
Enjoy great food in pleasant atmosphere of our restaurant right on the river Danube. For a while you will fell like on the seashore. Refresh yourself in our BBQ bar on the terrace and then try to play beach volleyball, ride a paddle board, water ski, jet ski or take a motorboat with friends for a cruise to one of the Danube parts or under the majestic Devin castle.

If you want to discover the other riverside, no problem: our ferry for bikers, which runs regularly and directly from the restaurant YACHTER CLUB Modrá Čajka will take you with bicycles to the opposite shoreline of river Danube to Hamuliakovo and back.

In our oasis on the river shore you can spend a few days and nights calmly. We have prepared for you several cozy cabins with a romantic Danube view - of course for an affordable price... In the morning you may be woken up by gulls or swans while we prepare a delicious breakfast. After a cycling tour you can relax or visit the nearby world famous Danubiana Gallery where you can find in addition to the rare permanent exhibition at least three current exhibitions. After a cultural experience enjoy a tasty meal with a refreshing drink on the BBQ terrace. If you still have a bit of energy rent a paddle board or play beach volleyball. If you have children with you they can go crazy on a trampoline or sandbox or watch convoys of passenger and cargo ships sailing across the Danube.

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Vodné dielo Čunovo 851 10Bratislava - Čunovo
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Operation Times

Monday – Sunday09:0019:00

Weather Forecast

Clear sky icon
Clear sky
2°C/ -3°CDay / Night
Moderate breeze, 7m/s
Overcast clouds icon
Overcast clouds
3°C/ -3°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
Clear sky icon
Clear sky
2°C/ -5°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
Broken clouds icon
Broken clouds
3°C/ -5°CDay / Night
Light air, 1m/s
Clear sky icon
Clear sky
4°C/ -5°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 4m/s
Scattered clouds icon
Scattered clouds
5°C/ -5°CDay / Night
Moderate breeze, 6m/s
Few clouds icon
Few clouds
7°C/ -3°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 4m/s

Places Around

Petržalka Bowling Center

Petržalka Bowling Center

Are you looking for something new? Are you looking for an activity where you will definitely not be bored, so come and play bowling in our bowling center, where you will find a modern environment, 8 professional lanes with seating for 48 players.

Kart One Arena

Kart One Arena

Try what it's like to drive at full throttle in the largest go-kart hall in Slovakia.

UFO watch.taste.groove

UFO watch.taste.groove

Would you leave Paris without a visit to the Eiffel Tower or from Dubai without a visit to the Burj Khalifa? Not? So in Bratislava you must not miss the UFO, 95 meters high lookout tower forming the top of the SNP bridge.

iCOMBAT Laser Game

iCOMBAT Laser Game

The most modern laser game system is finally coming to Slovakia. ICombat is a world unit and offers several types of weapons for all generations. Bratislava is the first Slovak city where you can try this system.

Korzo Zálesie

Korzo Zálesie

Korzo Zálesie brings an untraditional wooden promenade for all lovers of romantic nooks. If we add an even smaller lookout tower, it is ideal for a short walk, whether with your love or family.

Squash and thai massage in hotel Devín

Squash and thai massage in hotel Devín

Do you prefer active rest? Play squash right in the city center. We offer you a quality court, which is part of our Spa center. After the match, you can relax in the sauna or take a dip in the pool. You will find such an exclusive combination of services only in the Hotel Devín.

Castle tour

Comfortable seated under the transparent (or opened) roof, Bratislava city train Prešporáčik OldTimer® will take you through the old parts situated outside of the former medieval city up to Bratislava Castle.

Panoramic tour

To experience the most beautiful panoramic views in Bratislava look no further than our Panoramic Tour.

Jump Arena

Jump Arena

Experience the freedom in our JUMP ARENA. Jumping and acrobatics on huge trampolines, ultimate dodgebal, air bag, jumping, celebrations, teambuilding, ...

Reštaurácia YACHTER CLUB Modrá Čajka

Reštaurácia YACHTER CLUB Modrá Čajka

Príďte si vychutnať výborné jedlo, s krásnym výhľadom na Dunaj, do maríny s reštauráciou a ubytovaním YACHTER CLUB Modrá Čajka.

Elephant Diner - Rovinka

Elephant Diner - Rovinka

Americka reštaurácia/diner v štýle 50-tych rokov s nadštandardne veľkým detským kútikom.

Vinotéka LL Wine

Vinotéka LL Wine

Príjemný večer s priateľmi, rodinou či známymi môžte stráviť aj vo vinotéke LL Wine, kde budú Vaše chuťové poháriky zažívať nebo. Postará sa o to široký sortiment slovenských i zahraničných vín.

