predpredaj.sk vám umožňuje online nákup vstupeniek na rôzne hudobné, kultúrne, športové a iné podujatia. Vybrať si môžete aj zo širokej ponuky kurzov, adrenalínových zážitkov, výrobkov a služieb. Nezabúdame ani na najmenších, pre ktorých máme v ponuke detské tábory a zaujímavé akcie.

Po zrealizovaní platby si môžete vaše vstupenky vytlačiť. .

September 26, 2021
7:00 PM
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Antona Bernoláka 1034 01Ružomberok
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    16°C/ 6°CDay / Night
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    15°C/ 6°CDay / Night
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    Places Around

    Reservoir Hrabovo

    Reservoir Hrabovo

    Come and swim during the hot summer in the Hrabovo Reservoir. The reservoir is open to the public without admission.

    AQUAZORBING – Hrabovo

    AQUAZORBING – Hrabovo

    NEW eccentric adrenaline fun AQUAZORBING. Have you ever walked on a water surface? We will make it possible for you! And you don't even have to take off your clothes! Come and try how to walk on the water surface - try safe and unique fun on the water… Visit us in Hrabovská dolina.

    Malinô Brdo ski & bike family park

    Malinô Brdo ski & bike family park

    In the summer season of 2009, a new Bike Park was opened in the resort, which, with a total length of more than 10 km, was ranked among the top biker parks in Slovakia.

    Obrovo- fun area for children

    Obrovo- fun area for children

    Experience a hill of fun - Obrovo is a unique world of the giant Čutka in Čutkovská dolina near Ružomberok. The entertainment area offers children a lot of fun, trampolines, an obstacle rope park, archery, children's paintball, big 3D chess ...

    Deer´s waterfall

    Deer´s waterfall

    The waterfall is located on Jeleňý potok, a right-hand tributary of Čutkovský potok. It is cascading, two-story and its most beautiful is its upper part. From a professional point of view, this is the so-called destructive waterfall, which means that its height and slope decreases over the ages by the action of water. Jelení waterfall is one of the stops on the educational trail Známa neznáma Čutkovská dolina. The trail starts at the mouth of the Čutkovská valley and opens up all the most interesting corners of the area. The section in front of the waterfall is equipped with 84 steps due to the more demanding terrain. As the amount of water in the waterfall fluctuates during the year, it is best to visit it in the spring or during periods of heavy rain.

    Lučanský waterfall

    Lučanský waterfall

    The waterfall is a great rarity also because it lies in the middle of the village. It is 12 meters high, cascading and falls from the edge of the travertine terrace into a small lake. The Lúčanka or Teplianka stream itself is not interesting at all, but its tributaries are gypsum-earthy Teplice, which enriched the decoration of the waterfall by flowing over the mentioned travertine terraces, from which the waterfall falls down.

    Veľký Choč Mt. (Chočské vrchy Mts.)

    Veľký Choč Mt. (Chočské vrchy Mts.)

    The mountain Veľký Choč towering above the dividing line between regions Liptov and Orava is one of the most beautiful in Slovakia. Prevailingly spruce woods cover the mountain and in the highest parts a continuous growth of dwarf pines (unique in this whole mountain range) can be seen. For well-conserved forest bioncenoses with rare flora which in places acquire the nature of virgin forest, it was designated the National Nature Reserve.

    Bešeňová Travertine Formation

    Bešeňová Travertine Formation

    The village of Bešeňová is one of the few precious places with occurrence of "freshwater" limestone, so-called travertine. These precious calcite forms arised thanks to mineral contents of water, its temperature and, of course, the surface and structure of the landscape. If you have some free time, come and visit this "forsaken" pit situated to the north of the village.

    Kalameny - Spring Medokýš

    Kalameny - Spring Medokýš

    Do you want to enjoy wellness, but do not want to waste money? The Medokýš spring in the village of Kalemany is a solution for you. It offers pleasant relaxation and completely free :)

    Waterfall of Branko

    Waterfall of Branko

    Brankovský waterfall is located on the western edge of the Low Tatras at the mouth of the Revúcka valley. The waterfall with its height of 55 m is the highest waterfall in the Low Tatras. At the same time, it ranks in the top five highest waterfalls in Slovakia. The amount of water that flows through a waterfall depends on precipitation, ie also on the season. The waterfall and its surroundings have been a national natural monument since 1980. It belongs to the Low Tatras National Park. Despite its importance, the waterfall is little known to visitors to Liptov. In the winter months, the Brankovský waterfall turns into an ice wall covered with many trinkets and other ice formations.

