Park v Turčianskej Štiavničke a Teplické serpentíny

Botanical, Zoological garden

Čo by ste povedali na prechádzku parkom, kde rastie viac ako 400 druhov stromov z celého sveta? Išli by ste sa prejsť? Ak áno, vyberte sa na návštevu do obecného parku v Turčianskej Štiavničke, ktorý je skutočným arborétom.

Pri parku sa nachádza renesančný kaštieľ grófskej rodiny Révayovcov, ktorý však pre nevyhovujúci stav nie je verejnosti prístupný. Park poskytuje vzácne chvíle pre odpočinok prechádzkou lúkami, okolo jazierok, bystrinky, azaliek, sekvojí a minerálneho prameňa. Oblasť v minulosti nemala dostatok vodných zdrojov, preto bolo potrebné nájsť spôsob ako do obce, parku a kaštieľa vodu dopraviť. Riešením sa stal systém teplických serpentín. Serpentíny vybudoval v rokoch 1870-1875 gróf Révay. Systém tvorí sústava vodných kanálikov vedených v zemi, horninou, či drevenými žľabmi.

Serpentíny končia v jazierku, ktoré vodu zo serpentín zachytáva.

Jazierko je napájané aj potokom, ktorý neďaleko preteká. Nachádza sa tu skala, na ktorú je žliabkom privádzaná voda, pričom dochádza k tvorbe travertínu.

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038 51Turčianska Štiavnica
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0°C/ -6°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
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Scattered clouds
0°C/ -6°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
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Clear sky
-1°C/ -8°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
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Clear sky
0°C/ -7°CDay / Night
Light air, 1m/s
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Clear sky
2°C/ -6°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
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Clear sky
4°C/ -6°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
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Broken clouds
6°C/ -3°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s

Places Around

Lake in Šútovo

Lake in Šútovo

Do you like the Croatian Lakes in Plitvice, but would you rather stay in Slovakia? In that case, be sure to visit Lake in Šútovo and enjoy relaxation as in Croatia.

Plte Strečno

Plte Strečno

Prvá pltnícka a raftingová spoločnosť s r.o. (PPRS) vznikla v roku 1999 ako podnikateľský subjekt, ktorého hlavnou náplňou je obnovenie tradície pltníctva na Váhu, v jeho historicky najznámejšom úseku – v strečnianskej júžine.

Vrátna valley (Malá Fatra Mts.)

Vrátna valley (Malá Fatra Mts.)

The only access road to the Vrátna valley, the most attractive part of the Malá Fatra Mts. is from the village Terchová. The Vrátna valley has four points of access: Tiesňavy, Stará dolina, Nová dolina and Starý dvor.

Deer´s waterfall

Deer´s waterfall

The waterfall is located on Jeleňý potok, a right-hand tributary of Čutkovský potok. It is cascading, two-story and its most beautiful is its upper part. From a professional point of view, this is the so-called destructive waterfall, which means that its height and slope decreases over the ages by the action of water. Jelení waterfall is one of the stops on the educational trail Známa neznáma Čutkovská dolina. The trail starts at the mouth of the Čutkovská valley and opens up all the most interesting corners of the area. The section in front of the waterfall is equipped with 84 steps due to the more demanding terrain. As the amount of water in the waterfall fluctuates during the year, it is best to visit it in the spring or during periods of heavy rain.

Obrovo- fun area for children

Obrovo- fun area for children

Experience a hill of fun - Obrovo is a unique world of the giant Čutka in Čutkovská dolina near Ružomberok. The entertainment area offers children a lot of fun, trampolines, an obstacle rope park, archery, children's paintball, big 3D chess ...

National Park of Veľká Fatra

The National Park of Veľká Fatra, lying in central Slovakia is typical for its continuous forest, long valleys and the largest locality of original yew tree occurrence in Europe.

Malinô Brdo ski & bike family park

Malinô Brdo ski & bike family park

In the summer season of 2009, a new Bike Park was opened in the resort, which, with a total length of more than 10 km, was ranked among the top biker parks in Slovakia.