Portofino wine bar & pasta

Portofino wine bar & pasta

Portofino je priamym pokračovateľom úspešného projektu Wine bar&Tapas by Parcafe z bratislavského Ružinova.

Antovszky Catering

Naša spoločnosť GASTRO-CENTRUM J.P.B. ANTOVSZKÝ, spol. s.r.o., zabezpečuje profesionálny catering a párty servis od roku 1995. Pôsobíme na celom území Slovenska, ako aj v Rakúsku, Česku a Maďarsku.

Fou Zoo

Fou Zoo

Miesto, kam sa chcete znovu vrátiť.

Al Faro

Al Faro

Al Faro is one of the most successful restaurants on the waterfront of Bratislava’s Eurovea center, and it has been operating without major changes since its opening. Even without knowledge of Italian, it is easy to guess that the name means “lighthouse” – although according to the menu it refers to the tower of nearby Warehouse No. 7. A harbor, river, or lighthouse is very close to fish and therefore the concept of the Italian Al Faro restaurant puts an emphasis on fish.

Loď - Theater Below Deck

Loď - Theater Below Deck

LOĎ owned by the popular Slovak actors Ady HAJDU a Roman LUKNÁR is an attractive space RIGHT on the newly reconstructed boat anchored in a relaxation area on the right bank of the Danube with lots of greenery, trees and parks nearby. It offers visitors the THEATER BELOW DECK, along with an ART GALLERY and COFFEE HOUSE with stunning views of the Danube.

Café café Cremeria Milano

Café café Cremeria Milano

Café café Cremeria Milano is an Italian cafe, cake house and ice cream house situated on the Danube riverbank in one of the largest shopping centers of our capital Bratislava.

Dunajský Pivovar Restaurant

Dunajský Pivovar Restaurant

A place where your soul will be delighted on the waves of the most delicate tastes, which combines the touch of bitter beer-brewing alchemy and the dainty appetite of Slovak and Czech gourmandise.

Botel YACHTER CLUB Modrá Čajka

Botel YACHTER CLUB Modrá Čajka

You can spend a few days and nights in our oasis on the banks of the river. We have prepared several cozy cabins with a romantic view of the Danube - of course, at an affordable price ... In the morning you may be woken up by seagulls or swans, while we will prepare you a delicious breakfast. After cycling, you can relax or go to the nearby world-famous Danubiana Gallery, where in addition to the rare permanent exhibition you will find at least three current exhibitions.

Ponteo Activity Park Rusovce

Ponteo Activity Park Rusovce

The Ponteo Activity Park Rusovce is a multifunctional complex in Bratislava - Rusovice, offering various leisure and sports facilities, free WiFi and free entrance to the fitness centre.

Hotel Rezort X-BIONIC Sphere

Hotel Rezort X-BIONIC Sphere

Offering a spa centre and hot tub, X-BIONIC Hotel is located in Šamorín. There is a water park on site and guests can enjoy the on-site restaurant and bar. Free WiFi is offered throughout the property and free private parking is available on site.

Rusovsky Penzion **

Rusovský Penzión is located in Rusovce, one of the green suburbs of Bratislava. The à la carte restaurant serves a continental breakfast, traditional regional cuisine and fish specialties.

Hotel Samaria

Hotel Samaria

Located in Samorin, Hotel Samaria offers an on-site Italian restaurant, a summer terrace and a 24-hour front desk. Free WiFi and free private parking are available.

Areál Divoká voda

Whitewater is a sport complex that offers a wide range of activities for professional athletes as well as for amateurs.

Rafting in Divoká voda

Rafting in Divoká voda

Experience the power of water, the ability to co-operate and stand together, and of course a lot of fun on a unique channel in Europe.



x-bionic® sphere Enter a world where records are broken, obstacles are overcome and the best of the best meet. The x-bionic® sphere represents a whole universe of sports, leisure and innovation, brought to you in partnership with the global premium sport brand X-BIONIC®. Unparalleled in the world, this unique, multifunctional complex is a haven for discerning visitors, professional athletes and teams, sports enthusiasts, families, business leaders as well as health and wellness seekers. The x-bionic® sphere is located in the middle of Europe, in the vicinity of two major capitals and their international airports: Vienna, Austria and Bratislava, Slovakia. It is easily accessible from every European country within less than 3 hours. (source: http://www.xbionicsphere.com/en/home)

Family Golf Rezort Welten

Family Golf Rezort Welten

Family Golf Rezort Welten sa nachádza 23 km od Bratislavy, v blízkosti mesta Dunajská Streda. Návštevníkom ponúka najvyšší možný štandard služieb. 18 jamkové ihrisko s množstvom pieskových bunkrov je zaujímavé pre všetky kategórie hráčov. 18 jamkové majstrovské ihrisko (par 72, celková dĺžka 6170 m), bohaté na pieskové bunkre. Golfový zážitok v príjemnom rodinnom prostredí.