    Orava rafting

    Orava rafting

    Do you want to experience a romantic holiday in the beautiful corners of the river Orava with a touch of adventure? Or a little adrenaline on the wild water? Come rafting with us!

    Happy End Restaurant & Club

    Happy End Restaurant & Club

    The Happy End music club offers top-quality entertainment in the centre of the Jasná Low Tatras resort – not only for skiers, snowboarders and visitors of Jasná, but for the whole Liptov region and Northern Slovakia.

    Vŕšky Brewery

    The first mountain brewery has been operating in Terchová with experienced master brewer since 2012. You can book a tour and tasting the microbrewery in to the Drevenice Terchová Resort. If you just want to taste, the beer is on a tap in the next door restaurant.

    Koliba u dobrého pastiera

    Koliba u dobrého pastiera

    Koliba u dobrého pastiera je unikátny komplex ubytovacích, stravovacích služieb v lone nádhernej liptovskej prírody iba 5 minút od centra mesta Ružomberok. Celá stavba je z prírodných materiálov a v duchu slovenskej tradície.

    Salaš Krajinka

    Salaš Krajinka

    Rodinný salaš s 300 ovečkami ,výrobou syrov, 100% bryndzou , pekárňou , reštauráciou a s múzeom hospodárskych strojov . Založený v roku 2001.

    Penzión Villa Helia

    Penzión Villa Helia

    Penzion Villa Helia is situated in the quiet suburban area of Medzihradné, only 1,200 m from the historic city centre of Dolny Kubin. It offers modern-style accommodation with free Wi-Fi and an on-site hot tub.

    Penzión Koliba

    Penzión Koliba

    Located only 200 m from the historic square of P.O. Hviezdoslava in Dolný Kubín, Penzión Koliba is set in a traditional-style wooden house, typical for the Orava Region. It offers an on-site restaurant and rooms with a TV and free Wi-Fi.

    Pivovar Kastelán

    Túžba po vlastnom čapovanom pive v príjemnej reštaurácií pod majestátnym bralom Oravského hradu nás viedla k založeniu minipivovaru Kastelán.

    Donovalský pivovar

    Donovalský pivovar

    Donovalský pivovar sa zrodil v krásnych, no drsných horách stredného Slovenska. Jeho život sa začal našim odvážnym a pritom tak prostým odhodlaním: už od počiatku variť poctivé pivo. Náš unikátny pivovar okrem útulnej reštaurácie ponúka aj čerstvé pekárenské výrobky z vlastnej pekárne a útulnú kaviareň. Milovníkom hôr prinášame osobitú skupinu pív, z ktorej je každé jedno výnimočné.

    Koliba u Kuba Penzión **

    Koliba u Kuba Penzión **

    Offering a seasonal outdoor pool and ski-to-door access, Koliba u Kuba a rekreačné domy is set in Hruštín in the Žilinský kraj Region. Wisła is 48 km away. Free WiFi is provided throughout the property.

    Happy End Restaurant & Club

    Happy End Restaurant & Club

    The Happy End music club offers top-quality entertainment in the centre of the Jasná Low Tatras resort – not only for skiers, snowboarders and visitors of Jasná, but for the whole Liptov region and Northern Slovakia.

    Vŕšky Brewery

    The first mountain brewery has been operating in Terchová with experienced master brewer since 2012. You can book a tour and tasting the microbrewery in to the Drevenice Terchová Resort. If you just want to taste, the beer is on a tap in the next door restaurant.

    Hotel Kultúra ***

    Hotel Kultúra ***

    Located just 300 m from Andrej Hlinka Square, Hotel Kultúra has its own cinema and concert hall. There is a lobby bar with a terrace facing the town’s historical centre.

