Špania Dolina

Open-air museum, Folk museum

The Monument Reserve of Popular Architecture in the central Slovakia commune ŠPANIA DOLINA consists of a unique set of miner houses built of wood and stones.

The former mining village is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful in Slovakia. Copper and silver ores were mined here in the past. Along with the walled structures once owned by the mining administration a substantial part of local architecture is formed by houses of miners mostly built of logs on stone foundations. Both the stone or wooden walls were plastered with mud and painted with lime. The saddle roofs with gables were originally covered by shingles. The majority of preserved houses are from the 19th century.

The tall tower of the church of Conversion of the Lord built on Romanesque foundations dominates the wonderful panorama. In order to reach the fortified church, one can choose to climb 160 stairs of a roofed staircase. The entrance is situated in a little park with the Renaissance building of the former klopačka (knocker) from the 16th century. In the area of Klopačka, precious expositions from the history of this unique location can be found. The old water main is also a precious technical monument. The locally produced bobbin lace is also sought after. In the historical building of municipal office is a new Museum of copper. A walk over the mining nature trail in a beautiful nature is a nice experience.

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Pamiatková rezervácia ľudovej architektúry Špania Dolina 974 01Špania Dolina
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-2°C/ -4°CDay / Night
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1°C/ -6°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s
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-2°C/ -9°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
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-4°C/ -9°CDay / Night
Gentle breeze, 3m/s
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-5°C/ -12°CDay / Night
Light air, 1m/s
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Clear sky
-4°C/ -11°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 2m/s
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Clear sky
-3°C/ -11°CDay / Night
Light breeze, 3m/s

Places Around

Harmanecká jaskyňa cave

The Harmanecká jaskyňa cave is situated in the Veľká Fatra Mts. The cave is known for occurrence of rare white soft sinter, tall pagodas and sinter lakes.



We want you to feel great with us, which is why we have created a place for your moments of relaxation and well-being thanks to the use of natural materials. Stone, wood and warm tones will create the right atmosphere for your relaxation. Trees have always given people energy and strength. That's why wood has a story in our wellness center. He is 138 years old and thus creates an environment full of positive energy. You can release harmful substances from the body in our saunas. INFRASAUNA is equipped with the most modern infrared radiators, which have incredible regenerative and healing effects for your body, joints and muscles. SALT STEAM and EUCALYPTE SAUNA relax and cleanse the respiratory tract and lungs and have an excellent detoxifying effect on the whole organism. FINNISH SAUNA, a popular classic, is an integral part of the wellness center. After the sauna, you will be perfectly refreshed by the COOLING POOL with a waterfall. A RELAXING ROOM with a starry sky will give you a feeling of peace. The dominant feature of our wellness center is a spacious WHIRLPOOL for relaxing and regenerating muscles and joints thanks to massage jets. Entrance to the wellness center only from 15 years.



Do you know, what you want to be, when you grow up? Don’t wait until you grow up. Come to Donovalkovo, the capital city of children, and you can become a firefighter, policeman, banker, car racer, doctor and a lot more.

Králická strait

Králická gorge is a beautiful gorge in the unique nature in the Kremnické hills. An easy walk in the gorge, ending with Králický waterfall, but what more could you want?

Fairytale's village "Habakuky"

Fairytale's village "Habakuky"

We invite all those who want to experience the atmosphere of Slovak folk tales to our non-traditional village, which consists of houses in the style of folk-fantasy architecture.

Badínsky prales (Primeval Forest of Badín)

Badínsky prales (Primeval Forest of Badín)

The primeval forest of Badínsky prales, with its rare primary fir and beech habitat almost untouched by human activity, is one of the oldest protected areas in Slovakia. It was visited by Prince Charles in 2000.

Ferrata Two Towers

Ferrata Two Towers

Ferrata Dve veže is located about 4 km from the resort Gothal, in the direction of the neighboring village Liptovské Revúce. You can find it in the area that the locals used to call "Zahorovo". From the highest point of the ferrata you are offered beautiful views of the surrounding hills of the Low Tatras (Končitá, Malý Zvolen, Montenegro), Veľká Fatra (Krížna, Frčkov) and also the National Parks Veľká Fatra and Nízke Tatry, which is separated by the river Revúca.

Mičinské travertíny

Len kúsok od cesty medzi obcami Dolná Mičiná a Čerín sa nachádza jedinečná prírodná pamiatka – tzv. Mičinské travertíny. Ide o údolnú travertínovú terasu posiatu malými travertínovými kôpkami – krátermi, z ktorých vyteká minerálna voda.