NEW eccentric adrenaline fun AQUAZORBING. Have you ever walked on a water surface? We will make it possible for you! And you don't even have to take off your clothes! Come and try how to walk on the water surface - try safe and unique fun on the water… Visit us in Hrabovská dolina.

Vŕšky Brewery

The first mountain brewery has been operating in Terchová with experienced master brewer since 2012. You can book a tour and tasting the microbrewery in to the Drevenice Terchová Resort. If you just want to taste, the beer is on a tap in the next door restaurant.

Ferrata Two Towers

Ferrata Two Towers

Ferrata Dve veže is located about 4 km from the resort Gothal, in the direction of the neighboring village Liptovské Revúce. You can find it in the area that the locals used to call "Zahorovo". From the highest point of the ferrata you are offered beautiful views of the surrounding hills of the Low Tatras (Končitá, Malý Zvolen, Montenegro), Veľká Fatra (Krížna, Frčkov) and also the National Parks Veľká Fatra and Nízke Tatry, which is separated by the river Revúca.

Orava rafting

Orava rafting

Do you want to experience a romantic holiday in the beautiful corners of the river Orava with a touch of adventure? Or a little adrenaline on the wild water? Come rafting with us!

Zipline Kubínska

Zipline Kubínska

The longest and most modern ZIPLINE in Central and Eastern Europe with a length of 1234 m is guaranteed to take your breath away.

Salaš Krajinka

Salaš Krajinka

Rodinný salaš s 300 ovečkami ,výrobou syrov, 100% bryndzou , pekárňou , reštauráciou a s múzeom hospodárskych strojov . Založený v roku 2001.

Koliba u dobrého pastiera

Koliba u dobrého pastiera je unikátny komplex ubytovacích, stravovacích služieb v lone nádhernej liptovskej prírody iba 5 minút od centra mesta Ružomberok. Celá stavba je z prírodných materiálov a v duchu slovenskej tradície.

Vŕšky Brewery

The first mountain brewery has been operating in Terchová with experienced master brewer since 2012. You can book a tour and tasting the microbrewery in to the Drevenice Terchová Resort. If you just want to taste, the beer is on a tap in the next door restaurant.

Penzión Koliba

Located only 200 m from the historic square of P.O. Hviezdoslava in Dolný Kubín, Penzión Koliba is set in a traditional-style wooden house, typical for the Orava Region. It offers an on-site restaurant and rooms with a TV and free Wi-Fi.

Reštaurácia Slnečný pavilón

Reštaurácia sa nachádza v tichej lokalite Rajeckých Teplíc oproti hotelu Diplomat, v blízkosti centra mesta a kúpeľov. Okrem samotnej reštaurácie je hosťom k dispozícii aj upravený areál záhrady s detským kútikom, altánkom a pódiom slúžiacim pre kultúrno-spoločenské akcie a svadobné obrady.

Reštaurácia Rybárska Bašta

Reštaurácia Rybárska Bašta

Reštaurácia Rybárska bašta sa nachádza v atraktívnom prostredí, na ostrovčeku uprostred kúpeľného jazierka.


Navštívte štýlovú antickú kaviareň priamo v kúpeľnom dome Aphrodite a vychutnejte si exotické druhy káv, miešané alkoholické alebo nealkoholické nápoje. Hosťom ponúkame možnosť usporiadania spoločenských akcií.

Penzión Villa Helia

Penzion Villa Helia is situated in the quiet suburban area of Medzihradné, only 1,200 m from the historic city centre of Dolny Kubin. It offers modern-style accommodation with free Wi-Fi and an on-site hot tub.

Donovalský pivovar

Donovalský pivovar

Donovalský pivovar sa zrodil v krásnych, no drsných horách stredného Slovenska. Jeho život sa začal našim odvážnym a pritom tak prostým odhodlaním: už od počiatku variť poctivé pivo. Náš unikátny pivovar okrem útulnej reštaurácie ponúka aj čerstvé pekárenské výrobky z vlastnej pekárne a útulnú kaviareň. Milovníkom hôr prinášame osobitú skupinu pív, z ktorej je každé jedno výnimočné.