    Penzión Andrej

    Penzión Andrej

    The family run Penzion Andrej features a fireplace, a small library suitable for reading and free Wi-Fi. A business corner equipped with a printer, a scanner and a fax and copy machine is also available.

    Pension Malino

    Pension Malino

    The newly built pension MALINO near the ski resort Malinô Brdo, which is located in Hrabovská dolina, offers stylish accommodation for families or multi-member groups. Pension Malino is located next to the parking lot, from which during the winter season free public ski buses run, about 2 minutes. from the cabin station Malino Brdo. Hrabovská dolina offers year-round activities. In the winter season it will offer you great skiing, sledding and winter hiking, after which you can indulge in relaxation in our private whirlpool. In the last season you can relax while walking in nature, there are countless hiking and biking trails in various levels. At the same time, there is the longest Zip-line track in Slovakia. In our pension MALINO we offer accommodation in 2-bed rooms or 4-bed rooms, which are designed as two-room apartments. Each room / apartment has its own bathroom, free high speed internet access, TV / SAT. The pension also has a private wellness with a whirlpool for relaxation with your loved ones.

    Koliba u dobrého pastiera

    Koliba u dobrého pastiera

    Koliba u dobrého pastiera je unikátny komplex ubytovacích, stravovacích služieb v lone nádhernej liptovskej prírody iba 5 minút od centra mesta Ružomberok. Celá stavba je z prírodných materiálov a v duchu slovenskej tradície.

    Penzión Villa Helia

    Penzión Villa Helia

    Penzion Villa Helia is situated in the quiet suburban area of Medzihradné, only 1,200 m from the historic city centre of Dolny Kubin. It offers modern-style accommodation with free Wi-Fi and an on-site hot tub.

    Penzión Koliba

    Penzión Koliba

    Located only 200 m from the historic square of P.O. Hviezdoslava in Dolný Kubín, Penzión Koliba is set in a traditional-style wooden house, typical for the Orava Region. It offers an on-site restaurant and rooms with a TV and free Wi-Fi.

    Koliba u Kuba Penzión **

    Koliba u Kuba Penzión **

    Offering a seasonal outdoor pool and ski-to-door access, Koliba u Kuba a rekreačné domy is set in Hruštín in the Žilinský kraj Region. Wisła is 48 km away. Free WiFi is provided throughout the property.

    AQUAZORBING – Hrabovo

    AQUAZORBING – Hrabovo

    NEW eccentric adrenaline fun AQUAZORBING. Have you ever walked on a water surface? We will make it possible for you! And you don't even have to take off your clothes! Come and try how to walk on the water surface - try safe and unique fun on the water… Visit us in Hrabovská dolina.

    TARZANIA Hrabovo

    TARZANIA Hrabovo sa nachádza, v blízkosti nástupnej stanice lanovky na Malinô Brdo kúsok od centra Ružomberka a svojou celkovou dĺžkou 1110m je najväčším lanovým parkom na Slovensku. V areáli nájdete čiernu, červenú, modrú a detskú trasu. Neváhajte a vyskúšajte si najdlhší ZIP LINE na Slovensku.

    Malinô Brdo ski & bike family park

    Malinô Brdo ski & bike family park

    In the summer season of 2009, a new Bike Park was opened in the resort, which, with a total length of more than 10 km, was ranked among the top biker parks in Slovakia.

    ZipLine Ružomberok

    ZipLine Ružomberok

    Do you love the rush of adrenaline? So ZipLine is the right choice for you.

    AQUA-VITAL Park - Spa Lúčky

    AQUA-VITAL Park -  Spa Lúčky

    AQUA - VITAL PARK, open all year round, awaits you in the natural environment of KÚPEĽOV LÚČKY. subsurface lighting).

    Spa Lúčky

    Spa Lúčky lying on the limits of regions Liptov and Orava is the one of oldest in Slovakia. It is popular for it provides complete therapy of gynaecological diseases, and it is the only spa in the county specialised in womens diseases. Locals know the mineral springs since 1761.