The centre of Europe (Kremnické Bane)

The centre of Europe (Kremnické Bane)

In a beautiful place near Kremnické Bane, central Slovakia, a stone is erected next to an ancient church of John Baptist. It reminds the passers-by that it is exactly here that the geographical centre of Europe is situated.

Mining monuments in Kremnica

Kremnica, the town situated in central Slovakia in Kremnické vrchy mountains won an attribute of the Golden Town. Gold was mined in its environs for centuries. It was also in Kremnica where golden coins were struck using the metal of the local ore. The mining past of Kremnica is witnessed to by several technical monuments.

Reštaurácia Čierna Ovca

Čierna Ovca sa nachádza na rozhraní Veľkej Fatry a Kremnických vrchov v bezprostrednej blízkosti sviežeho horského potoka. Jedinečnosť tohto prostredia znásobuje prítomnosť Harmaneckej jaskyne, ktorej návšteva začína aj končí, práve u nás. A preto doprajte kulinársky zážitok svojmu telu, v krásnom prostredí Národného parku Veľká Fatra.

Pilsner Restaurant

Vitajte v srdci Stredného Slovenska, Vitajte v Banskej bystrici, Vitajte v Plzenskej reštaurácii...

Le Roy Bar & Café

Leroy Bar & Café nie je len podnik, kde si môžete dať kvalitnú kávu, ale aj miesto, kde si môžete prísť oddýchnuť od každodenného zhonu. Snažíme sa, aby ste sa u nás cítili príjemne a po každej návšteve sa chceli ku nám znovu vrátiť.

Donovalský pivovar

Donovalský pivovar

Donovalský pivovar sa zrodil v krásnych, no drsných horách stredného Slovenska. Jeho život sa začal našim odvážnym a pritom tak prostým odhodlaním: už od počiatku variť poctivé pivo. Náš unikátny pivovar okrem útulnej reštaurácie ponúka aj čerstvé pekárenské výrobky z vlastnej pekárne a útulnú kaviareň. Milovníkom hôr prinášame osobitú skupinu pív, z ktorej je každé jedno výnimočné.

Koliba u Rytiera

Offering a garden and sun terrace, Koliba u Rytiera is situated in Zvolen, 3.2 km from Zvolen Castle. Zvolen Castle is 3.2 km from the property. Free WiFi is offered throughout the property.

Pension Klopačka

Situated in the centre of mining village Špania Dolina, Penzion Klopacka is housed in the historic miner’s building dating back from 15th century. It offers an on-site museum of traditional Slovak lace craft, a restaurant and rooms with free Wi-Fi.

Chalupa Grant

Chalupa Grant

The cottage Grant has been built on the base of a 200-year-old mining house. It is situated in the village centre with a view on the square, the opposed 750-year-old church and a huge rubble dump. In the garden you can find a swing, from which you get one of the most amazing panoramic views on the village.

Apartman Katarina

Apartman Katarina

Katarína Apartment is situated in a pleasant peaceful environment of Špania Dolina, famous for its rich mining history. The apartment is located 5 minutes from the center of the village, which houses the mining museum, a tennis and volleyball court as well as a playground for playing beach volleyball.

Chalupa Španka

Chalupa „Španka“ leží na konci rázovitej baníckej horskej obci Špania Dolina severne od Banskej Bystrice na rozhraní Nízkych Tatier a Veľkej Fatry na južnej strane zaliata slnečnými lúčmi takmer po celý deň . Chalupa bola postavená pred vyše 70 rokmi a za svojej existencie prešla niekoľkými výraznými rekonštrukčnými zmenami. Dnes po kompletnej rekonštrukcii interiéru aexteriéru spĺňa kritéria moderného bývania a rekreácie.

Hotel Sachticka

Hotel Sachticka

Horský Hotel Sachticka in Banská Bystrica has a swimming pool with a counter current and tennis courts. Saunas, a steam bath, massage tub, fitness center and horse stables are also on site.

Koliba u Rytiera

Offering a garden and sun terrace, Koliba u Rytiera is situated in Zvolen, 3.2 km from Zvolen Castle. Zvolen Castle is 3.2 km from the property. Free WiFi is offered throughout the property.

Fun arena Donovaly Trampolines

Bungee trampolines are without doubt one of the most demanded attractions of amusement parks of recent years. They are a combination of an aluminium constructions, latex rubber and a very springy trampoline, all thought up by VIV Slovakia, s.r.o. Everything is driven by precisely tuned motors. There are 4 independent trampolines on each of which the jumper, secured in a special harness fastened to the X-jump part of the trampoline, can achieve heights of up to 7m and also forward and backwards moves thanks to the rubber which also maintain the balance of the jumper.

Fun arena Donovaly E- Scooters

Discover Donovaly quickly, ecologically and comfortably from the seat of a modern e-scooter and enjoy a lot of fun on two wheels.