Reštaurácia Čierna Ovca

Čierna Ovca sa nachádza na rozhraní Veľkej Fatry a Kremnických vrchov v bezprostrednej blízkosti sviežeho horského potoka. Jedinečnosť tohto prostredia znásobuje prítomnosť Harmaneckej jaskyne, ktorej návšteva začína aj končí, práve u nás. A preto doprajte kulinársky zážitok svojmu telu, v krásnom prostredí Národného parku Veľká Fatra.

Hotel Turiec

Located in the centre of Martin, Hotel Turiec overlooks the Velka Fatra Mountains. It has a spa with a sauna, provides free on-site parking, and offers spacious rooms with LCD TV.

Koliba u dobrého pastiera

Koliba u dobrého pastiera je unikátny komplex ubytovacích, stravovacích služieb v lone nádhernej liptovskej prírody iba 5 minút od centra mesta Ružomberok. Celá stavba je z prírodných materiálov a v duchu slovenskej tradície.

Penzión Koliba

Located only 200 m from the historic square of P.O. Hviezdoslava in Dolný Kubín, Penzión Koliba is set in a traditional-style wooden house, typical for the Orava Region. It offers an on-site restaurant and rooms with a TV and free Wi-Fi.

Penzión Villa Helia

Penzion Villa Helia is situated in the quiet suburban area of Medzihradné, only 1,200 m from the historic city centre of Dolny Kubin. It offers modern-style accommodation with free Wi-Fi and an on-site hot tub.

ZipLine Ružomberok

ZipLine Ružomberok

Do you love the rush of adrenaline? So ZipLine is the right choice for you.

Malinô Brdo ski & bike family park

Malinô Brdo ski & bike family park

In the summer season of 2009, a new Bike Park was opened in the resort, which, with a total length of more than 10 km, was ranked among the top biker parks in Slovakia.



NEW eccentric adrenaline fun AQUAZORBING. Have you ever walked on a water surface? We will make it possible for you! And you don't even have to take off your clothes! Come and try how to walk on the water surface - try safe and unique fun on the water… Visit us in Hrabovská dolina.


TARZANIA Hrabovo sa nachádza, v blízkosti nástupnej stanice lanovky na Malinô Brdo kúsok od centra Ružomberka a svojou celkovou dĺžkou 1110m je najväčším lanovým parkom na Slovensku. V areáli nájdete čiernu, červenú, modrú a detskú trasu. Neváhajte a vyskúšajte si najdlhší ZIP LINE na Slovensku.

Ferrata Two Towers

Ferrata Two Towers

Ferrata Dve veže is located about 4 km from the resort Gothal, in the direction of the neighboring village Liptovské Revúce. You can find it in the area that the locals used to call "Zahorovo". From the highest point of the ferrata you are offered beautiful views of the surrounding hills of the Low Tatras (Končitá, Malý Zvolen, Montenegro), Veľká Fatra (Krížna, Frčkov) and also the National Parks Veľká Fatra and Nízke Tatry, which is separated by the river Revúca.

Orava rafting

Orava rafting

Do you want to experience a romantic holiday in the beautiful corners of the river Orava with a touch of adventure? Or a little adrenaline on the wild water? Come rafting with us!

AquaRelax Dolný Kubín

AquaRelax Dolný Kubín

AquaRelax is a modern aqua park in Dolný Kubín, outstanding for its unique pyramid architecture. It uses only crystal-clear water in stainless steel pools.

Thermal Swimming Pool Laura Rajecké Teplice

Thermal Swimming Pool Laura Rajecké Teplice

You can bathe in the Laura thermal spa in two swimming pools, from which one is for the children. The water temperature is 20 - 26oC. The area also offers mini-golf, beach volley, restaurants and snack bars with fast food. A parking lot is nearby.