    Aqua-Vital Park Lúčky

    Aqua-Vital Park Lúčky

    Spa Lúčky lying on the limits of regions Liptov and Orava is the one of oldest in Slovakia. It is popular for it provides complete therapy of gynaecological diseases, and it is the only spa in the county specialised in womens diseases.

    Gino Paradise Bešeňová

    Gino Paradise Bešeňová

    This fine park, which is located in the beautiful setting of the Choč Mountains overlooking both the Low and Western Tatras, boasts a wide variety of three indoor and thirteen outdoor pools, nine outdoor water slides, a number of children's slides and hot tubs. The resort also features a new pebble beach that includes a nudist area. Relaxation and entertainment for the whole family are provided all year long.

    Orava rafting

    Orava rafting

    Do you want to experience a romantic holiday in the beautiful corners of the river Orava with a touch of adventure? Or a little adrenaline on the wild water? Come rafting with us!

    AquaRelax Dolný Kubín

    AquaRelax Dolný Kubín

    AquaRelax is a modern aqua park in Dolný Kubín, outstanding for its unique pyramid architecture. It uses only crystal-clear water in stainless steel pools.

    Liptov Museum Ružomberok

    Liptov Museum Ružomberok

    Permanent expositions: geology, palaeontology, botanic, zoology, archaeology, feudalisms and guilds, folk lore, sacral art, history of Liptov 1948 - 1945, life and work of A. Hlinka, history of paper-making, history.

    Likava Castle

    Likava Castle

    Likavský hrad is situated in the north-western part of Liptov. The Castle was referred to for the first time in 1315. Its construction started with the intention to have a guarding point over the passage across the river Váh and the trade route from the Váh Basin to Orava and further to Poland.

    Gothic Church of All Saints Ludrová - Kút

    Gothic Church of All Saints Ludrová - Kút

    Rural colonizing Gothic church, built in the last third of the 13th century in the area between Ružomberok and Liptovská Štiavnica. Before 1466, they added a two-storey prismatic tower on the west side, and at the beginning of the 16th century the church was extended by a south nave with a new entrance.


    Biely Potok is the salient point for the community of Vlkolínec – a monument reserve of folk architecture. This extraordinary and remarkable oasis of folk architecture was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1993.

    Martin Kukučín Memorial House

    Martin Kukučín Memorial House

    Did you know that Martin Kukučín was called Martin Bencúr? Also, that he wrote about 100 short stories? You can learn this and many other interesting facts in the memorial house of Martin Kukučín in Jasová.

    Archeopark - Prehistoric settlement of Mokrý Kút

    Archeopark - Prehistoric settlement of Mokrý Kút

    Archeopark offers us the opportunity to look into the Lusatian culture, where we can see tools from the Bronze Age, functional bread ovens, firing ceramics or melting bronze. Archeopark is a suitable tip for all-day activities associated with learning about the life of prehistoric people.

    Liptovský Castle

    Liptovský Castle

    This highest situated Castle in Slovakia is at the altitude of 993 m in the mountains Chočské vrchy in the north of the country. In the past its owners alternated. The first owners obtained it from the king and it was inherited afterwards.

    Leštiny – articled church

    Leštiny – articled church

    The wooden articled Evangelical church of 1688 with wooden belfry was included in 2008, along with seven wooden churches of the Slovak part of Carpathian Mountain Area, on the UNESCO Word Heritage List.



    The unique archaeological park Havránok is situated next to the dam Liptovská Mara. It is a magical place and the visit of this Park maybe a great experience.

    Čaplovič library

    Čaplovič library

    Visit the Čaplovič Library, which consists of 93,696 library units and gain knowledge in the scientific disciplines represented in the library fund (lexicons and bibliographies, theology, philosophy, history and geography, sociology, law, philology, fiction, mathematics, natural sciences, art, revue and cook).

    Events Around

    Faster than a Train 2024

    Počas druhého ročníka cyklistického podujatia Faster than a Train si opäť cyklisti zmerajú sily s regionálnym vlakom. A my veríme, že poriadne trénujete! Kto vyhrá tentokrát? To sa dozvieme v sobotu, 15. júna 2023. Zatiaľ #SaveTheDate, konkrétne informácie budeme zverejňovať postupne v roku 2024. Tešíme sa na vás!