Fun arena Donovaly Rope centre

The rope centre is located in the forest bordering the main E77 road from Banská Bystrica and Ružomberok and with a length of more than 500m is one of the longest and largest rope centres in the whole of Slovakia.

Tiny mouse childen’s park

The Donovaly Fun Arena adrenaline centre is expanding during the summer of 2017 with a unique novelty for Slovakia - a children's aqua experience-educational park with 9 attractions, which follow one another and form one whole experience.

Fun arena Donovaly Toboggan run

Over the months April to July 2008 the second toboggan run of its kind in Slovakia from the renowned German company Wiegand took shape in the vicinity of the TELEMIX Nová hoľa cablecar station and the Husky aprés ski bar.

Fun arena Donovaly Climbing Wall

When you come into Donovaly from Ružomberok you cannot fail to miss the dominant feature by the Nová hoľa cablecar car park - at 14m high climbing wall.

Ferrata Two Towers

Ferrata Two Towers

Ferrata Dve veže is located about 4 km from the resort Gothal, in the direction of the neighboring village Liptovské Revúce. You can find it in the area that the locals used to call "Zahorovo". From the highest point of the ferrata you are offered beautiful views of the surrounding hills of the Low Tatras (Končitá, Malý Zvolen, Montenegro), Veľká Fatra (Krížna, Frčkov) and also the National Parks Veľká Fatra and Nízke Tatry, which is separated by the river Revúca.

Golf Country Club Hron Tri Duby

Golf Country Club Hron Tri Duby

Na polceste medzi Banskou Bystricou a Zvolenom, len 1 kilometer od letiska na Sliači nájdete malebné golfové ihrisko nesúce názov celej lokality - Tri duby. Golfový areál určený pre začiatočníkov aj profesionálov, širokú verejnosť aj hostí tu vyrástlo v roku 2004.

Dance Studio

Dance Studio

Divadlo Štúdio tanca je etablovaným profesionálnym tanečným divadlom. Na slovenskú scénu dlhodobo prináša autorské projekty, ktorými približuje publiku súčasný tanec a filozofiu moderného tanečného divadla.

Central Slovakia Gallery

Central Slovakia Gallery

The Central Slovakia Gallery (formerly the State Gallery in Banská Bystrica) is a gallery presenting modern and contemporary art. It focuses mainly on the presentation and documentation of free graphic arts of the latter half of the 20thcentury, as well as on contemporary art.

Postal Museum Banská Bystrica

Postal Museum Banská Bystrica

Poštové múzeum v Banskej Bystrici je unikátne múzeum svojho druhu na Slovensku. Expozícia obsahuje predmety, dokumentujúce vývoj poštovníctva, filatelistickú zbierku poštových známok aj sekciu pre deti s názvom Detská pošta.

Farský kostol Nanebovzatia Panny Márie v Banskej Bystrici

Farský kostol Nanebovzatia Panny Márie v Banskej Bystrici

Rímskokatolícky farský kostol Panny Márie je súčasťou Banskej Bystrice už sedem storočí. Postavili ho nemeckí waldbürgeri (banskí ťažiari) ako prvú stavbu Mestského hradu a dodnes je tento kostol jeho najväčšou pýchou, poukazujúcou na slávne časy Stredoveku v banských mestách stredného Slovenska.

Banská Bystrica Town Castle

Banská Bystrica Town Castle

The town castle was once formed by several ancient buildings in the central Slovakian metropolis Banská Bystrica. Its task was to protect the income proceedings of copper and silver mining for the royal treasury.

Central Slovakia Museum Banská Bystrica

Central Slovakia Museum Banská Bystrica

The Central Slovakia Museum is an institution that focuses on keeping record of the development of society and nature in Banská Bystrica region.

State Opera Banská Bystrica

State Opera Banská Bystrica

Štátna opera sídli v priestoroch Národného domu. Jeho budova bola postavená v rokoch 1927-1929. Navrhol ju významný slovenský architekt Emil Beluš. Vďaka ojedinelému architektonickému riešeniu bola stavba vyhlásená za národnú pamiatku.

Slovak Ski Museum in Podkonice

Slovak Ski Museum in Podkonice

The Slovak Ski Museum in Podkonice is a unique museum showcasing skis, some of them being more than 100 years old. Similar museums can only be found in the United States of America and in Finland, thus it is the third of its kind in the world.

Mining monuments in Kremnica

Kremnica, the town situated in central Slovakia in Kremnické vrchy mountains won an attribute of the Golden Town. Gold was mined in its environs for centuries. It was also in Kremnica where golden coins were struck using the metal of the local ore. The mining past of Kremnica is witnessed to by several technical monuments.