Výletné plavby po Dunaji

Get us a memorable experience . You do not own a boat , you can rent it with us, or try Safari on personal watercraft.

Kart One Arena

Kart One Arena

Try what it's like to drive at full throttle in the largest go-kart hall in Slovakia.

iCOMBAT Laser Game

iCOMBAT Laser Game

The most modern laser game system is finally coming to Slovakia. ICombat is a world unit and offers several types of weapons for all generations. Bratislava is the first Slovak city where you can try this system.

Brainteaselava Escape Room

Brainteaselava Escape Room offers adventure activities for turists where you can learn something about Bratislava and its history in really unconvential and funny way.

Jump Arena

Jump Arena

Experience the freedom in our JUMP ARENA. Jumping and acrobatics on huge trampolines, ultimate dodgebal, air bag, jumping, celebrations, teambuilding, ...

Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum

Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum

One of the most romantic museums of modern art in Europe is less than 20 km south of Bratislava - The Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum. A place where the freedom of the water surface area showcases the creative ideas of contemporary authors.

Church of the Holy Cross - Hamuliakovo

Church of the Holy Cross - Hamuliakovo

The most important sacred monument of the most western part of Žitný ostrov is the local Roman Catholic church of the Holy Cross from the 13th century.

Ancient Gerulata Rusovce

Ancient Gerulata Rusovce

In addition to a beautiful manor with a large park, remnants of the Roman military camp Gerulata are the main attraction of Bratislava's borough of Rusovce.

Trade Museum in Bratislava

Trade Museum in Bratislava

The Trade Museum will show you something that you will not be able to see anywhere else. Do you want to feel the same way as our grandparents when they were sent shopping as children?

Slovak Dance Theatre

Slovak Dance Theatre

Slovenské divadlo tanca (SDT) vzniklo v roku 2005 na podnet choreografa a režiséra Jána Ďurovčíka.

Aréna Theatre

Aréna Theatre

Divadlo Aréna patrí svojou tradíciou medzi najstaršie divadlá v Bratislave. Založené bolo v roku 1828 na petržalskom brehu Dunaja, v blízkosti historického verejného parku. Spočiatku slúžilo ako letné divadlo – nekrytý amfiteáter, odtiaľ názov Aréna.

Loď - Theater Below Deck

Loď - Theater Below Deck

LOĎ owned by the popular Slovak actors Ady HAJDU a Roman LUKNÁR is an attractive space RIGHT on the newly reconstructed boat anchored in a relaxation area on the right bank of the Danube with lots of greenery, trees and parks nearby. It offers visitors the THEATER BELOW DECK, along with an ART GALLERY and COFFEE HOUSE with stunning views of the Danube.

Slovak National Theatre

Slovenské národné divadlo, jedna z najvýznamnejších kultúrnych inštitúcií Slovenska, začalo písať svoje dejiny roku 1920. Dnešné Slovenské národné divadlo tvoria tri zložky so stálym profesionálnym umeleckým súborom: Činohra, Opera a Balet.

UMELKA Gallery

UMELKA Gallery

Galéria UMELKA je jednou z najstarších kultúrnych inštitúcií na Slovensku: postavená bola spolkom Umelecká beseda slovenská v rokoch 1925 – 1926. Umelcom i kultúrnej verejnosti slúži bez prerušenia už skoro 90 rokov.

Malá scéna STU

Malá scéna STU

Divadlo a.ha vzniklo v roku 1991 ako komorné profesionálne divadlo. Založili ho režisér Štefan Korenči, dramaturgička Viki Janoušková a manažérka Monika Korenčiová. „a.ha“ v jeho názve vyjadrovalo spojenie „ako hosť“. Prvou premiérou bola inscenácia Štefana Korenčiho hry Edwarda Albeeho ZOO story.

Motor-car Tuhovská

Motor-car Tuhovská

Požičajte si Mercedes a prejdite s ním celé Slovensko štýlovo. Vyberte sa na dobrodružstvá sám, s partnerom, priateľmi, alebo rodinou a podľa toho si vyberte typ vozidla, ktoré Vám najviac vyhovuje.

Motor-car Hodonínska

Motor-car Hodonínska

Požičajte si Mercedes a prejdite s ním celé Slovensko štýlovo. Vyberte sa na dobrodružstvá sám, s partnerom, priateľmi, alebo rodinou a podľa toho si vyberte typ vozidla, ktoré Vám najviac vyhovuje.

Events Around