Spa Rajecké Teplice

Spa Rajecké Teplice

The Aphrodite Spa Rajecké Teplice is situated amid the scenic natural surroundings of the Malá Fatra and Strážovské Hills. The Spa offers healing thermal water with a temperature of 38°C, whose beneficial effects have been known since the fourteenth century. It contains calcium and magnesium ions and is especially good for the locomotor system, neurological diseases, occupational diseases, and drinking cures.

Zipline Kubínska

Zipline Kubínska

The longest and most modern ZIPLINE in Central and Eastern Europe with a length of 1234 m is guaranteed to take your breath away.

Sklabiňa Castle

The Castle of Sklabiňa towers on the edge of the basin Turčianska kotlina and the mountains Veľká Fatra. It was first mentioned in 1242. After 1320, the Sklabiňa Castle became the seat of the county administration of Turiec.

Ethnography Museum SNM Martin

Ethnography Museum SNM Martin

In 1933, the museum opened its second building to the public. After its merger with the Bratislava-based Slovak National Museum in 1961, the museum began to be distinguished as Slovakia-wide Ethnography Museum that specializes in the preservation, research, documentation and presentation of folk material and spiritual culture in Slovakia.

Slovak National Literary Museum in Martin

Slovak National Literary Museum in Martin

The Slovak National Literary Museum of the Slovak National Library, as the country's central literary museum, fulfills museum, documentation and presentation mission. It collects, administers, preserves and provides access to museum objects that are related to the history of Slovak literature.

Slovak Chamber Theatre

Slovak Chamber Theatre

Slovenské komorné divadlo v Martine vzniklo roku 1944 ako druhé profesionálne divadlo na Slovensku. V divadelnom Martine sa už po vzniku ČSR začalo uvažovať o založení profesionálneho divadla.

Múzeum Andreja Kmeťa SNM Martin

Múzeum Andreja Kmeťa SNM Martin

SNM - Múzeum Andreja Kmeťa je od svojich počiatkov regionálne vlastivedné múzeum a sídli v prvej budove SNM z roku 1908.

Martin Benka Museum SNM Martin

The exposition presents authentic environment and visual works of art of prominent, versatile artist, but mainly painter nad illustrator - national artist Martin Benka. In line with Benka's last will, the interior of the museum (Benka's workroom, studio and bedroom) is preserved in its authentic form.

Turiec Regional Gallery Martin

Turiec Regional Gallery Martin

A permanent exposition called Slovak Modern 20th-Century Art in Turiec presents the works of well-known personalities associated with the Turiec region (M. A. Bazovský, J. Alexy, M. Benka, Ľ. Fulla) and a selection of works of artists included in Mikuláš Galanda's Group. Part of the exposition is devoted to Galanda and his works from the areas of painting, graphics and applied arts. Regularly-held exhibitions showcase mainly works of contemporary Slovak as well as foreign artists.

SNM in Martin - Museum of the Slovak Village

The Museum of the Slovak Village is the largest ethnographic open-air exposition in Slovakia. The museum, located in Jahodnícke háje in the southeastern part of the town of Martin, has been built by the Slovak National Museum in Martin since the 1960s. It provides a picture of traditional folk architecture, housing and the way of life of people who lived in northwestern Slovakia in the latter half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.

Starý hrad

Hrad sa vyníma na lesnom pozadí v Domašínskom meandri Váhu povyše hradu Strečno. Na Považí patril tento hrad medzi najstaršie. Pôvodne sa nazýval hrad Varín. Svoj dnešný názov "Starý hrad" získal po výstavbe a sprevádzkovaní hradu Strečno.

The Castle of Strečno

The Castle of Strečno

On the left bank of the Váh river, close to Žilina, you find the Strečno Castle on top of the limestone rock. In the past it was the safest fort in the Považie region.

Events Around



Feb 15Feb 16

Organizátori SNOW SHOW pozývajú všetkých milovníkov lyžovania, snowboardingu a hlavne skvelej zábavy do lyžiarskeho strediska Malinô Brdo v dňoch 15.-16. februára 2025.